More bad news for Trans States Pilots

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Quote: You're saying the end is a horse?
Old English saying... (?)... I think...

Either way, we are F'd*

Pay scale
55-80 Passenger Seat Jet Aircraft
1st year $ 60.00 $ 60.90 $ 61.81 $ 62.74 $ 63.68 $ 64.64
2nd year $ 61.47 $ 62.39 $ 63.33 $ 64.28 $ 65.24 $ 66.22
3rd year $ 62.98 $ 63.92 $ 64.88 $ 65.86 $ 66.84 $ 67.85
4th year $ 64.52 $ 65.49 $ 66.47 $ 67.47 $ 68.48 $ 69.51
5th year $ 66.10 $ 67.09 $ 68.10 $ 69.12 $ 70.16 $ 71.21
6th year $ 68.07 $ 69.09 $ 70.13 $ 71.18 $ 72.25 $ 73.33
7th year $ 70.14 $ 71.19 $ 72.26 $ 73.34 $ 74.44 $ 75.56
8th year $ 72.27 $ 73.35 $ 74.45 $ 75.57 $ 76.70 $ 77.86
9th year $ 74.47 $ 75.59 $ 76.72 $ 77.87 $ 79.04 $ 80.23
10th year $ 76.76 $ 77.91 $ 79.08 $ 80.27 $ 81.47 $ 82.69
11th year $ 79.09 $ 80.28 $ 81.48 $ 82.70 $ 83.94 $ 85.20
12th year $ 81.69 $ 82.92 $ 84.16 $ 85.42 $ 86.70 $ 88.00
13th year $ 83.99 $ 85.25 $ 86.53 $ 87.83 $ 89.14 $ 90.48
14th year $ 86.55 $ 87.85 $ 89.17 $ 90.50 $ 91.86 $ 93.24
15th year $ 90.00 $ 91.35 $ 92.72 $ 94.11 $ 95.52 $ 96.96
First Officer
1st year $23.00 $23.35 $23.70 $24.05 $24.41 $24.78
2nd year $30.00 $30.45 $30.91 $31.37 $31.84 $32.32
3rd year $34.00 $34.51 $35.03 $35.55 $36.09 $36.63
4th year $35.00 $35.53 $36.06 $36.60 $37.15 $37.70
In the event the Company places into revenue service jet aircraft with fewer than
55 passenger seats, the hourly rates applicable to such aircraft will be as follows:

1st year $ 55.05 $55.88 $56.71 $57.56 $58.43 $59.30
2nd year $ 56.82 $57.67 $58.54 $59.42 $60.31 $61.21
3rd year $ 58.57 $59.45 $60.34 $61.25 $62.16 $63.10
4th year $ 60.33 $61.23 $62.15 $63.09 $64.03 $64.99
5th year $ 62.08 $63.01 $63.96 $64.92 $65.89 $66.88
6th year $ 63.84 $64.80 $65.77 $66.76 $67.76 $68.77
7th year $ 65.81 $66.80 $67.80 $68.82 $69.85 $70.90
8th year $ 68.00 $69.02 $70.06 $71.11 $72.17 $73.26
9th year $ 70.02 $71.07 $72.14 $73.22 $74.32 $75.43
10th year $ 72.19 $73.27 $74.37 $75.49 $76.62 $77.77
11th year $ 74.17 $75.28 $76.41 $77.56 $78.72 $79.90
12th year $ 76.49 $77.64 $78.80 $79.98 $81.18 $82.40
13th year $ 78.72 $79.90 $81.10 $82.32 $83.55 $84.80
14th year $ 81.19 $82.41 $83.64 $84.90 $86.17 $87.46
15th year $ 81.54 $82.76 $84.00 $85.26 $86.54 $87.84

First Officer
1st year $23.00 $23.35 $23.70 $24.05 $24.41 $24.78
2nd year $30.00 $30.45 $30.91 $31.37 $31.84 $32.32
3rd year $34.00 $34.51 $35.03 $35.55 $36.09 $36.63
4th year $35.00 $35.53 $36.06 $36.60 $37.15 $37.70
Not trying to get off thread here but I an observation. I am a part 91/135 corporate pilot currently unemployed looking for work. I am doing some contract work but things being the way they are not getting much. Not in a position where I can move. Now dont get me wrong I chose this side of Aviation and I really prefer it. I do however want to keep flying as long as I can and a comutable position would be a good fit for me. Not many airlines are hiring and if I were to get hired by GoJet I would be scum and a scab and any number of other of unethical things a person can be called because " I would be taking someone else's lively hood". My question is why is it ok to do it to us in the 91/135. So many of these guys wanted to fly for the airlines and now that the big F has put so many out on the street they are flooding into our jobs. I understand the desire to keep flying but here lately every interview I have attended there were several regionial guys there and in at least 3 cases the job went to them because they took the job for less money. If that happened in the 121 world everyone would be all up in arms but I guess its ok when it happens in 91. I dont bear anyone ill will but I think you should look at the whole picture before you start calling names.
Quote: Not trying to get off thread here but I an observation. I am a part 91/135 corporate pilot currently unemployed looking for work. I am doing some contract work but things being the way they are not getting much. Not in a position where I can move. Now dont get me wrong I chose this side of Aviation and I really prefer it. I do however want to keep flying as long as I can and a comutable position would be a good fit for me. Not many airlines are hiring and if I were to get hired by GoJet I would be scum and a scab and any number of other of unethical things a person can be called because " I would be taking someone else's lively hood". My question is why is it ok to do it to us in the 91/135. So many of these guys wanted to fly for the airlines and now that the big F has put so many out on the street they are flooding into our jobs. I understand the desire to keep flying but here lately every interview I have attended there were several regionial guys there and in at least 3 cases the job went to them because they took the job for less money. If that happened in the 121 world everyone would be all up in arms but I guess its ok when it happens in 91. I dont bear anyone ill will but I think you should look at the whole picture before you start calling names.
I doubt that they are taking the jobs for less money. It is just a simple matter that they have more experience and they will be easier to insure in a 91 corporate environment or a Part 135 environment. Put yourself in the shoes of the guy doing the hiring. Do you take a guy for a freight dog job that has little instrument experience and barely makes the 135 mins, or the furloughed airline pilot with a fews years experience flying complex jet airplanes?
Quote: I doubt that they are taking the jobs for less money. It is just a simple matter that they have more experience and they will be easier to insure in a 91 corporate environment or a Part 135 environment. Put yourself in the shoes of the guy doing the hiring. Do you take a guy for a freight dog job that has little instrument experience and barely makes the 135 mins, or the furloughed airline pilot with a fews years experience flying complex jet airplanes?
I think you misunderstood what gtippin was saying. I think he was saying that every interview he goes to for a flight department or jet owner, he sees plenty of furloughed regional guys. Based on the post I'm inferring that he also has complex jet time and might be type rated in a couple of aircraft. The reason he may not be getting the job is that the regional guys are getting the job because they will fly for less (possibly below avg 91/135 rates) than gtippin.
Quote: In the event the Company places into revenue service jet aircraft with fewer than
55 passenger seats, the hourly rates applicable to such aircraft will be as follows:

1st year $ 55.05 $55.88 $56.71 $57.56 $58.43 $59.30
2nd year $ 56.82 $57.67 $58.54 $59.42 $60.31 $61.21
3rd year $ 58.57 $59.45 $60.34 $61.25 $62.16 $63.10
4th year $ 60.33 $61.23 $62.15 $63.09 $64.03 $64.99
5th year $ 62.08 $63.01 $63.96 $64.92 $65.89 $66.88
6th year $ 63.84 $64.80 $65.77 $66.76 $67.76 $68.77
7th year $ 65.81 $66.80 $67.80 $68.82 $69.85 $70.90
8th year $ 68.00 $69.02 $70.06 $71.11 $72.17 $73.26
9th year $ 70.02 $71.07 $72.14 $73.22 $74.32 $75.43
10th year $ 72.19 $73.27 $74.37 $75.49 $76.62 $77.77
11th year $ 74.17 $75.28 $76.41 $77.56 $78.72 $79.90
12th year $ 76.49 $77.64 $78.80 $79.98 $81.18 $82.40
13th year $ 78.72 $79.90 $81.10 $82.32 $83.55 $84.80
14th year $ 81.19 $82.41 $83.64 $84.90 $86.17 $87.46
15th year $ 81.54 $82.76 $84.00 $85.26 $86.54 $87.84

First Officer
1st year $23.00 $23.35 $23.70 $24.05 $24.41 $24.78
2nd year $30.00 $30.45 $30.91 $31.37 $31.84 $32.32
3rd year $34.00 $34.51 $35.03 $35.55 $36.09 $36.63
4th year $35.00 $35.53 $36.06 $36.60 $37.15 $37.70
You could have just said GJ 50 seats pay the same as TSA, except for 2nd year FO.
Hey guys thanks for not blasting me. I am currently sitting at about 4100tt with 5 type ratings and 1500 turbine pic.all jet, also current 135. Please understand I dont begrudge anyone the ability to make a living.
not one person has responded with the reason not to go to gj. the difference between that and a 121 guy taking another job in 91/135 is that gj was created as an alter-ego by the same holding company, to circumvent the tsa pilot group. and now, every new hire there directly results in a trans states (the "sister" company) furlough, especially if this "rumor" of 50 seaters at gj comes to be true. that is the difference. not blasting you, but there is no comparison between the two. they were created and are still used to hold the tsa pilot group down.
What would stop TSA Holdings or any other company for that matter, from just creating another company? You would never get senior; you may never see 5 year pay.

Companies would just start a new company and tell everyone to move over and start them back at first year pay...over and over and over....
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