LOA predictions?

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When is the official vote?
7/23 - 8/10
Quote: Well, sort of. I read the stuff here and it gives me more to talk about in the crewroom. Often, I find people who say they read this stuff but never post.
Ok, I was off by 98. Go to the poll http://www.airlinepilotforums.com/sh...ad.php?t=14057 248 people have voted. If you were running a company we call that weak market penetration. Box stuffing is the only way. Now we'll see who really backs up their rantings, when you have to dig down into your pocket and get 4500 copies of your manifesto out, and nobody to help you stuff.
Quote: Hopefully the guys who are too lazy to actually read the LOA are also too lazy to vote.
I second and third that hope!!!!!!!!
53% voting
55% vote yes because svt won't happen to them or they don't know what it is
I can stuff the lockers in ANC but think we should have a standardized message. Has anyone already developed a flyer? If so, PM me.
Quote: 53% voting
55% vote yes because svt won't happen to them or they don't know what it is
I'm voting against it. Even though I don't know what "svt" is, either.

I do know what STV is, though. But, that is not why I'm voting against it. I'm voting against it because the LOA is so pitiful in most of the other areas that STV may actually have to be used.

We should be voting against it for that reason. Not STV itself.

Quote: Ok, I was off by 98. Go to the poll http://www.airlinepilotforums.com/sh...ad.php?t=14057 248 people have voted. If you were running a company we call that weak market penetration. Box stuffing is the only way. Now we'll see who really backs up their rantings, when you have to dig down into your pocket and get 4500 copies of your manifesto out, and nobody to help you stuff.
Hmmm .. NMB (Non-Member-Bob) writes some of the best manifesto's I 've seen. I seldom agree with him but maybe we could solicit his help for a good cause (for a change). How 'bout it Bob? How about taking up this cause for the benefit of your fellow pilots?


PS ... TonyC has the second best manifestos and I almost always agree with him.
Quote: Hmmm .. NMB (Non-Member-Bob) writes some of the best manifesto's I 've seen. I seldom agree with him but maybe we could solicit his help for a good cause (for a change). How 'bout it Bob? How about taking up this cause for the benefit of your fellow pilots?


PS ... TonyC has the second best manifestos and I almost always agree with him.
Problem is, I have chosen to ignore Bob, so if I got a flyer from him, I would just trash it without reading it.......
Quote: PS ... TonyC has the second best manifestos and I almost always agree with him.
Problem is, now his opinion counts, and he voted yes.
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