A Week to go-

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Somebody please explain the temporary part of "temporary storage"?? It's going to take forever to wind-up the parked birds. If we plan to use them for peak, we would have to start training crews, well, now!

Look for these planes to come back for peak being flown by management pilots. Think it's a joke, just wait and see. Airline within an airline baby!!
Quote: It's very depressing. The QOL on the 727 has been amazing. We all are about to start working a lot more and making considerably less.
Sorry to butt in, but, it seems to me that you're there less than 2 years. So, suck it up, and get your butt over to the DC-8. You'll love it. It's a great jet. If it gets too "depressing", you could always quit, and I'm sure that UPS could find someone who would gladly take your place.
The temporary storage thing is because they are not ready to be "retired" yet under IRS rules. They are still depreciating the planes. Trust me, you won't see a 727 fleet here again
Quote: The temporary storage thing is because they are not ready to be "retired" yet under IRS rules. They are still depreciating the planes. Trust me, you won't see a 727 fleet here again
As inept as these hillbilly truck drivers are in "running" an airline, they are incredibly shrewd in managing, hiding and investing money behind the scenes, and make all the "raiders" look like rank amateurs.
Quote: The temporary storage thing is because they are not ready to be "retired" yet under IRS rules. They are still depreciating the planes. Trust me, you won't see a 727 fleet here again

Don't fool yourself in believing what you just wrote. Let me ammend what you have stated. Trust me, you won't see a 727 fleet here again being flown by any IPA member.
whatever it takes to make you an FO for life, you can count on <G>
Do you really think there is any depreciation left on airframes that have been on the property for over 25 years? There may be some depreciation left in the Tay engines and newer avionics, but certainly the airframes have been fully depreciated.
Quote: Don't fool yourself in believing what you just wrote. Let me ammend what you have stated. Trust me, you won't see a 727 fleet here again being flown by any IPA member.
Yes, here is a picture of the 72 future parts market in a year or two. The rope start 74s will follow this coming winter.
The 727 will not fly again at UPS after Aug. 2007. But, if you really want to know about depreciation, understand that when the aging aircraft mod, the engine mods, and the avionics were done, it started a whole new depreciation clock. The wizards in ATL are not stupid.
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