FDX Disputed Pairings

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Quote: Yes, I've been drug tested, Thank you for asking!!! The procedure referred to, is the review process. This isn't a silver bullet, you are free to think whatever you like but your answer that I quoted was incorrect.
Leaving the DP's in open time, reserves fly them, is how the pairings get to the review process.

It's very simple. Read Sec. 25.BB.
Quote: Sorry to recover old ground but this is incorrect. Once a pairing is disputed, it will go thru the review process unless withdrawn by the union or resolved. The only time limit is that if a sequence has been flown by an aircraft type for 3 bid periods it can no longer be disputed. It has nothing to do with reserves flying the sequence...that is our MEC's recommendation for a show of support for the SIG. This isn't advocacy (although my opinion is well documented) just info which can be read in the contract.

Actually here is how it works.

The pairings are dipsuted by the PSIT/SIG.

The PSIT does not build them on lines, i.e they leave them in open time.

Those pairings must now be "Requested" by a Pilot for his Secondary line or if they make it past the secondary line, Must be specifically requested during a Trip trade, i.e super Thursday when OT is released.......or any time a DP is in OT.

If the company does not fix thes pairings the following month, the PSIT/SIG must decide to continue to dispute them or not.

There is NO resolution Process Unless the SI want s to take it to VP Cassel. Everytime the SIG took it that far the VP of Flt Ops voted in favor of the company.....think he was biased? To be fair, it wasn't Paul C it was Bruce C.

So the SIG is very gun shy of taking it that far, especially when guys are picking them up voluntarily.

Simply put, when Pilots pick them up voluntarily, it cuts the SIG/PSIT' credibility off at the knees.

Once a pairing is published for 3 consecutive months in a Bid-pack it can No longer be disputed.

So what does Scheduling MGT think?

They say "go ahead and dispute it because your pilots will fly it voluntarily anyway and after 3 months we won't let you dispute it anymore."
Plus they know if the ALPA SIG wants to risk taking it up the chain to the VP, for a dispute resolution, they already know how he will rule on it.

It all comes down to Personal resolve and support of each other.
The independent contractor mode kills us everytime.
Bottom line, the PSIT guys I have talked to have quit disputing stuff, not because things are getting better, because they aren't getting supported by the Line Pilots...............Most of the Line Pilots know the system and support the SIG/PSIT, but it only takes a few that keep flying the DP's without any consequences........
Quote: Sorry to recover old ground but this is incorrect. Once a pairing is disputed, it will go thru the review process unless withdrawn by the union or resolved. The only time limit is that if a sequence has been flown by an aircraft type for 3 bid periods it can no longer be disputed. It has nothing to do with reserves flying the sequence...that is our MEC's recommendation for a show of support for the SIG. This isn't advocacy (although my opinion is well documented) just info which can be read in the contract.
This one was "covering" old ground....

Quote: Sorry to recover old ground but this is incorrect. Once a pairing is disputed, it will go thru the review process unless withdrawn by the union or resolved. The only time limit is that if a sequence has been flown by an aircraft type for 3 bid periods it can no longer be disputed. It has nothing to do with reserves flying the sequence...that is our MEC's recommendation for a show of support for the SIG. This isn't advocacy (although my opinion is well documented) just info which can be read in the contract.

And this one is "recovering" old ground!
So, if I understand this right... A DP can be published in the bidpack, for 3 months straight. NEVER picked up out of OT, and flown ONLY by RSVs. And if the SIG DOES NOT take it to the VP to make the final call, (and his decision is a real nail-biter) it can never be disputed again. I'm trying to find a hole in my original assessment. "We ain't got a lot of leverage on this one."
Quote: So, if I understand this right... A DP can be published in the bidpack, for 3 months straight. NEVER picked up out of OT, and flown ONLY by RSVs. And if the SIG DOES NOT take it to the VP to make the final call, (and his decision is a real nail-biter) it can never be disputed again. I'm trying to find a hole in my original assessment. "We ain't got a lot of leverage on this one."
The reality is, we haven't given ourselves good reason to test the new VP yet!
Quote: So, if I understand this right... A DP can be published in the bidpack, for 3 months straight. NEVER picked up out of OT, and flown ONLY by RSVs. And if the SIG DOES NOT take it to the VP to make the final call, (and his decision is a real nail-biter) it can never be disputed again. I'm trying to find a hole in my original assessment. "We ain't got a lot of leverage on this one."
Quote: The reality is, we haven't given ourselves good reason to test the new VP yet!
Just for discussion purposes ... you're talking about the VP who was once the union negotiating committee chairman and later became a non-member (if I remember correctly?). The negotiating committee chairman that tried to cram a POS contract down the membership's throat by misrepresenting it's details.

Was he the same negotiating committee chairman that the VP of Flight Ops called the union about to ask if they knew he was flying a DFT trip while on union trip removal?

Gee ... I wonder what he'll decide?

Was he the same negotiating committee chairman that the VP of Flight Ops called the union about to ask if they knew he was flying a DFT trip while on union trip removal?
Yep, same guy. I hadn't heard that part about a previous VP calling, but I know I saw him in SFS sitting in the crew lounge and I knew he was on trip removal - JUL98 - I called the home office and said "WTF, Over!"

Quote: Gee ... I wonder what he'll decide?

That wasn't the point, the point was that we haven't had a chance to confirm what we think he'll do yet!
Quote: Opened mind,

You are also free to think whatever you like. But, don't spread this kind of crap around, as if it is true.

This is a complete bunch of bullsh!t.

It has everything to do with reserves having to fly the DP's!! Leave the DP's in open time, and the company must allow the disputed pairing to go through the review process. And, then it might be changed.
Once a pairing has been disputed and accepted by the Company as disputable, it will go to the review process unless resolved or withdrawn by the union. A final resolution track will be chosen. The para most quoted...25.BB.F.1.c simply says that disputed or not, a pairing which falls to open time repeatedly will go the SIG Neutral track. Did you read my comments and also what I was replying to??? Where's the bull???
Quote: So, if I understand this right... A DP can be published in the bidpack, for 3 months straight. NEVER picked up out of OT, and flown ONLY by RSVs. And if the SIG DOES NOT take it to the VP to make the final call, (and his decision is a real nail-biter) it can never be disputed again. I'm trying to find a hole in my original assessment. "We ain't got a lot of leverage on this one."
Suggested reading: CBA Sec. 25.BB.E and 25.BB.F.

If you genuinely care, and want to know the truth. Don't get your info here. It's just as easy to email our SIG at:[email protected]

Or, we could just spend the next 300 replies arguing with "Opened Mind". AGAIN.
Quote: Suggested reading: CBA Sec. 25.BB.E and 25.BB.F.

If you genuinely care, and want to know the truth. Don't get your info here. It's just as easy to email our SIG at:[email protected]

Or, we could just spend the next 300 replies arguing with "Opened Mind". AGAIN.
Is there a way to put idiots (closed mindless, faghunter, etc) on a ignore list. I know it could be done flightinfo.
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