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OooUps, they did it again.


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OooUps, they did it again.

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Old 07-05-2010, 06:52 PM
Joined APC: Mar 2009
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Disclaimer -- FedEx employee.

The company has irritated the hell out of me as a pilot.

As a shipper: Go to FedEx Kinkos, (use your discount if you have it), fill out the airbill, leave it on the counter with the item, and you'll hear: "Our packing specialist will take care of it".

That's it. Despite Flight Ops management the whole process works at an amazing level.

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Old 07-06-2010, 03:27 AM
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Soyathink, I guess Ernst could have used his UPS discount when he went to ship his golf clubs with UPS...... Oh, wait a minute, your company doesn't even offer a discounted service to your own employees. I must admit, that's a nice touch. Seriously, regardless of who has better/faster/less expensive shipping prices, if I were a UPS guy and I wanted to ship something, especially after what your company is doing to its employees, I know whom I'd be shipping with, and it wouldn't be UPS, especially since he can get a significant discount when shipping with FedEx.

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Old 07-06-2010, 03:42 AM
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Originally Posted by Jetjok
Soyathink, I guess Ernst could have used his UPS discount when he went to ship his golf clubs with UPS...... Oh, wait a minute, your company doesn't even offer a discounted service to your own employees. I must admit, that's a nice touch. Seriously, regardless of who has better/faster/less expensive shipping prices, if I were a UPS guy and I wanted to ship something, especially after what your company is doing to its employees, I know whom I'd be shipping with, and it wouldn't be UPS, especially since he can get a significant discount when shipping with FedEx.


Your right UPS offers no employee discounts because UPS pays for the trucks of their ground drivers. UPS fixes the trucks of their ground drivers. UPS pays for fuel of their ground drivers. Oh yeah UPS pays for full benefits for their ground drivers and all employees.

Ask one of your companies ground drivers how much your company pays for benefits, fuel do they provide a truck, a tow truck, maint., fuel? Nice Touch

Enjoy your little Fed Ex shipping discount and working with non union labor.
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Old 07-06-2010, 04:06 AM
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Move along, nothing to see, same tired ground vs air story.

UPS drivers carry all types of packages, air, ground, etc.. Purple's Ground drivers only carry ground packages. Two separate companies, separate sort facilities, separate CEOs etc. The two don't mix. One is an airline, one is a trucking company. My pay stub reads FedEx EXPRESS, not FedEx.
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Old 07-06-2010, 04:15 AM
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Originally Posted by purpledog
Move along, nothing to see, same tired ground vs air story.

UPS drivers carry all types of packages, air, ground, etc.. Purple's Ground drivers only carry ground packages. Two separate companies, separate sort facilities, separate CEOs etc. The two don't mix. One is an airline, one is a trucking company. My pay stub reads FedEx EXPRESS, not FedEx.
So why does the ground revenue get reported in the earnings report for the ONEstock for all these so called different companies?

Why don't the ground trucks still say RPS?

Does Fed Ex Express have trucks? UPS has Airplanes.......

Are those Fed Ex Express TRUCK drivers union and make the same as their UPS Counterparts?

How do Fed Ex Pilots feel about being union and working for a predominate non union company?

How do Fed Ex pilots feel about fellow employees making less than their UPS counterparts?

It all comes down to apples and oranges........

Imagine how much money UPS would save if they didn't have to pay for the trucks, fuel, insurance, benefits ect of the ground drivers. I bet there would be no furloughs or layoffs.

Just Sayin....

Last edited by Soyathink; 07-06-2010 at 04:28 AM.
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Old 07-06-2010, 04:26 AM
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Originally Posted by Soyathink
So why does the ground revenue get reported in the earnings report for the ONEstock for all these so called different companies?

How do Fed Ex Pilots feel about being union working for a predominate non union company? How do Fed Ex pilots feel about fellow employees making less than their competitiors?

It all comes down to apples and oranges........

Just asking....

So how does it feel to defend the furloughing of your pilots as a competitor chose not to? I guess it's o.k. because you've made a ton off UPS stock and it will send your kids to college.

We've established that UPS has higher profit margins. They're also the 800 lb. gorilla in the marketplace. What UPS chooses to do they make more money on per dollar spent. So don't confuse poor decisions and deceitful marketing with not being competitive. UPS had a chance, and tried, to become like FedEx. They were just not interested in increasing their costs by having the ground operation separate themselves from the air operation. Blame the courts if you want but it was UPS's business model adherence that forced the court decision. Now, after the court case was settled and FedEx has spent a ton of money on separate facilities, UPS wants to make those investments worthless (and force new investments to change) with legislation that would force other companies to adopt UPS's business model. Why lower your costs when you can increase your competitor's with a little lobbying money? Nice touch.

I think it all comes down to scumbag managers and the folks who adore them. I'd like to ask you to stop the smoke machine. It's not working.

If you're upset about FedEx being one stock you're REALLY going to hate GE when you find out all the things they do.


How can those guys just be one stock?

Just asking.....

Last edited by Gunter; 07-06-2010 at 04:58 AM.
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Old 07-06-2010, 04:55 AM
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Originally Posted by Gunter

So how does it feel to defend the furloughing of your pilots as a competitor chose not to? I guess it's o.k. because you've made a ton off UPS stock and it will send your kids to college.

We've established that UPS has higher profit margins. They're also the 800 lb. gorilla in the marketplace. Don't confuse poor decisions with not being competitive. UPS had a chance, and kinda sorta wanted, to become like FedEx. They were just not interested in increasing their costs by have the ground operation separate themselves from the air operation. Blame the courts if you want but it was UPS's fault. Now, after the court case was settled and FedEx has spent a ton of money on separate facilities, UPS wants to make those investments worthless. Nice touch.

I think it all comes down to scumbag managers and the folks who adore them. You can stop the smoke screen anytime.

Just asking.....
I not defending furloughing of UPS pilots. Trust me I hate seeing people lose jobs because I'm one of many that are out of work now. I'm just saying that there is alot more too it than what you say "scumbag managers". I can honestly say UPS prided itself in never having to lay off or furlough. How I know, read the other post but you say you did. This is a business. I was making great money with my company. I was very successful with my company. I worked for a very large international company. I worked for this company for 17 years with a great record. One day this past year I'm told due to economic conditions your position has been eliminated. I got a severance agreement and had to clear my office. Was I angry? you bet. There were people making less and had less seniority. They targeted the ones making the most money though. Is that right? I feel they should have let go of the ones with less experience. So should UPS have let go of the 74 classic, DC-8, 72 crews since their positions were eliminated? Should UPS eliminate all the FE's since there is no FE positions in UPS? "Your position has been eliminated" Trust me the furlough wasnt something that was taken lightly or what was wanted to be done. You dont look at all the money invested in the bottom 300. It isn't something that "scumbag managers" just thought up to screw with the pilots group.

Spent a ton of money for separate facilities. I can give you addresses if you want showing you a number of facilities are side by side and even share gates. What about the facilities built by Roadway then Calibre before being bought by Fed Ex?


UPS didn't spend anything on aircraft, gateways, pilots, air rights, certificate, maint. Ect right

UPS had a chance to have Overnight be a non union separate company when bought. They didn't why?????

So how does it feel that your defending a competitor that subsidized a non union workforce making less and no benefits to keep the only union shop in the company from causing what you are doing on these boards?

The furlough has nothing to do with anything other than UPS wanting to screw with pilots right???

Fed Ex hasn't eliminated 3 different fleet types in the last 5 years, all with FE Seats right?

UPS only furloughed how many pilots so far??? Please tell that to the over 1800 "scumbag managers" and others in UPS who lost their jobs this year.

Smoke Machine? Please explain........

I see UPS pilots come on here and say use somebody else to ship and bash UPS but yet talk about the furloughed pilots. How is that productive to prevent further furloughs and get the current ones back to work??? Care to explain??

I see talk on here about UPS dropping the airline and going to contractors to haul the air. What would be the difference other than one being a truck and the other a plane. A 747 has 18 wheels right?

UPS used contractors in feeders for a while for long hauls. UPS gave the teamsters the option to do that work which they do now. Ever see white ups tractors with UPS shield on the roof hauling UPS trailers? Those are union drivers that once were not.

Are you union or not

I use to own GE Stock, sold it back in 2006. This isn't about GE though.

Last edited by Soyathink; 07-06-2010 at 05:46 AM.
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Old 07-06-2010, 05:00 AM
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Good luck with that Spin.

you have questions that you'll always have trouble accepting the answers to.
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Old 07-06-2010, 05:14 AM
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Get your facts straight, it is not union vice non-union it is RLA vice NLRA. The Express company is RLA the ground company is NLRA. If the teamsters want to organize the FDX ground contractors they are free to do so just have to do it shop by shop. If they want to organize the Express people they are free to do so, just have to do it on a nationwide basis.

If you dont think FDX pays for the trucks and the maintenance through the fees it pays to independent contractors how do you think they stay in business? You have an interesting grasp on private enterprise.
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Old 07-06-2010, 05:18 AM
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Originally Posted by Gunter

Good luck with that Spin.

you have questions that you'll always have trouble accepting the answers to.
No I really dont. Where are your answers?
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