Allegiant Air

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Quote: At a legacy? That's hard to believe unless you count time off in hotels as good QOL. All you have to do is post your monthly TAFB.
TAFB is a misleading, myopic way of looking at QOL and it feeds into the "home every night" fallacy. His schedule is mostly single days off, it took him 4 or 5 months before he held 3 days off in a row. He is routinely scheduled to finish late with 10-12 hours rest and work early the next day. When you figure in his drive to work, how much is he really home? Going into his single days off he usually finishes after 2200 and his next working day has report time between 0530-0700. Ask him how many times he bids for early reports to finish early so he can do things with the family and how many times he is 3 plus hours late ruining those plans.

On reserve I was always on long call, I couldn't be touched before 1000 on day one, and if not used on final day released at 1000. Unless your next day off is flexible(only one of those a month) then you are released at 1500. There is a computerized aggressive pick up system for reserves that honors seniority. When I was on reserve my schedule never had single days off(contractually illegal) and always had blocks of 4-7 days off. I was able to trade days to improve my schedule monthly. Also we have a VDO(volunteer day off) option that is a easy way to improve your schedule and make extra money. As a lineholder its not even close! Every May I go to the Indy 500, no big deal I ended up with 05/21-06/5 off and used no vacation. Not a chance a junior guy at Allegiant could score that.

Look, I can go on and on all day long, if your battle cry is "how many nights does he sleep in his bed vs how many nights I sleep in mine." You win! BUT if you want to compare who has a better schedule, more days off, able to have a life, when I am off at home I am not a zombie, and control over/modify my schedule it's not even close.

I don't have a Crashpad either. I have had to buy 3 hotel rooms this year, 1 as a lineholder and 2 as a reserve.
Quote: TAFB is a bad benchmark to use. At G4 I get maybe 100-130 TAFB if I have a hard line. Sure I'm home every night, but with numerous single days off and no real big blocks of days off. Less days off in general. At a legacy (including SWA) you'll probably see 200-300 TAFB depending on your seniority and how well you bid. But if you can pull 3 day trips with 4-5 or more blocks of days off in between I'd argue your QOL is going to be better due to the quality and length of days you have off. Just because you're home every night doesn't mean you end up any less tired after working 2-3 days in a row and if you only have 1-2 days off you're just getting back to normal when you start again. I have a friend who's junior at SWA and he's already got a line for July with an awarded 19 days off. One block of 7 and the rest blocks of 4. He just showed me how he's modified it and now has 22 days off with more credit and bigger blocks of days off. We'll NEVER see that here regardless of your seniority. He's not even a year in yet!! So yes, if I can get that kind of schedule with a real CBA with work rules, but it means 3-4 day trips SIGN ME UP. And this is under their current CBA...imagine how bad it's going to blow ours out of the water when they get their next one.

So you can argue that this TA (sure to pass despite us no voters) is going to make G4 a career airline, but without solid work rules (which this TA sorely lacks) it really isn't going to be a good career airline. Pay rates are such a small part of the equation, yet it's all the masses here seem to be able to see. I've argued and discussed at length with numerous people the short falls this thing has and all I hear is "think of the money we are leaving on the table" or "well it's a good first contract". It should be a good contract period. So I'm done...if it passes it passes, that's what this pilot group wants. But God willing it won't be my CBA for long. Good luck guys, if I'm right with my feelings of this thing, in a few months when the reality of this contract sets in you're gonna need it.
Absolutely vote with your feet. I hope all no voters re-double their efforts to leave, everyone is hiring. I won’t be as condescending to suggest I only saw section 3 and suggest a regional if the Legacies aren’t calling right away. Spirit and Frontier offer a fast lateral with all of those coveted work rules. Those two would snap up our ardent no voters who will undoubtedly be frustrated come the 28th. I hope you at least focus that negative energy directly towards the exit sign rather than us.
Quote: Do you guys even read the forum first? It's in the pages! But I'll help.
1.yes 2.yes 3.all of them except Hawaii 4. Yes, 8 hours if you are first reserve. Other than that no, if the TA gets approved then it's 8 hours regardless of your rap assignment if followed by a day off.
5. Single days off will always be in your schedule. It's how we operate. You will usually work Sunday Monday and Thursday Friday. Until you are senior enough to hold multiple days off in a row this will most likely be your schedule. Even then we have 100% staff days.
Thanks for the answers, and for being so pleasant about it! No need to be a forum Nazi. Ever heard the saying, "Things change"?

For those of us that don't work there we don't know if/when a new base may open or close. We don't know when they may assign another aircraft to a base. We don't know all the ins and outs of your crew plannings whims and where they need people every month. And incase you haven't noticed in this industry, just because it was true last week/month doesn't mean it's true now.

Thanks again though! Have a great day.
Quote: Absolutely vote with your feet. I hope all no voters re-double their efforts to leave, everyone is hiring. I won’t be as condescending to suggest I only saw section 3 and suggest a regional if the Legacies aren’t calling right away. Spirit and Frontier offer a fast lateral with all of those coveted work rules. Those two would snap up our ardent no voters who will undoubtedly be frustrated come the 28th. I hope you at least focus that negative energy directly towards the exit sign rather than us.
Many of us have voted with our feet. Which is one of the major reasons this TA is in front of you. So you are welcome!
Quote: TAFB is a bad benchmark to use. At G4 I get maybe 100-130 TAFB if I have a hard line. Sure I'm home every night, but with numerous single days off and no real big blocks of days off. Less days off in general. At a legacy (including SWA) you'll probably see 200-300 TAFB depending on your seniority and how well you bid. But if you can pull 3 day trips with 4-5 or more blocks of days off in between I'd argue your QOL is going to be better due to the quality and length of days you have off. Just because you're home every night doesn't mean you end up any less tired after working 2-3 days in a row and if you only have 1-2 days off you're just getting back to normal when you start again. I have a friend who's junior at SWA and he's already got a line for July with an awarded 19 days off. One block of 7 and the rest blocks of 4. He just showed me how he's modified it and now has 22 days off with more credit and bigger blocks of days off. We'll NEVER see that here regardless of your seniority. He's not even a year in yet!! So yes, if I can get that kind of schedule with a real CBA with work rules, but it means 3-4 day trips SIGN ME UP. And this is under their current CBA...imagine how bad it's going to blow ours out of the water when they get their next one.

So you can argue that this TA (sure to pass despite us no voters) is going to make G4 a career airline, but without solid work rules (which this TA sorely lacks) it really isn't going to be a good career airline. Pay rates are such a small part of the equation, yet it's all the masses here seem to be able to see. I've argued and discussed at length with numerous people the short falls this thing has and all I hear is "think of the money we are leaving on the table" or "well it's a good first contract". It should be a good contract period. So I'm done...if it passes it passes, that's what this pilot group wants. But God willing it won't be my CBA for long. Good luck guys, if I'm right with my feelings of this thing, in a few months when the reality of this contract sets in you're gonna need it.
If you're getting single days off and you're not the junior person in base, you really need to watch the CBI videos because you're bidding incorrectly. Seriously.... If Vegas and many single days off. It's your fault. Watch those videos.
Quote: If you're getting single days off and you're not the junior person in base, you really need to watch the CBI videos because you're bidding incorrectly. Seriously.... If Vegas and many single days off. It's your fault. Watch those videos.
If the man can’t stand the place because we’re so unenlightened and shortsighted, better to suggest the door. Respectfully.
Quote: Thanks for the answers, and for being so pleasant about it! No need to be a forum Nazi. Ever heard the saying, "Things change"?

For those of us that don't work there we don't know if/when a new base may open or close. We don't know when they may assign another aircraft to a base. We don't know all the ins and outs of your crew plannings whims and where they need people every month. And incase you haven't noticed in this industry, just because it was true last week/month doesn't mean it's true now.

Thanks again though! Have a great day.
Not trying to be a forum nazi. Just think it's funny how most people are too lazy to research anything and just want to be told how things are done. And to think you will suddenly know things once you work here. You're probably a millennial who expects everything to be handed to you...
Quote: Sounds like you are heart set on working at a legacy carrier, maybe you should just focus on that instead of coming to G4, there is no reason to jump around to other carriers since you are already flying decent equipment at a Part 121 carrier, will upgrade there soon enough and you have the age advantage.

People have their respectful and individual career choices but it is nicer to fly/work with guys and gals who 'want' to be here, are happy with what they have and are not a part of the constant 'rat race' chasing that coveted so called legacy title.

Good Luck to you Sir!
I disagree about sticking it out at a regional. I'm a regional FO coming over to Allegiant soon and I'm looking forward to not being paid like a regional FO. If they supposedly count RJ SIC and MD80 SIC the same, why not make more money in the meantime, pick up another type, and escape the $h!t show that is the regional airline industry?

P.S. - I'm excited to get started!
Quote: Not trying to be a forum nazi. Just think it's funny how most people are too lazy to research anything and just want to be told how things are done. And to think you will suddenly know things once you work here. You're probably a millennial who expects everything to be handed to you...
Obviously you didn't read my reply. Asking a question doesn't imply lack of research or laziness, it implies like I said THINGS CHANGE, get it? I want the most current/up to date info available. Why do you check metars, didn't you read the TAF this morning? See my point?

Obviously you work there, and you knew the answers so I think you just disproved your own point about not knowing things by working there.

Not a millennial, far from it. You're probably a really super guy that everybody loves to be around since you never make false assumptions and are so gosh darn friendly! Have a good one.
Quote: Absolutely vote with your feet. I hope all no voters re-double their efforts to leave, everyone is hiring. I won’t be as condescending to suggest I only saw section 3 and suggest a regional if the Legacies aren’t calling right away. Spirit and Frontier offer a fast lateral with all of those coveted work rules. Those two would snap up our ardent no voters who will undoubtedly be frustrated come the 28th. I hope you at least focus that negative energy directly towards the exit sign rather than us.
He makes some very good points. I went to one of the "big 4" last year and my QOL is many times better than it was when I was at G4 all because of the work rules. I would much rather drive to the airport once a week and get my flying done in 3 days than have to drive there everyday. But that's just me. Our pilots with a little better pay than your TA is offering are making 350k+ all because of work rules...
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