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Biden likely to tie climate ban to COVID bill

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Biden likely to tie climate ban to COVID bill

Old 11-19-2020, 09:03 AM
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Originally Posted by NE_Pilot View Post
Are you mad because people are calling you out on your BS?
You give yourself too much credit. You just ask lame questions and giggle to yourself. You're not calling out anyone. But hey, whatever makes you feel better. You keep up the good fight, asking those pointless rhetorical questions.
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Old 11-19-2020, 09:05 AM
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Originally Posted by All Bizniz View Post
C'mon man! (In my best Biden voice) lol

There are verified accounts that many in gov't, from the Cabinet level on down to the policy implementation level, saw it as an unusually cruel position to take. Miller pushed it through in the name of making an example out of them.

In some countries, you can still get your hand chopped off if you steal, as a legal penalty.

In AMERICA, we do not cut off the hands of theives.

Those countries have almost no theft too, but I digress.

It is an intellectually empty argument to attempt to make the case that what happened there was anything other than the fault of the parents making the decision to illegally enter the country. There is a legal process that will protect the family unit but it takes time and jumping the line is so much easier, unless you get caught.

Boss is here I have to go fly.
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Old 11-19-2020, 09:08 AM
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Originally Posted by NE_Pilot View Post
No, we send the kids to human traffickers, like the Obama administration did, or did you all forget about that? If I recall the admin couldn’t trace were 90,000+ children were after they placed them with “families and caregivers”.
It happened in the Obama administration to 45 families for 7 days. They reversed separation as soon as they realized it was happening.
The Trump administration did it indefinitely to 15,000+ families. I know you suck at concepts like math, but 15,000 is greater than 50. 600+ children are now permanently lost in the system.
Not excusing the 45 families. But if Obama was bad, then Trump is 33,333% worse.

90k is just a plain lie.

Please try harder. You have such high expectations of yourself. I'd hate for you to let you down.
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Old 11-19-2020, 09:21 AM
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Originally Posted by Seneca Pilot View Post
Those countries have almost no theft too, but I digress.

It is an intellectually empty argument to attempt to make the case that what happened there was anything other than the fault of the parents making the decision to illegally enter the country. There is a legal process that will protect the family unit but it takes time and jumping the line is so much easier, unless you get caught.

Boss is here I have to go fly.
Whistling pass the graveyard, huh?

Do you think the people in his OWN administration who called out the BS, looked at the policy in a vacuum?

Don't you think that they considered the fact that the families did cross the border illegally, and yet still came away with the opinion that the response was too cruel and draconian?

C'mon man... (now a Biden chuckle) lol
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Old 11-19-2020, 09:25 AM
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Originally Posted by Seneca Pilot View Post
It is an intellectually empty argument to attempt to make the case that what happened there was anything other than the fault of the parents making the decision to illegally enter the country. There is a legal process that will protect the family unit but it takes time and jumping the line is so much easier, unless you get caught.
It is an intellectually empty argument to ignore the fact that thousands of these families were fleeing persecution in their home countries where they could not afford to wait for years. It is also an intellectually empty argument to blame the parents for being torn from their kids when they made an attempt to cross to save their kids' lives in many cases.

Put yourself in their shoes for a minute. You live somewhere and there is a credible and imminent threat to you and your family's lives. Your choices are to submit the paperwork in an expensive, inaccessible, and time-consuming process that takes years, or you can protect your family immediately by seeking asylum. If it were my kids, I would do anything to protect them.

This was a needlessly cruel policy. Your point about it having to do with children not being allowed in adult facilities is also patently wrong. Children were kept in adult facilities; they were just separated from their parents in order to send a cruel message to those who thought America would offer them safety.

How anyone can rationalize such a needlessly cruel and abjectly unjust policy is baffling to me.
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Old 11-19-2020, 09:27 AM
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Originally Posted by GateAgent007 View Post
It happened in the Obama administration to 45 families for 7 days. They reversed separation as soon as they realized it was happening.
The Trump administration did it indefinitely to 15,000+ families. I know you suck at concepts like math, but 15,000 is greater than 50. 600+ children are now permanently lost in the system.
Not excusing the 45 families. But if Obama was bad, then Trump is 33,333% worse.

90k is just a plain lie.

Please try harder. You have such high expectations of yourself. I'd hate for you to let you down.

In addition to the Marion cases, the investigation found evidence that 13 other children had been trafficked after officials handed them over to adults who were supposed to care for them during their immigration proceedings. An additional 15 cases exhibited some signs of trafficking.

The report also said that it was unclear how many of the approximately 90,000 children the agency had placed in the past two years fell prey to traffickers, including sex traffickers, because it does not keep track of such cases.
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Old 11-19-2020, 09:36 AM
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Originally Posted by GateAgent007 View Post
No not at all. I just think it's ironic is all. He'll be trying to do the same thing that these immigrants were doing. Emigrating to find a better life for his family. I hope the Malaysian government treats him better than the Trump administration.

And we all know you're just here to make bad faith arguments, so why don't you sit this one out.
Your comment begs to differ with your backtracking:
Enjoy Malaysia, a 3rd world, Muslim country. You'll fit right in. LOL.
Looks like you let the veil slip there and allowed your true inner bigot to shine.
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Old 11-19-2020, 09:43 AM
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That article is talking about the 90,000 kids that beginning in 2013, SUDDENLY started showing up UNACCOMPANIED at the border.

There was a good faith effort to place them in safe homes, but about 2 doz or so (even 1 is too many, but real is real) slipped through the cracks because of incomplete background checks.

That's a failure in the system, not a deliberate policy decision to "fr*ck" anyone over. POTUS made a considered and deliberate decision to separate babies and toddlers from their mothers.

You're comparing apples to orangutans.

Last edited by All Bizniz; 11-19-2020 at 09:54 AM.
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Old 11-19-2020, 09:54 AM
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Originally Posted by All Bizniz View Post
That article is talking about the 90,000 kids that beginning in 2013 SUDDENLY started showing up UNACCOMPANIED at the border.

There was a good faith effort to place them in safe homes, but about 2 doz or so (even 1 is too many, but real is real) slipped through the cracks because of incomplete background checks.

That's a failure in the system, not a deliberate policy decision to "fr*ck" anyone over.

You're comparing apples to an orangutan.
You are clearly missing the point. The previous administration made the mistake of releasing children without conducting background checks or verifying if the people were actually family. They also failed to follow up on the 90,000 children they placed, meaning potentially more ended up with human traffickers.

”Families” that arrive at the border are not always real families. Children have been and continue to be used as a way to get into the country illegally. What should one do if they cannot verify that the child is actually related to the person claiming to be family?

Your claim on the intent of a policy is baseless.
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Old 11-19-2020, 09:56 AM
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Originally Posted by NE_Pilot View Post
Not worth copying
The spin is top notch from you this morning. Is it 12 or is it 90,000? The article wasn't clear so it must be 90,000.

Regarding the other comment, the dude wants to emigrate to a very different foreign country. I couldn't help notice the irony as he discriminates against undocumented immigrants. No bigotry on my end, just emphasizing the juxtaposition of his hypocrisy.

I'm bored with your spin and your bad faith debate. Don't you have anything else?
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