C5 expanding?

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Quote: "Stay strong"???? Dude, 6 out of 6 isn't exactly strong. Too much growth too quickly, and without the resources to do so is a recipe for disaster.
I don’t even know why when I’m bored I even come on here. At least there’s growth
Quote: Skywest's new hire classes are literally filled through September. 55+ upgrades for July and that will continue as attrition is 50-60 pilots a month and will continue to increase.
I personally know 6 hired in the last week who did NOT have pre-covid cjos. They’re hiring like crazy.
Quote: Fred -

He is sharing information. In my opinion, your comment was uncalled for.
you CLEARLY have no idea who Joe Merchant is, nor the history of his behavior. The man is indefensible, and deserves all the scorn you can possibly muster.
Quote: Prior to COVID, C5 couldn’t handle the flying they had. XJT was going to start getting C5 flying after they absorbed the TSA flying. Then COVID changed everything and UAL took advantage of the situation to kill off the expensive XJT.

However it appears C5 is already having trouble staffing for the size UAL planned for it. GoJet is also having trouble staffing.

The hiring floodgates are opening up everywhere and will soon be more robust than pre-COVID. Very little reason to go to C5 or GoJet now and those already there will be moving on rapidly.

C5 performance will continue to go downhill. Grab some popcorn.
this comes from a guy that called for an illegal work action as an elected union leader at Xjet. Did everything he could to make sure Xjet wouldn’t be successful.

How’s unemployment treating you?
Quote: ​​​​​It's a bit presumptuous coming into a public forum and insinuating people are crazy for coming to C5 when you don't know their personal circumstances.
I agree, but it's not exactly better to be posting outdated information as fact. Both OO and YX are hiring off the street. At YX they've announced they're going to be hiring 70/month into perpetuity.

Things change quickly. The "better" regionals won't struggle to fill their classes. Neither will the others, at least for a little while. But as the supply of applicants from the last year starts working their way into the regional system, the regionals that struggled to hire before will struggle to hire again.

This isn't a potshot at anyone; I have friends at C5, and you're right lots of people have circumstances that may make any regional the "right" choice for them. But there is a hierarchy of sorts in the regional world, and the pay and contract at the likes of C5, G7, and YV aren't competitive, broadly speaking.
Quote: I agree, but it's not exactly better to be posting outdated information as fact. Both OO and YX are hiring off the street. At YX they've announced they're going to be hiring 70/month into perpetuity.

Things change quickly. The "better" regionals won't struggle to fill their classes. Neither will the others, at least for a little while. But as the supply of applicants from the last year starts working their way into the regional system, the regionals that struggled to hire before will struggle to hire again.

This isn't a potshot at anyone; I have friends at C5, and you're right lots of people have circumstances that may make any regional the "right" choice for them. But there is a hierarchy of sorts in the regional world, and the pay and contract at the likes of C5, G7, and YV aren't competitive, broadly speaking.
What's the wait time for a classdate elsewhere? How fast you going to upgrade?

C5 does something well: build 1000 121 SIC time, upgrade, and then build 1000 TPIC. Spend your years at an LCC or Major, where there's real work rules and good pay, not a ****ty regional (even the best regionals don't compare).
Quote: What's the wait time for a classdate elsewhere? How fast you going to upgrade?

C5 does something well: build 1000 121 SIC time, upgrade, and then build 1000 TPIC. Spend your years at an LCC or Major, where there's real work rules and good pay, not a ****ty regional (even the best regionals don't compare).
Maybe I didn’t drink the koolaid as hard as some did, but I disagree with this almost completely. I wouldn’t say they do it “well” as much as that’s just how the last few years have been. I spent a couple years at C5, with a little time in both seats. As an FO, and maybe I came in at a bad time, but barely got consolidated. Now as a CA, I surely flew, or had the opportunity to fly, much more so. I also have friends that went to “X” regional (save maybe ENY) that are much happier biding time as an FO waiting to upgrade. Management did the FO’s dirty by snatching dash pay, the union IMO is overall very weak and didn’t push for a contract when it should have, and definitely not hard enough, and for what’s dealt with on a daily basis, the CA’s are some of the most overworked and underpaid PIC’s in the industry; with TERRIBLE work rules. Hindsight being what it is, and all other conditions the same, I’d choose just about any other regional there is when it comes to pay and contract, unless I lived in IAH or IAD. C5 got extraordinarily lucky with COVID (feels weird to say that). And unfortunately was at the demise of many of our brothers and sisters at other carriers. Management was dealt a good hand and had all this “growth” thrown in their lap. I certainly don’t wish any I’ll will to anyone at C5, and I hope a new contract gets worked out quickly, but I’m a far cry away from every advising anyone to apply there.
For contract and LOAs, it takes two to tango. The company doesn't have to give in to the pilot group.

The Dash FO pay left a bad taste in my mouth. Thing is the company doesn't need FOs right now, so no reason to re-up that LOA. Maybe someone can ask on the next townhall (like it how it comes up every townhall - go beat that dead horse a bit more)?

The work rules are terrible. It's been a problem for as long as I've been here. The pay is hilariously bad. Management is more than happy to leave PIC's out to dry should something happen.

BUT THAT'S NOT WHY YOU COME HERE! It's either 4 years at C5 and 2 extra years at mainline/LCC or 6 years at <insert good regional>. It's the same argument as to why motivated CFIs typically teach at major schools with good weather and foreign students, you'll get your 1500 hrs much faster than teaching at Bob's Flight School near home.
Quote: For contract and LOAs, it takes two to tango. The company doesn't have to give in to the pilot group.

The Dash FO pay left a bad taste in my mouth. Thing is the company doesn't need FOs right now, so no reason to re-up that LOA. Maybe someone can ask on the next townhall (like it how it comes up every townhall - go beat that dead horse a bit more)?

The work rules are terrible. It's been a problem for as long as I've been here. The pay is hilariously bad. Management is more than happy to leave PIC's out to dry should something happen.

BUT THAT'S NOT WHY YOU COME HERE! It's either 4 years at C5 and 2 extra years at mainline/LCC or 6 years at <insert good regional>. It's the same argument as to why motivated CFIs typically teach at major schools with good weather and foreign students, you'll get your 1500 hrs much faster than teaching at Bob's Flight School near home.

No, I guess since they didn’t “need” FO’s at the time they just let the dash pay lapse. Not how you take care of a work group though. Direct slap in the face and a poor example of the Core4 they seem to slam down everyone’s throats anytime they have an opportunity. Takes me to the old saying of “just because you can, doesn’t mean you should.”

The union had leverage pre-covid and failed to capitalize. They, too could have tried to take care of people. I’m not a big fan of unions in general, and especially not when I see nothing in return for my dues.

Respectfully, you don’t know C5 returns the investment in time quicker than any other regional. It’s all a crapshoot in algorithms. I’ve seen FO’s at every regional get picked up mainline with zero TPIC or 121 PIC time. I’ve also seen 20 year C5 CA’s wondering why they never got a call. It’s not all about TT. I only had 150 121 PIC hours from C5 when I got picked up by a LCC. I’d personally rather spend six years at a decent company where I don’t hate going to work than four years wondering how badly CS is gonna screw me. Two words; Conditional Reserve. You’re never truly a line holder at C5.

Write your shop and tell them to quit dragging their feet. C5 was probably the biggest winners industry wide during this pandemic, if you can stomach such a thought. It’s time to start ponying up and treating it’s workforce the right way.
Is C5’s EWR base closing this fall? Aero Crew News posted on Facebook that it is closing but their source is a two month old article which doesn’t say anything is closing until 2022...
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