New Son Of ASA/Expressjet Thread

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Quote: Obviously. And I don't need a lesson on this fact.

But thanks for answering the question. Past actions have shown otherwise.

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Hmmm. Passive Aggressive. You might want to seek professional help for that but you probably don't need a lesson on that either.
Quote: Hmmm. Passive Aggressive. You might want to seek professional help for that but you probably don't need a lesson on that either.

Was that difficult to arrive at? Considering how so may of us happen to be Type A?

Enjoy your Kansas Day!

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Where the hell is this LOA? Enough with building the suspense already; just send the damn thing out!
Quote: Where the hell is this LOA? Enough with building the suspense already; just send the damn thing out!
Probably waiting until 1700. Flip lights with left hand, click send with right. Save phone calls for Monday.
I heard from a credible source it will be out on Monday
Quote: I heard from a credible source it will be out on Monday

That's when the ERJ LOA will be out.
"Good news coming just around the corner"

Corporate phsycology at its finest. I was told this in 2014 exactly 2 years after my friend was given the same line. Another was told the same thing a year prior. The exact quote was "I think you'll be sorry in two to three months that you left"

There has to be a tourniquet applied to stop all the bleeding. I.e. What combination of syllables and or grunting sounds do I need to use to keep fewer people from jumping ship?
I seldom post here anymore. My time of trying to make ASA a better place has passed. So why now? It's pretty obvious that we the pilots are facing a rather bleak decision and career outlook in the coming weeks. My goal isn't to influence how anyone votes, but to instead encourage everyone to look at the bigger picture.
First, look at the regional industry itself. Richard Anderson started the game of constantly shifting the flying around with new SHORT TERM contracts. After successfully lowering costs, Doug Parker and UAL's CEO of the week joined the race. While all the regional pilot groups tried to rally the troops against "lowering the bar", they missed the point altogether. IT'S NEVER BEEN ABOUT WHO HAS THE BEST OR WORST CONTRACT !!!! It's about something I call JUNIORITY. There is NO contract XJT can sign that can compete with 2-3 year captains. Can't happen, won't happen.
SKW inc. knows this! It's the very reason their corporate business plan has concentrated on getting all the new RFP's over at Skywest Airlines to lower the upgrade time and average seniority. XJT's average seniority is now among the highest if not THE highest in the entire regional industry. THERE IS NO FIX FOR THIS! Our MEC is doing their very best and has pointed out many times that if our company would concentrate its efforts on flow-thru agreements and other career advancement opportunities, that it could lower our average seniority. There's a reason that's never going to happen. It's the same reason DL only offered "preferential interviews" to the Endeavor pilots.
What I'm about to say isn't meant to criticize our senior pilots. The majority living on the senior end of the list are great aviators. The experience and stories there are incredible. DL, AA and UAL would be glad to negotiate deals to offer those pilots interviews IF THEY WANTED TO GO! Most of them don't. BUT, that end of the seniority list is also home to a significant percentage of guys that the legacies don't want; the top 50 on the FO's no fly list, no Bachelor's degree, poor people skills or perhaps a blemish on their record from decades ago.
So these contract extensions we are being asked to sign have only one purpose; to steady the ship while Inc. systematically offloads the precious cargo. (the flying contracts) We may see a few short term extensions with our partners and perhaps even a short term award. But the bigger picture has been painted. The long term goal is to reset the regional industry as a stepping stone to the majors. It was never meant to be a final stop on the career ladder.
My opinion is that whether we approve these contracts or not, unless we can figure out a way to lower our average seniority by A LOT, the end result will be the same. On one hand it will buy us time. On the other; What makes us different than Comair right now?
I've been saying that increasing first year pay alone will not attract pilots that aren't already interests in coming here. Management needs fleet growth (faster upgrade) in order to attract pilots. As for super seniority, most of those pilots wouldn't leave even if we had a pure flow.
Yeah, if they were really interested in keeping us in business they would offer buyout packages to the senior folks mentioned above to get them off the top of the list. I know of one guy that has the cash to retire, but stays only for medical insurance. Offer to pay benefits till he hits 65 and he would be gone. Packages are done all the time in business and I am sure the union would agree to it. It benefits everyone involved. For now, sign in LOA 15, get that extra per diem and you can afford the steak at Chipoltle instead of the chicken.
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