UAL offer street hires classes?

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Quote: Of course not. Each individual situation is different. With your situation AA might be a better choice.

What I am trying to say, is that if things are equal, and most of the time they are not, I think AA is going to be messed up more and longer than UAL. Think hard about your decisions. If offered, possibly use AA to work until you get a real offer?
I completely understand what you are saying. What is for sure is that each merger has its share of messes. How bad AA/US turns out to be in comparison to UA will be interesting for sure.
Quote: I would be reluctant to do that. Whenever I switch to a shorter line at the grocery store, it stalls completely, while the line I was in goes to warp drive.
So true....!
Quote: I would be reluctant to do that. Whenever I switch to a shorter line at the grocery store, it stalls completely, while the line I was in goes to warp drive.
Reminds me of Michael Bolton in traffic in the movie Office Space.
Dave Fizgerald said
Not to rain on the parade, but the AMR integration is going to be a mess.

First, is the senioriety hassle. The USAir guys are not going to stop fighting till they retire or die. The APA weenies are used to stapling everyone at the bottom, and that's not going to happen either.
True, but like I said, the UsAir guys are ancient. Age 65 will get em pretty quick. AMR hasn't hired anybody in forever and they have A-319/320/321s on order out the wazoo. Not to mention the 777-300s.

Second, current AMR management has run them into the ground and desperately trying to maintain control post bankruptcy, not sure they can, so the fight to stay in charge will be long and fugly.
Say wha? Horton is out after 1 year as Chairman. Just like ol' Tilty. Chucky is running the show. USAir gets 4 board seats, AMR 3. Done deal as of Feb 15.

AA merger should be treated as a leper colony until proven otherwise. Huge gamble to go there. hires there won't happen till they get their SLI done--could be a while so don't hold your breath. Still lots of furloughs to go through, and then there is the TWA suit--even better.
New hires are coming aboard RIGHT NOW. Just like here at ol' UAL (soon). Can't wait for the integration, there is an airline to run.

I'm UAL and think their mess will be a whole lot worse than my mess. My advice, stay away. As bad as it is and incompetant management current UAL, and I don't believe I'm saying this, I'd come here over AA any day
My money says they won't take anywhere near as long as THIS mess. 3 years plus for integration??? And so what if they do?? AMR already has a good contract. Jan 2014, they are UAL -8%. 2016 parity with DAL/UAL average. Been reading their MOU this morn. APA kicked some bk ***.

Quote: Just my opinion, but I would put AA/USA at the top of that list. USA guys are ancient, and AA guys are old. Not so much the AmWest guys, but they are few. Check out their order book and retirements. They are going to need a TON of pilots over there. I'm just sayin...

I honestly doubt there is much, if any, growth in those orders. You'll see airplanes retired at about the same rate as they are delivered. This is likely true for all of the majors. The growth will be at cheaper partners, like the regionals as well as the foreign alliance members.
The growth will be at cheaper partners, like the regionals as well as the foreign alliance members.
It will be hard to grow the regionals because of the pilot shortage. Foreign carriers may be cheaper, overall, but almost all foreign carriers pay their pilots more than the US carriers do....that is why so many US guys are going overseas....or going to overseas airlines that are creating more and more commuting schedules and US bases for the US pilots.
Anyone else who got the email get a call yet
Quote: Anyone else who got the email get a call yet
No call here.
Some calls went out on Friday.
No call yet here. Anyone got one with any details?
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