Oops...poor timing by the French

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Quote: Please name a country that liked us before GWB.

How bout Great Britain and Germany. Been to there lately?? Next try Italy and South Korea. Been there Lately? Lets look at the Arab nations.
Any Arab countries we had OK dialogue with is gone.........Jordan, Syria, Lebanon...... Lets look in Indonesia been there lately?

We were never in bed with the Latin American countries but the hostilities were not what they are now. Our *******ed up domestic policy is only outdone by our Foreign policy......................
Quote: Please name a country that liked us before GWB.
And all of you are fast to point at the french for supposed "anti americanism", yet after the Iraq war fiasco started, the french were warning, while in brazil they were burning stars and stripes...
The answer from the people : "We now have freedom fries"....
It is sad to see how people reacted to a legitimate political debate from the french by name calling, and so to this date.
No other countries had a stronger bond other than France and the US during the 19th century. Both countries have streets, main avenues and cities named after each other. Yet all you hear is about how german the french would be if it wasn't for the US (like any of us can realistically take credit for WWII...really...); This completely disreguarding the rest of the allies (including the french resistance). Really sad to see so many personal attacks. And, for once I take the defense of the french simply because at least, over there they have a problem with the guy running the show and his cronies in DC...not the american people (though if we carry-on bashing like that....). Here we disagree by telling rifle jokes and making cartoons figuring frogs....showing the rest of the world how much of a point we have.....
Can't we just get back to talking about fast jets and good-looking women??

Next thing you know we'll have James Carville piping in.
Quote: And all of you are fast to point at the french for supposed "anti americanism", yet after the Iraq war fiasco started, the french were warning, while in brazil they were burning stars and stripes...
The answer from the people : "We now have freedom fries"....
It is sad to see how people reacted to a legitimate political debate from the french by name calling, and so to this date.
No other countries had a stronger bond other than France and the US during the 19th century. Both countries have streets, main avenues and cities named after each other. Yet all you hear is about how german the french would be if it wasn't for the US (like any of us can realistically take credit for WWII...really...); This completely disreguarding the rest of the allies (including the french resistance). Really sad to see so many personal attacks. And, for once I take the defense of the french simply because at least, over there they have a problem with the guy running the show and his cronies in DC...not the american people (though if we carry-on bashing like that....). Here we disagree by telling rifle jokes and making cartoons figuring frogs....showing the rest of the world how much of a point we have.....
Who cares, what have they done for us lately?
Quote: If you gonna bash the French...at least get your dates right buddy ...it was on friday, november 27th.....

And please, don't just read the healdines... (Fox news watcher ), have some respect for the soldiers and civilians of the time that tried their best against an occupying force and with an incompetent governement...
This was more a failure from hitler to capture the french fleet (or a failed rescue mission from the resistance/allies ... if you want) than the "give up" attitude that you would like to believe...
Oh Pleeeeeease.....Relay and try to have a little sense of humor. You sound like your wound a little tight.
Was on a long L/O in CDG last week. Walking home we saw a hotel with several flags flying out front. Problem was the US flag was hanging upside down.

The next night, a little later in the evning, we walked by the hotel again to see the same thing. Two of us went in and informed them about the issue. The guy behind the desk kind of shrugged and went "Oh Well, must be the bellman."

I then asked him if he spoke German. He gave me a really odd look and said "No". I then proceded to explain to him WHY he didn't speak German in no uncertain terms.

The next day the Flag was flying properly!

Quote: How bout Great Britain and Germany. Been to there lately?? Next try Italy and South Korea. Been there Lately? Lets look at the Arab nations.
Any Arab countries we had OK dialogue with is gone.........Jordan, Syria, Lebanon...... Lets look in Indonesia been there lately?

We were never in bed with the Latin American countries but the hostilities were not what they are now. Our *******ed up domestic policy is only outdone by our Foreign policy......................
Please, from your list I will give you Italy. Germany has had one anti-American Government after another since 12 years of Republicans brought the wall down. The current Chancellor is the only step back. South Korea, I spent 2.5 years there in the 80's and 90's. They tolerated us but only because the alternative sucked.

Syria and Lebanon please say you are kidding. Why not include N Korea and China I'm sure they would prefer Clinton back. Are you blaming Bush for Chavez?

*******ed up domestic policy? What don't you like the 4.5% unemployment, the incredible growth, the low inflation, or are we not spending enough? Ask your frog friends if they want to trade unemployment rates? Maybe you don't like the NSA listening in on your nanna's phone calls to Pakistan but that is one personal liberty lost I can live with.

Perhaps you agree with Pelosi that there is no Al Queda in Iraq. I happen to think we are killing them there rather than here, a good thing.

Bottomline, I wouldn't trust the French, Germans, English, Koreans, Chinese, Russians or Madeline Albright with our security and I don't particularlly care what they think. But thanks for letting me know how they feel.
Quote: Bottomline, I wouldn't trust the French, Germans, English, Koreans, Chinese, Russians or Madeline Albright with our security and I don't particularlly care what they think. But thanks for letting me know how they feel.
LAG...You are my hero!
Quote: Can't we just get back to talking about fast jets and good-looking women??

Next thing you know we'll have James Carville piping in.
Yes we can (talk about fast jets and good looking women!) By the way, how do you guys like my new Avatar. Not quite as nice as Captain Don's sister, but you know, almost any port in a storm.
Quote: Yes we can (talk about fast jets and good looking women!) By the way, how do you guys like my new Avatar. Not quite as nice as Captain Don's sister, but you know, almost any port in a storm.
My bet is if you rolled her in a little bacon grease and put a pound of flour in her lap, Baghdad would be a ghost town by morning.

Nice Avatar, tho...
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