Credit where its due

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LCAL guppy guy here. Got to actually enjoy some perks of the job this week with some personal travel. My travels included two LUAL airbus trips. They were both great flights. Ontime, cabin crew was professional and friendly. Couple of the F/A's were actually outstanding.

I have to say as a guy whose *** has spent many hours DHing in a 737, The AB coach seats are noticeably more comfortable than the 737 seats. Free movie to kill the time. Pilots were professional and informative (just enough, I cant stand mouthy p.a. loving crews)

Kudo's to the LUAL crews on these flights. Really enjoyed the trips and the paying customers seemed to be having a good experience as well.

I think this merger may actually work if we can wade through all the other bullchit that goes along with it. Peace.
Quote: I have to say as a guy whose *** has spent many hours DHing in a 737, The AB coach seats are noticeably more comfortable than the 737 seats.
Concur. Can't speak to the performance side of it, but the seats and cabin in the LUAL Buses are definitely better than the LCAL Guppies.
Quote: Concur. Can't speak to the performance side of it, but the seats and cabin in the LUAL Buses are definitely better than the LCAL Guppies.
Not to mention the cockpit. Fortunately for me I will never have to fly a guppy again as a pilot. I"ll just stay in the Airbus until it goes away then go fly the A-350. Have 3 Boeing type ratings, and not looking to get any more.
Quote: Concur. Can't speak to the performance side of it, but the seats and cabin in the LUAL Buses are definitely better than the LCAL Guppies.
I agree the AB is more comfortable.... If only it had Directv, a few more seats, a little longer range and used a little less fuel...
Quote: Not to mention the cockpit. Fortunately for me I will never have to fly a guppy again as a pilot. I"ll just stay in the Airbus until it goes away then go fly the A-350. Have 3 Boeing type ratings, and not looking to get any more.
Haven't heard much bad about the Bus but I don't mind the 737 and don't really understand why everyone looks down their nose at it (not wild about the ER). I'm long past the "gee whiz" phase about airplanes (don't think I ever had one). They buy, I fly.
Yea, I have 4 Boeing type ratings and they are all the same to me. I don't bid one over the other for the coach seat or even the cockpit seat. The 737NG seats are much better than any older Boeing seat (old 737/757/767). Cockpit size? Who cares, I'm not jogging up there, I'm sitting. Systems? Who cares, they all fly the same. Besides the NG has better instruments than those old Boeings.

I'm in the 737 because I don't have to fly all night to some place my phone won't work for 24 hours or more.
Uh....the thread was about a good job by the LUAL crews...not a guppy vs FiFi throwdown...carry on.
Quote: Uh....the thread was about a good job by the LUAL crews...not a guppy vs FiFi throwdown...carry on.
Not a throwdown. Just expresssing how nice the Airbus is. I've had 2 or 3 CAL guys come in the jumpseat for a flight and tell me they are going to leave the 737 for the Airbus once its open to them.

Its the best commercial airplane I've flown from both a comfort perspective and a workflow perspective.
Quote: Not a throwdown. Just expresssing how nice the Airbus is.
Roger that...I just know where these things tend to go.
Quote: Its the best commercial airplane I've flown from both a comfort perspective and a workflow perspective.
I was on my second trip on the A320 at US when I realized it's the perfect jet for me ... since I'm basically a lazy SOB who likes to be comfortable. The office is great and the workload is low. What more can you ask for?
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