Interesting take on Negotiations

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IMO, this article was written for the average person not in management or the union. Consumers and citizens today are anti-union and pro-job creators, and this is just fuel for a potential release. It plants the seeds of 'those darn union guys' in the heads of flyers and makes it think that any and all hiccups are the pilots fault, not management. It was written at a sixth grade reading level with no real insight or numbers, just gossip and opinion. The thoughts of "The union is a mess and the government won't help" go great with "management just wants to stay competitive".

I really won't worry about her, as she probably hasn't had a real job in her life.
Quote: Or be AWOL from your military unit that let you become a pilot by being able to "bypass" hundreds of QUALIFIED candidates" because of your name, and then you can go on to stagnate the pilot seniority lists for another five years! must be quite the negotiator for "the other side" krudawg! Management material/anti-pilot at its finest! Are you sure you're on the right forum? This one is for PILOTS...........not management wannabe's. Keep voting to send our profession down the toilet and then wonder why we're being treated like this..................
Spare us Karl.
Quote: Spare us Karl.
Spare you what? The truth? I'd really like to see all the pilots who's careers soared under GWB, seriously, please let us know. I'd certainly beg to differ, and your name BTW? Or are you too *Smizek* to put it out there like you do mine? Come on, man up..... (my bet is you'd NEVER put your name on your posts because you'd be too embarrassed..............wanna bet?)
Quote: Or be AWOL from your military unit that let you become a pilot by being able to "bypass" hundreds of QUALIFIED candidates" because of your name, and then you can go on to stagnate the pilot seniority lists for another five years! must be quite the negotiator for "the other side" krudawg! Management material/anti-pilot at its finest! Are you sure you're on the right forum? This one is for PILOTS...........not management wannabe's. Keep voting to send our profession down the toilet and then wonder why we're being treated like this..................
Gee, I must have hit a nerve. Why don't you grab your crayon box and write a manefesto about why you hate GWB so much. You can use the one Ted Kazynski wrote as a template. I'm sure we would all like to read your rantings about your hate for America and capitalism. I can hardly wait.
Quote: In reality the question becomes how many 70 seaters and how to push flying back to mainline as the regional hull numbers decline.
It's not so much of how many (insert whatever seating capacity here) seaters so much as how MUCH/what percentage are they going to be allowed to do.

The current L-UAL 50% level done with ANY size equipment as long as it's 70 seats of less is way, way too much.
Quote: Spare us Karl.
That explains alot...........
Quote: That explains alot...........
Nothing to do with Marx.
Quote: Nothing to do with Marx.
Or a HOT Karl either hopefully....
Quote: Nothing to do with Marx.
Or a HOT Karl either hopefully....
That would really ruin his super sharp professional appearance.
Quote: And not only that, you can be a community organizer, whatever that is, and become President of the United States.
Just helps make the point. PR doesn't matter. Dollars matter.

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