Wake up call for the rest of Europe

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So Shy please explain what you would like to do to end violent crime in our cities and why it should take away from the effort to prevent violence from people who have proclaimed and demonstrated a desire to kill us.
Crickets, but that is to be expected.

Shy, take a look at just one city in the US, and then tell us what the real problem is and how to fix it.

Quote: Shy Guy (loose translation): We don't start WWIII when mentally ill people commit mass murder, so why should we when sane people commit mass murder?

ATPWannabe (looser translation): Well said! And if we just listened to the muslim terrorists, we would know that they aren't getting the jobs they think they should have, and we aren't exercising the foreign policy they think we should, so if we don't change and do what they say then we deserve mass murder!

...reminds me of another eloquent spokesperson: "the mind is a terrible thing, and it must be stopped in our lifetime, before it kills somebody" (about 5:05 in the video) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BerJdS2VJhA

Wow....when ignorance is bliss! You take the cake my friend.

Quote: Wow....when ignorance is bliss! You take the cake my friend.
Great, I like cake. So I probably went too far in translating "we deserve mass murder", but as far as the rest, do you consider the "terrorists" have legitimate grievances?
By the way, I've lived overseas for a decade, I've been the "other", and I think everyone has a legitimate grievance about something. I may be ignorant about many things -- most things, more likely -- but some things I follow quite observantly. Whether it is Paris, London, Paris, Madrid, New York, Indonesia, New York, Malaysia, the Philippines, Bali, Beslan, Nairobi, or Ft Hood, there is a common denominator to the mass shootings. Think about it...or remain in ignorance.
You forgot San Bernardino.
Quote: Shy, surely you understand that the only remedy for a madman with a gun involves a good guy with a gun.

Unless of course you have developed some alternate plan which you might share with us.
Yes, how'd that madman get the gun in the first place? Because in most of these cases, they purchased it legally themselves. There should be a mental sanity check, a medical background check to weed out the crazies. Yes we have the 2A and a constitutional right, but if the state can limit purchase away from those who are felons in the interest of safety, then we should be doing something similar for the mental kooks too. And no, mental kooks don't go out and buy guns illegally off the street.
Quote: You forgot San Bernardino.
Perhaps let the bodies cool before throwing stones? It's still developing. It's pretty messed up a husband and wife would leave their infant baby behind at a family's house and then go do this. Terrorism or work place violence, fact remains so far that this guy was a US citizen and was frequenting a website for relationships for those with disabilities......

"Co-worker Patrick Baccari told the Los Angeles Times that Farook recently visited Saudi Arabia to meet a woman he met online. They returned as husband and wife. Farook had a profile set up on iMilap.com, which describes itself as "a site for people with disabilities and second marriage."

Which does bring us full circle back to, the insanity of continuing unfettered access to legally purchase guns to those who are mentally disabled and should not legally be allowed to own them.
Quote: You forgot San Bernardino.
You forgot C Springs
Quote: Yes, how'd that madman get the gun in the first place? Because in most of these cases, they purchased it legally themselves. There should be a mental sanity check, a medical background check to weed out the crazies. Yes we have the 2A and a constitutional right, but if the state can limit purchase away from those who are felons in the interest of safety, then we should be doing something similar for the mental kooks too. And no, mental kooks don't go out and buy guns illegally off the street.
Somehow you are foolish enough to think criminals and terrorists will waltz into a licensed dealer and comply with laws pertaining to gun control or murder.

The naive actually burns here, criminals and terrorist don't care about laws.
With more than 300 million weapons in circulation, you seem to imagine no black market exists. Do you think there is not a black market in illegal drugs?
Quote: Yes, how'd that madman get the gun in the first place? Because in most of these cases, they purchased it legally themselves. There should be a mental sanity check, a medical background check to weed out the crazies. Yes we have the 2A and a constitutional right, but if the state can limit purchase away from those who are felons in the interest of safety, then we should be doing something similar for the mental kooks too. And no, mental kooks don't go out and buy guns illegally off the street.
What about background checks for pipes and plumbing hardware, or radio-control toys (since the "alleged" "workplace violence" perpetrators reportedly had made pipe bombs and rigged RC toys as remote-control bombs).

An evil ideology will find another weapon if you thwart it.

(And since the primary suspect apparently worked with his victims, I would bet that yes, it will be spun as "workplace violence" by those who have a political need to).

I actually favor keeping firearms out of the hands of those who have demonstrated evil intent. The conundrum is if you let that camel get its nose under the tent (sorry), it makes it too easy for a government to ban ALL firearms.

And that is arguably as bad as having automatic weapons in the hands of lunatics and terrorists.

And, not what the founding Fathers had in mind.
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