Any "Latest & Greatest" about Delta?

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Quote: Does anyone know how the transition from burning up all sick leave to disability happens? Sorry to be a downer but have some problems with our baby that requires surgery. Plus Delta does not want me flying with all the distractions and emotional stress, thanks.
Sorry to hear about your child. Best wishes for speedy recovery.
I'd call DALPA about your status. Not sure you are eligible for disability if you are not the one who is sick.
Family Medical Leave maybe?
Have been dealing with Dr Faulkner and those at Harvey Wyatt. Since I have a premie and the stress you go through Delta does not want you to fly. If it does not get approved I guess I go the other way with family leave. Believe me this all just sucks and reading this forum helps get your mind away from what us going on. Thanks for your thoughts.
Quote: Have been dealing with Dr Faulkner and those at Harvey Wyatt. Since I have a premie and the stress you go through Delta does not want you to fly. If it does not get approved I guess I go the other way with family leave. Believe me this all just sucks and reading this forum helps get your mind away from what us going on. Thanks for your thoughts.
Sorry to hear Sawdog. Prayers for you & your family. I'm sure DAL will work with you. I'd definitely call ALPA. Situations like this are why we pay dues. Use your union. They aren't just for contract negotiations.
I have a question for ACL65. What will happen to JAL Cargo and their 744Fs? Does JAL want to offload some of that? Have we totally sold our ANC ops?
Sawdog, prayers to you and your family. I too know the stresses that come along with a newborn and him/her being preemie.

On that same note. ACL, or anyone else in the know, are we able to donate our sick bank in times like this? I'm on "mil leave" from the company, keeping up with the "LATEST & GREATEST" about Delta, but SAWDOG you're welcome to use what I have built up.


Quote: And just where did you get the $3B number anyway? that is an awful big number to be pulling out of thin air. Actually, when one throws a number like that out without any justification to back it,
It is a known fact that 87% of all statistics are made up on the spot by the person stating them.

Quote: And just where did you get the $3B number anyway? that is an awful big number to be pulling out of thin air. Actually, when one throws a number like that out without any justification to back it, it shows an ignorance of the process. But besides, we will NEVER have enough money to do this project the right way, therefore, we will always be putting gum in the dam. As long as lip service is paid to NY and JFK, this is what it will be. ATL gets a sparkling new international terminal... hard floors.. new lounges with shinynew flat screen computer monitors and working printers... and JFK gets new paint. The old addage applies, there's never enough time (or money) to do it the right way, but there's always enough time (or money) to do it over....
A compete rebuild of T's 2 and 3 was quoted at 2 billion, Add T-4 to it and thee billion is being conservative. Not necessarily derived from thin air.

I like your TV better.
I agree it needs to be done. To win NYC we need a first class facility in JFK.
Quote: Q: Richard, Thanks for taking the time to chat with us today. The CVG team understands the business reasons behind our schedule changes. We've worked very hard to drive outstanding performance and keep our cost structure down. Do you think the network changes will help us achieve profitability in 2010?

A: We certainly hope that the changes we have made will improve RASM performance in CVG. I will be coming to CVG in the next month or so to meet with key leaders and our employees to discuss our efforts to make CVG a successful hub.

Doesn't sound THAT ominous. Still reading.
Makes it sound like they are coming up to close it doesn't it??
Prayers from our family as well Sawdog. My son was born at 24 weeks and 1lb 14 oz, Level 2 NICU for 4 months so I can relate.... I didn't burn through all my sick time but the (at the time DFW) chief pilots office was great and gave me as much time off as I needed. Delta is a pain in the *** about a lot of things, but for some things the "family" is still alive and well... this is one of them. There's a pilot assistance fund with ALPA as well....
Quote: Does anyone know how the transition from burning up all sick leave to disability happens? Sorry to be a downer but have some problems with our baby that requires surgery. Plus Delta does not want me flying with all the distractions and emotional stress, thanks.
Call you CPO. They will help you out.
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