FDX - 4.a.2.b theft

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Quote: Dude! I have had almost 2 extra days at home with the kids and dog per month due to 4.A.2.b. What's the big deal? I get to fish a little more, I got to go to do a couple of more days camping in the forest with the family. It's great to get 18 or 19 days off during a 4-week bid month, especially in the summer. Now that school's back in session, I can be a parent volunteer at the elementary school and really have an impact on my children's education and how they see me as a parent. I also get to put the slap and tickle to the better half - more than I used to, which is less and less nowadays (TMI).

Don't forget it's a job, and you're a number. But you never get time off back. Flame baiting aside - it sure beats going back to the schoolhouse on the panel, or being out on the street like my other brothers.
Are you out of your mind? What planet are you on? Your response is one of the most thoughtless pieces of garbage I have ever read on this forum.

I'm happy for you that YOU'RE able to spend more time with YOUR family and being able to relax in YOUR home with more time off. But to sit there and say that because YOU haven't been that detrimentally affected by 4a2b, then why is everyone making such a big deal about it? Unlike you, I HAVE been excessed to the back of the Boeing. I HAVEN'T seen my house and family in the last month and a half because of being stuck in the school house. I, and the rest of the excessed folks going to the back of the 727, are taking ANOTHER paycut on top of the hideous inequity of the incredibly low CHs the Boeing has already been hit with. The situation stinks, plain and simple. There is NOTHING good about it nor can it be even remotely considered OK by any stretch of the imagination. I'm glad life is good for you but it isn't for a lot of other people. Think first before you write nonsense like that and stick your foot in your mouth.
Hey, Hey. Easy there. What does any of that have to do with Cliffy? He's living easy and lovin' it.

I'm with you Cliffy and don't understand what all the uproar is about. You're getting more time at home like you want. What could be better for you, I mean us?
Quote: Dude! I have had almost 2 extra days at home with the kids and dog per month due to 4.A.2.b. What's the big deal? I get to fish a little more, I got to go to do a couple of more days camping in the forest with the family. It's great to get 18 or 19 days off during a 4-week bid month, especially in the summer. Now that school's back in session, I can be a parent volunteer at the elementary school and really have an impact on my children's education and how they see me as a parent. I also get to put the slap and tickle to the better half - more than I used to, which is less and less nowadays (TMI).

Don't forget it's a job, and you're a number. But you never get time off back. Flame baiting aside - it sure beats going back to the schoolhouse on the panel, or being out on the street like my other brothers.
Cliffy, True to form that is about the stupidest thing I have ever read. Why don't we all just put in for a 6 month leave of absence so we can spend even more time at home? Some of us need to work...Must be nice not having that as a priority.
Quote: Dude! I have had almost 2 extra days at home with the kids and dog per month due to 4.A.2.b. What's the big deal? I get to fish a little more, I got to go to do a couple of more days camping in the forest with the family. It's great to get 18 or 19 days off during a 4-week bid month, especially in the summer. Now that school's back in session, I can be a parent volunteer at the elementary school and really have an impact on my children's education and how they see me as a parent. I also get to put the slap and tickle to the better half - more than I used to, which is less and less nowadays (TMI).

Don't forget it's a job, and you're a number. But you never get time off back. Flame baiting aside - it sure beats going back to the schoolhouse on the panel, or being out on the street like my other brothers.
Wow! This guy is allowed to vote on the next contract!!!! No grasp of issues whatsoever.

Cliffy - you are actually standing on the ground trying to pull up the ladder!!!!

Looks like Cliffy170 is the only one that has a grasp of reality. Boys, don't spend your settlement yet! My bet is that if you all kick in $2.00 and add it to your settlement you may be able to buy a cup of coffee. You guys should all be enjoying your quality time at home.
Quote: Looks like Cliffy170 is the only one that has a grasp of reality. Boys, don't spend your settlement yet! My bet is that if you all kick in $2.00 and add it to your settlement you may be able to buy a cup of coffee. You guys should all be enjoying your quality time at home.
Thanks for chiming in. You're part of our overmanning problem. If you would go enjoy some quality time at home (i.e. retire), that would be a big help.
Quote: Looks like Cliffy170 is the only one that has a grasp of reality. Boys, don't spend your settlement yet! My bet is that if you all kick in $2.00 and add it to your settlement you may be able to buy a cup of coffee. You guys should all be enjoying your quality time at home.
Dude, you really have some nerve chiming in on this subject as JL would say, "YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM." Why don't you go hand out shopping carts at Wal Mart if you can't find anything else to do. The rest of us are trying to provide for our families not our great grandchildren.
Quote: Looks like Cliffy170 is the only one that has a grasp of reality. Boys, don't spend your settlement yet! My bet is that if you all kick in $2.00 and add it to your settlement you may be able to buy a cup of coffee. You guys should all be enjoying your quality time at home.

Another Maddog guy O.K. with 4a2b(s)!
Imagine those odds.
I'm with you Cliffy. I'd rather make a few less dollars than have people furloughed. I don't like the way it was handled and I don't like the fact that some folks have high BLGs (757 for example) and others don't.

Auger, while it sucks that you have been excessed and are retraining at a much lower paying and crappier job, it beats working at Walmart. I'm not sure if Fedex would have furloughed or not, but I would have hated to see it happen. If you are retraining at the back of the 727, you would have probably been furloughed if Fedex went that route. 60 hours/month beats unemployment compensation. Many of us (myself included) have been furloughed in bad economic times. It sucks not having health care and some income coming in. This might be a time to use up some of your rainy day fund, but it beats spending your entire savings waiting on a job.

For those that thought Fedex would just keep buying up our lines, you are living in fantasyland. It is business, and they made a decision they thought would save them money. It looks like it has. We are doing what we can, which is grieving this application of our contract. Hopefully, if people are truly ****ed off, we can unite and push for some real contract gains. I don't see this happening at this company though, there are just too many folks that are independent operators.

Foxhunter, I hate to say, but I agree with you about the 4.a.2.b grievance. I hope we are both wrong though...
Quote: Dude, you really have some nerve chiming in on this subject as JL would say, "YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM." Why don't you go hand out shopping carts at Wal Mart if you can't find anything else to do. The rest of us are trying to provide for our families not our great grandchildren.
Sorry sonny! You and others give every guy an incentive to not retire one day before age 65. I hear your latest rumor is for 280 retirements before the end of the year. My guess is that you will be lucky to see 28.
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