Any "Latest & Greatest" about Delta?

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Quote: So if you can't run the disc and show up to training without them being completed what happens? I assume one will be sent home until completion without pay. In this case a grievance would need to be filed to get everything rectified..... Guess I'll call my reps tomorrow

I believe you still have the option to request all training at the school house. Call the training department and ask. They send you a week early to get the CD's done.
Since the 787 was in the news again today, has anyone heard anything about DAL N's 787 orders? I know I'm not allowed to fly them, but I'd still love to see you guys get them. Secondly, I'm a bit puzzled that you DAL N guys seem pretty stoked about increasing 777 time in DTW, but you guys can't fly those either. At least for 5 years. I'm not trying to open the his/yours/mine thing. I'm just wondering what I'm missing here. I guess maybe the excitement must stem from the lower positions it creates. I hate to give anything away, but if they cancel the 787 orders, I think DAL N guys should get some 777 replacements. Fair is fair. That's just the kind of guy I am. Ha
Well that flight to STL appears to have had an electrical fire in the overhead on the left side of the cabin in one of the PSU's. Seems that someone posted a photo on Fox News from inside the cabin.
Quote: So if you can't run the disc and show up to training without them being completed what happens? I assume one will be sent home until completion without pay. In this case a grievance would need to be filed to get everything rectified..... Guess I'll call my reps tomorrow
And the basis for your grievance would be? What part of the contract is in violation? Are there company provided computers in every base that work?
Quote: I got all my MD88 training material but the IQST disc is only windows based, does DAL have a mac version? If not how do they expect guys who do not own a pc to complete the training? (And please don't say buy a pc or run windows on your mac).
The company's view is that there are PCs for you to use at all the bases. That's where you can do your CD training if you don't have a PC to run it on.
Quote: Since the 787 was in the news again today, has anyone heard anything about DAL N's 787 orders? I know I'm not allowed to fly them, but I'd still love to see you guys get them. Secondly, I'm a bit puzzled that you DAL N guys seem pretty stoked about increasing 777 time in DTW, but you guys can't fly those either. At least for 5 years. I'm not trying to open the his/yours/mine thing. I'm just wondering what I'm missing here. I guess maybe the excitement must stem from the lower positions it creates. I hate to give anything away, but if they cancel the 787 orders, I think DAL N guys should get some 777 replacements. Fair is fair. That's just the kind of guy I am. Ha

I think you answered your own question in your post. An addition of flying for one or more aircraft categories in the system, whether or not it's fenced for another 4 years, 9 months is a benefit for the entire group, not only those that are allowed to bid it at the time.

Welcome to the longest running thread on Airline Pilot Central's Forum.


Quote: Since the 787 was in the news again today, has anyone heard anything about DAL N's 787 orders? I know I'm not allowed to fly them, but I'd still love to see you guys get them. Secondly, I'm a bit puzzled that you DAL N guys seem pretty stoked about increasing 777 time in DTW, but you guys can't fly those either. At least for 5 years. I'm not trying to open the his/yours/mine thing. I'm just wondering what I'm missing here. I guess maybe the excitement must stem from the lower positions it creates. I hate to give anything away, but if they cancel the 787 orders, I think DAL N guys should get some 777 replacements. Fair is fair. That's just the kind of guy I am. Ha

You will be allowed to fly it if you're planning on sticking around another 4 years and 9 mos. Please don't change your retirement plans just for that.
Still love to see you guys get them?

We're one airline now and in case you haven't noticed, more widebodies benefit all Delta pilots.
+210 330.

Any jet on our property is great for all of is. It creates movement. With 12200 different lives that have different wants and desires, it creates many options that many will be quite happy with.
Quote: So if you can't run the disc and show up to training without them being completed what happens? I assume one will be sent home until completion without pay. In this case a grievance would need to be filed to get everything rectified..... Guess I'll call my reps tomorrow
Many years ago, when DAL had us switch from in house training/studying, they offered us a super fantastic computer purchase deal. We were all kind of excited about our new, almost free computers. When the super deal was released, it was an absolute joke. There were only a few options, and overall, one could buy a much better computer with more options anywhere on the open market. Bottom line is that DAL felt it had fulfilled it's obligation to give us all computers. It was a bust.
Quote: My issue is I do not want to go purchase software + OS to run a training cd. If Delta expects us to have a specific computer and OS they need to provide it.
To be fair, there are computers available in the pilot lounges. The disc that they do provide is good enough for 99% of the pilots out there who own inexpensive PC's.

If we're talking about upgrades to the training discs, I'd like to have the option to just download the data directly to my PC netbook. Carrying around a laptop (because it has a disc drive) is SO pre-2008.
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