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I have it from a somewhat credible source, that Envoy MEC has tons of respect for the AA pilot group, and would be willing to discuss any options, as long as it makes sense for both sides.

I don't see how you could fence off flows from non-flows in APA. These decisions should be made without any entitlement from either side.
The flows didn’t have to prep for interviews and until recently didn’t even have to upgrade to flow. They get 401k from day 1 at AA. If anything, we should only furlough the flows, let them go back to their RJs and keep street hires at AA. That is more equitable than flowbacks only for flow ups.

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Quote: Then there are the flows from the other two. They do the very minimum that is required to get by, even then that is still not doing things the American way. Just briefing the load closeout is an adventure. I have had, "we are good." to a very thorough breakdown.

​​​​​I already know who I'd prefer flying a 4-day trip with, and it's not you...
It's simple. Flow backs go back at the bottom of the seniority list for bidding purposes. Including vacation. But they go back to the left seat at year 2 or 3 pay. If any Envoy (or PSA or PDT) pilot doesn't think that sounds fair...then update your apps and get hired off the street just like the pilots at every single other Regional in this country are forced to. Because from their perspective, your no interview flow to AA is grossly unfair. This is coming from an original Eagle pilot who flowed to AA. And when I was hired at Eagle back in the day there was NO FLOW for my group No flow for anyone outside the fabled 824.
Quote: Can we start back with the rumors? Instead of rehashing distant history and spitballing pipe dreams
When you no longer work for Envoy or let alone AA..and you're bored, and you have an inflated sense of your own self importance...rehashing distant history is all you have left. Especially when your little God Kingdom known as Eagle Lounge doesn't exist anymore.
Quote: It's simple. Flow backs go back at the bottom of the seniority list for bidding purposes. Including vacation. But they go back to the left seat at year 2 or 3 pay. If any Envoy (or PSA or PDT) pilot doesn't think that sounds fair...then update your apps and get hired off the street just like the pilots at every single other Regional in this country are forced to. Because from their perspective, your no interview flow to AA is grossly unfair. This is coming from an original Eagle pilot who flowed to AA. And when I was hired at Eagle back in the day there was NO FLOW for my group No flow for anyone outside the fabled 824.
What if Envoy has to furlough?
Quote: What if Envoy has to furlough?
Then all bets are off.
Stupidest thread drift ever. Flow backs are not a rumor. No one cares if you hate certain flowed pilots or think you deserve a captain slot at eagle that you didn’t negotiate for.
Quote: Ha! Cry me a freakin river sunshine. 11 years at envoy (8 of which were as an FO making way less than current FO’s make) for me. So excuse me if I don’t think I’m being “selfish”. A fair and ideal proposal to me would be flowing back to any vacant captain seats, but at the bottom of the seniority list. Not asking to bypass seniority. Is that unfair because you don’t upgrade when you hit ATP mins like you thought you would?
No that isn't unfair. If you look at the regional forums mainline pilots were asking to go to the top of the list, not bottom. Good luck going to the bottom of the list when airlines are furloughing though, didn't think that one through very hard did you sunshine?
Quote: Then all bets are off.
This is the issue we have. It's hard to see WO regionals not furloughing if mainline furloughs.
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