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cadetdrivr 01-05-2018 09:10 AM

Originally Posted by sailingfun (Post 2496206)
On top of that there is of course the RJDC founded at Comair.

There’s not enough faceplams to explain the RJDC to those that don’t know what it was.

DG1000 01-05-2018 09:16 AM

Originally Posted by sailingfun (Post 2496206)
I am still trying to wrap my mind around how a Comair pilot could claim the MEC did not support the position I posted given the letter directly from their MEC. On top of that there is of course the RJDC founded at Comair.

Does your MEC support your position? Do you unquestionably support all of theirs?

John Carr 01-05-2018 10:13 AM

Originally Posted by sailingfun (Post 2496206)
I am still trying to wrap my mind around how a Comair pilot could claim the MEC did not support the position I posted given the letter directly from their MEC. On top of that there is of course the RJDC founded at Comair.

I agree.

I was simply saying, the completely idiotic actions of an MEC does not ALWAYS constitute a rebellion/recall/coup.

sailingfun 01-05-2018 12:31 PM

Originally Posted by DG1000 (Post 2496221)
Does your MEC support your position? Do you unquestionably support all of theirs?

When the MEC’s at Delta have not supported the overall pilot wishes recalls motions have been quick to follow with many passing and leading to votes. There was not even a single motion made by a single pilot at Comair.
Regardless the OP claimed the MEC at Comair did not support not hiring Delta furloughed pilots. The letter points out a vastly different position.

DG1000 01-06-2018 10:28 AM

Originally Posted by sailingfun (Post 2478064)
Unions do not control or merge seniority lists. Management controls that.

You are the OP of this, correct?

sailingfun 01-06-2018 05:34 PM

Originally Posted by DG1000 (Post 2497071)
You are the OP of this, correct?

Yes, what does it have to do with the Comair MEC gleefully supporting not hiring Delta pilots?

DG1000 01-06-2018 07:11 PM

Originally Posted by sailingfun (Post 2497331)
Yes, what does it have to do with the Comair MEC gleefully supporting not hiring Delta pilots?

I didn’t take that MEC letter to indicate any glee. Perhaps you did. That’s your opinion and you have the right to it.

ecam 01-07-2018 05:55 AM

I was there too.

What's missing here is the quid pro quo. In 2000, DALPA laughed the ASA and CMR MECs off the floor of the BOD for suggesting a merger should take place. Then back door discussions within ALPA about merging ASA/CMR, then stapling to the bottom of DAL ensued. Talks broke down when senior folks got wind of it and demanded integration. DALPA told the MECs to pound sand and walked away. Did you know that ASA and CMR had a handshake MOU for a DOH integration of the two seniority lists? Fact. This was a prerequisite of the deal.

Suddenly, the world fell apart and Delta Air Lines furloughed. Now DALPA wanted something! The idea was to staple the RJ pilots and use us as cannon fodder to protect mainline. CMR told DALPA to pound sand, we would only take an integration at that point, for obvious reasons. ASA was along for the ride. They were just happy to be there. DALPA asked (demanded) that ASA and CMR hire DAL furloughees, not requiring resignation. The ASA MEC went to their shell management (controlled by DAL) and management said they would do it; they needed pilots in the seats. We went to CMR shell management (controlled by DAL) and they said no way, they didn't want to spend money training people who wouldn't be around long. Then CMR management (controlled by DAL) told us if we wanted to NEGOTIATE and give something up to get DAL furloughees on property, they were willing to meet. Well, asking us to give concessions to get DAL furloughees on property as newhires, while ASA went along willingly was unreasonable, but management would not relent. So we went to DALPA with a counterproposal. Scope relief for the concessions management was requesting, and hiring the furloughs. DALPA lost their minds and spun the whole thing into a sob story about those mean Comair pilots screwing their furloughees. As these things usually go, the misinformation spread like wild fire through the crew lounges and web boards, but only a handful of people knew the real inside story. By the time the truth came out, it was too late. The well was already poisoned, and sadly, is still poisoned to this day. And the real victims are the CMR line pilots who had no say in the decision making, just did their jobs and went home, but endured a decade of abuse in jumpseats and were denied jobs at DAL (and even other airlines) due to the toxic attitude attached to Comair.

So Sailingfun, if you were really there at the table, you know this. But I expect in reality, you were just one of the bigmouths on the ALPA web boards receiving and spreading crap. For you to hold up a lack of successful recalls as a showpiece that the rank and file supported the MEC only further shows you know nothing about ALPA's CBL and the MEC PPMs. Local recalls are intentionally difficult to orchestrate, (despite the soap opera constantly going on within DALPA) and we all thought the MEC was towing a fine line as best they could. We didn't know the intricate details at the time, but nobody thought concessions were a good idea AFTER WE HAD JUST SPENT 89 DAYS ON STRIKE 2 YEARS EARLIER (btw, SF, let me know when you get your battle star). So spare me the sanctimonious lectures from your bully pulpit, sport. I was there, and you're full of crap.

intrepidcv11 01-07-2018 10:21 AM

So basically u demanded large RJ scope relief in order to hire furloughed Delta Pilots when our profession was at one of our lowest points? So as a Union member you proactively supported a Gutter B scale wage for all small narrowbody flying in the US? Thankfully DAL ALPA slaughtered you and the RJDC guys got what they deserved based on quid pro quo of course.

brasiliae120 01-07-2018 12:44 PM

There wasn't any agreement between the ASA and Comair groups on integration, their MEC had been approached prior to the ASA acquisition by a certain individual who felt that Delta was going to acquire both airlines. In order to preclude either airline from digging into a strongly held position, it was suggested that the two parties should enter into a prenuptial agreement of sorts.

At this point, a date of hire seniority merger between the two groups would have been much more easily achievable. JC, Corey, Bill, Dan, and others where divided by the proposal. Dan, in particular held that since Comair had more RJ's on the property that they should be afforded a more superior negotiating position, I had to laugh.

Comair pressed the issue going forward and unfortunately never really made any further efforts after the purchase of both of our respective companies to merge our pilot groups.

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