Lockdown and Civil Unrest Discussion

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Nope. Been going out. Gonna keep going out. Don't wear a mask. Big smile at all the self righteous maskers that scowl at me.

Plane Coffee
Quote: Your data needs more analysis. You're cherry-picking a "fun fact" that 66% of new cases have self declared that they sheltered-in-place. But behind that we don't know if they're full of sh*t, just like you tell your dentist that you floss every day.

Do they live with family members who are not sheltering in place? What we do know is that the virus spread mainly from human-to-human transmission. So the virus isn't magically knocking on doors and infecting Grandma.

What is clear is that NYC numbers are declining because of shelter-in-place. No one said it would be automatic or perfect. Who knows how bad it would have been if they weren't taking those measures.

All you're about is a nice clickbait headline to score points without any context. Congratulations.
Continue to stay the eff at home.
COVID-19 has been proven to stay on plastic materials for at least 3 days. Walmart is still open. There is ZERO logical argument to lockdown the entire population, UNLESS you are literally locking down the ENTIRE population. Get the point? Illogical and asinine thinking based off of grossly inaccurate models.

Unemployment expected to soon skyrocket well above Great Depression numbers, 20 percent of Americans facing risk of being able to feed their family in the near future, food shortages across the country, suicide, depression, alcohol abuse, child abuse all rapidly increasing. This virus, like any other viral epidemic in history will work its course and be in the past in no time. However, the economy and people’s livelihoods will take years, possibly decades to recover if this policy continues. Given all these secondary negative effects that will last lifetimes and these virus deaths and hospitalization numbers not coming remotely close to the models, if things do not change one should assume there’s an agenda at play here because it’s pretty evident the “experts” making the decisions could care less about the American people.
Quote: Your data needs more analysis. You're cherry-picking a "fun fact" that 66% of new cases have self declared that they sheltered-in-place. But behind that we don't know if they're full of sh*t, just like you tell your dentist that you floss every day.

Do they live with family members who are not sheltering in place? What we do know is that the virus spread mainly from human-to-human transmission. So the virus isn't magically knocking on doors and infecting Grandma.

What is clear is that NYC numbers are declining because of shelter-in-place. No one said it would be automatic or perfect. Who knows how bad it would have been if they weren't taking those measures.

All you're about is a nice clickbait headline to score points without any context. Congratulations.
Continue to stay the eff at home.

that graphic doesn’t mean anything about lockdowns working. It’s a typical graph for ANY viral airborne epidemic. Here are the last few years graphs for influenza from the N.Y. State dept of health website. None of them involved lockdowns, that’s just what an epidemic looks like:

Quote: Your data needs more analysis. You're cherry-picking a "fun fact" that 66% of new cases have self declared that they sheltered-in-place. But behind that we don't know if they're full of sh*t, just like you tell your dentist that you floss every day.
So in other words lockdowns don’t work because people are going to do what they want to do.
Let me say this, the media does not film non whites who are doing things like this, but a good 5-10% are non white. (ask me how I know and I'll answer you in private)

OK, aside from that fact, this is nothing. Show me the U.S.A. after 18 months of unemployment at 16-18%, and I'll show you the next civil war!!!!

I would be so happy to ride off into the sunset right now. But I'm 48, going on 49, and can't get Tri-Care until I'm 60.

Nothing is better than working at 5am (not waking up, but actually working), milking cows, moving the hamburger herd, feeding chickens, goats, lamb, turkeys, pheasant, geese, ducks, rabbits, quail and guinea. Nothing better than tending the bee hives, working on the planters, changing a tire on a combine.

Nothing better than rolling over on your girl (and other things that occupy us) a couple times per day either, full of randy and spirit.

I did all those things before, then flew an afternoon-evening schedule, performed my duties as a humble organic farming business CEO from a hotel room during the AM hours for a couple of days, then laced up my boots and "got" my hands dirty again.

This is why I have always advised anyone entering a career in aviation to have a side gig. If I caught them early enough, I advised them not to get a degree in aviation!!!! Study something you can fall back on. Find something else you love. Real Estate, Insurance, technical and mechanical skills. Even if you're painting houses and or landscaping. IT'S SO IMPORTANT TO PEOPLE LIKE US!
Quote: So in other words lockdowns don’t work because people are going to do what they want to do.
*SIGH* You don't get it. The people who stayed home did not get sick. They are not included in this statistic. Shelter in place works because a larger number did not get sick.

The people who were lax about shelter-in-place or had other extenuating circumstances got sick. Therefore, they're included in this statistic.

Come on guys. You really fly airplanes for a living?
Quote: that graphic doesn’t mean anything about lockdowns working. It’s a typical graph for ANY viral airborne epidemic. Here are the last few years graphs for influenza from the N.Y. State dept of health website. None of them involved lockdowns, that’s just what an epidemic looks like:

Hey nice picture of an unrelated virus that's affected by seasonal ambient temperatures. Great job champ.
Quote: All you're about is a nice clickbait headline to score points without any context. Congratulations.
Continue to stay the eff at home.
Yep, that was just clickbait-is that what you say when factual data goes against your claims?

Stay at home? I’m not a sheeple like you.
Quote: *SIGH* You don't get it. The people who stayed home did not get sick. They are not included in this statistic. Shelter in place works because a larger number did not get sick.

The people who were lax about shelter-in-place or had other extenuating circumstances got sick. Therefore, they're included in this statistic.

Come on guys. You really fly airplanes for a living?
The majority of current hospitalized patients in NY sheltered in place. Cuomo has publicly admitted that now.
Quote: The majority of current hospitalized patients in NY sheltered in place. Cuomo has publicly admitted that now.
Then someone for the LOVE OF GOD explain to me how they are acquiring the virus? Osmosis? Divine Infection?

Your story falls apart when you examine it a little bit. Multi-generational families cohabitating where not everyone is compliant.

The logic gap between patient who stayed home got sick to lockdowns don't work is VAST. And you don't have an explanation.
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