Navy or Air Force

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I just graduated college with a degree in aviation. I have been researching the military and am trying to look at the difference between the air force and the navy. I would like to go in as an officer so will be a long commitment. My main concern is which one will I have a better chance at getting a pilot position. Some one told me that since the air force is mainly pilots its actually harder to get a flying gig then in the Navy. Just looking for feed back as to which might be a better career choice for a pilot.
Ive always heard that its much easier to be a navy pilot, because they leave much more quickly. Im not in the military though.
Air National Guard, never look back.

You're welcome!
Quote: Air National Guard, never look back.

You're welcome!
The OP should be thanking this gentleman and scholar!!
I think the best gig is the Army's flying warrant program. Get C-12s right out of the gate (I think they're doing that now), and you'll get 20 years of FLYING, hardly any of it behind a desk.

Honestly, I'd love to tell you to go with the Navy, but right now we're pinching all the wrong pennies. Morale seems lower lately across the board. Op tempo is up. When civilians retire or move on to greener pastures, it's cheaper to throw their job duties at an officer who, by the way, already has a full time job.

Combine that with the perceived anti-pilot bias in the O-4 boards of late, and I feel like I'd be doing you a disservice recommending the Navy.

I'm sure pilots from every service share many of the same concerns... and 5 years from now, the Navy could be the best thing going, so YMMV / take it with a grain of salt.
Quote: air national guard, never look back.

You're welcome! :d
this! This! This!
Wouldn't Coast Guard aviation be another potential route for some of these aspiring aviators as well. I don't hear that branch mentioned much, so wondering what the deal is there... Seems like that might be a great situation for some.
As a Naval Aviator flying with the Air Force (UPT T-6 IP) I can tell you without any doubt whatsoever that the correct choice is....

The Guard.
Navy or Air Force
The OP asked which branch he'd have the best chance of flying in. The Air Force has the most aircraft, so.....seems like a no brainer to me. That's what I based my choice on. But I'm definitely not the smartest peanut in the turd, so take it for what it's worth.
I retired a long time ago so things may have changed, but when I was in Air Force pilots flew as their main job and had a few or no additional duties. Navy pilots were expected to be naval officers and have a job and then flew.
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