Any "Latest & Greatest" about Delta?

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OK... first month on reserve for me, so here's the first of what will likely be lots of questions.

Where do I go to bid for Golden days???
Quote: With due respect it is the arrogant "we know best" attitude at the core of apathy of which you speak. People have tried many times to make a difference only to realize effecting change at ALPA is futile. Many have become frustrated to the point of looking elsewhere for representation.

This is exactly why the DPA has a huge chance of passing. Splash is ever so eloquently illustrating it and pushing the membership further away.

Here is a name that I am now grouping you under, Splash: Unionoid.

Enjoy! You epitomize it possibly better than anyone else I've seen on here.
Quote: Yeah. That's great. Next time you're at a local meeting, do me a favor and report the number of your peers you see in attendance.

Then read the ALPA web board, and report the number of your peers who post.

Then report the number who bother to vote.

Then tell me how the DPA is going to overcome your loneliness. Tell me how it will force pilots to participate. Tell me how it's structure will be it won't be run by elected pilots who must weigh the sometimes counterproductive actions and narrowly-focused directives issued by its membership (those local resolutions) against their more-informed judgement.

Tell me.
This is hilarious. In one post you try to attack me by saying I'm not involved and don't vote. When proven wrong, you try to tell me that it doesn't do anygood. Which is it, Captain Arrogance?
Quote: Look ace, you're new here and have a lot to learn. All of what you are spewing has been debated over and over on this thread and on the DPA thread. Do some reading, then come back. Then you'll realize that nothing you've said is new, and nothing you've said has gone without numerous counterpoints.
New name. Old person.


Quote: But then again, if you can only write and not read, maybe you won't learn anything after all.
Your "counterpoints" are weak and either require assumptions that don't comply with the Laws of Thermodynamics, or predict behavior that is not based on past performance.
Quote: This is hilarious. In one post you try to attack me by saying I'm not involved and don't vote. When proven wrong, you try to tell me that it doesn't do anygood. Which is it, Captain Arrogance?
"You" is the collective you.

For some reason I thought you'd get it.

My mistake.
Has anyone heard of possible AMS and GUM 737 base?
Quote: It gets better! Next time we fly together, I'll make you take the first break. It's a seniority thing.
Really...will you be clean by then?

Quote: You're better served staying in the shallow end of the pool here. You advocate simple solutions to complex problems, and that shows your limited capacity or willingness to think through the problems facing ALPA...and how DPA would "fix" them.
To a guy who is too lazy to read previous posts and find the answers you seek (if you are indeed able to read), I'm tickled by your portrayal of other pilots as too lazy to vote. You seem to be dog paddling in the shallow end of the gene pool dude. Reading Is Fundamental!

Quote: Tell me how it will force pilots to participate.
I'm not sure that you understand the angst here. It's not pilot participation in alpa's life that is important. It's alpa's LACK of participation in ours that is causing all this. And again I will say that I personally have no problem with DALPA.. it's national that need a size 15E-to-the-head adjustment, and I have zero confidence that it will get one.
Quote: T
Here is a name that I am now grouping you under, Splash: Unionoid.

Enjoy! You epitomize it possibly better than anyone else I've seen on here.

I'll call the Dept of Labor tomorrow and advise them DPA isn't a union. I don't want any of its cheerleaders thinking THEY might be one of your Unionoid group.
Wow, stay with Splash or join Carl... There's a Morton's Fork if there ever was one.
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