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cr700 02-18-2016 04:35 AM

Originally Posted by eaglefly (Post 2070500)
I keep thinking they are kicking the can (one of their specialties) until later this year when they are freed up from constraints regarding the last of their synergy components like SLI, "rightsizing" hubs, pilots PBS, etc. at mainline. This will play directly into what they want/need to do with their regional network, which again IMO involves streamlining, consolidation or even possibly branching out into a different reality to some degree with larger aircraft (possible with the correct chess play).

Until then, it would seem to make little sense in big moves and instead simply a enabling process of band-aiding the operation until THEY are ready to make the moves I suspect are being finalized about several issues. I think some surprises are coming starting in mid Summer into the end of the year.

Just my .02 as always............

I think it's pretty obvious that you've got an axe to grind with Envoy. Seriously, are you upset that it took you 20 years to flow? Most guys flowing now will be in their early 30's, some may even been in their late 20's with the 6 year flow, giving them a full career span at the premier major carrier in the U.S. Maybe that is what's giving you heartburn, I don't know.

What I do know is that AAG has recognized the need for reliable feed and believes that keeping it in house is the best way to give pilots what they want. A career path from Day One. Envoy management isn't "out to get the pilot group." They are in fact, trying to help facilitate a pilots career expectation by offering them a clear, and very brief path to AA.

Try to remember, this isn't AMR anymore. It's AAG and with that comes a whole different executive management team. One that literally does what they say they are going to do. If it weren't for AAG, Envoy wouldn't have the robust flow that we have today.

In addition, AAG is positioning Envoy to be the premier regional carrier in the U.S. We'll likely be operating all 175's within 5 years or less. Kind of beats those crappy, loud 19 seat turboprops you were probably flying back in the 80's.

Envoy guys just need to be patient and let AAG's plan start working. It already is in fact. 30 Envoy pilots recently just transferred to AA with no interview and no new hire process. Just a transfer. Being wholly owned, you are already part of American Airlines and it's just like moving from the CRJ over to the 175. Just a transfer.

CLT Guy 02-18-2016 04:40 AM

Originally Posted by cr700 (Post 2070688)
I think it's pretty obvious that you've got an axe to grind with Envoy. Seriously, are you upset that it took you 20 years to flow? Most guys flowing now will be in their early 30's, some may even been in their late 20's with the 6 year flow, giving them a full career span at the premier major carrier in the U.S. Maybe that is what's giving you heartburn, I don't know.

What I do know is that AAG has recognized the need for reliable feed and believes that keeping it in house is the best way to give pilots what they want. A career path from Day One. Envoy management isn't "out to get the pilot group." They are in fact, trying to help facilitate a pilots career expectation by offering them a clear, and very brief path to AA.

Try to remember, this isn't AMR anymore. It's AAG and with that comes a whole different executive management team. One that literally does what they say they are going to do. If it weren't for AAG, Envoy wouldn't have the robust flow that we have today.

In addition, AAG is positioning Envoy to be the premier regional carrier in the U.S. We'll likely be operating all 175's within 5 years or less. Kind of beats those crappy, loud 19 seat turboprops you were probably flying back in the 80's.

Envoy guys just need to be patient and let AAG's plan start working. It already is in fact. 30 Envoy pilots recently just transferred to AA with no interview and no new hire process. Just a transfer. Being wholly owned, you are already part of American Airlines and it's just like moving from the CRJ over to the 175. Just a transfer.

That is the funniest thing that I have read in a month. They do what they say? Ha ha

That is almost as funny as thinking that the flow will work as they "promise". If they expected it to work, they would give you a seniority number today, or at least they would put it in writing that you are going to flow in 6 years. Until that day, don't believe them.

ag386 02-18-2016 05:13 AM

Originally Posted by cr700 (Post 2070688)
I think it's pretty obvious that you've got an axe to grind with Envoy. Seriously, are you upset that it took you 20 years to flow? Most guys flowing now will be in their early 30's, some may even been in their late 20's with the 6 year flow, giving them a full career span at the premier major carrier in the U.S. Maybe that is what's giving you heartburn, I don't know.

What I do know is that AAG has recognized the need for reliable feed and believes that keeping it in house is the best way to give pilots what they want. A career path from Day One. Envoy management isn't "out to get the pilot group." They are in fact, trying to help facilitate a pilots career expectation by offering them a clear, and very brief path to AA.

Try to remember, this isn't AMR anymore. It's AAG and with that comes a whole different executive management team. One that literally does what they say they are going to do. If it weren't for AAG, Envoy wouldn't have the robust flow that we have today.

In addition, AAG is positioning Envoy to be the premier regional carrier in the U.S. We'll likely be operating all 175's within 5 years or less. Kind of beats those crappy, loud 19 seat turboprops you were probably flying back in the 80's.

Envoy guys just need to be patient and let AAG's plan start working. It already is in fact. 30 Envoy pilots recently just transferred to AA with no interview and no new hire process. Just a transfer. Being wholly owned, you are already part of American Airlines and it's just like moving from the CRJ over to the 175. Just a transfer.

HA HA HA HA HA! I can't stop laughing!

Talk about a blast from the past. Take a look at Sky's intro into this thread from just barely 3 months ago below. Wow, how things have changed. Sky, where are you?

Big things are happening for Envoy. Management held a Q&A session today and provided the following information (borrowed from someone else's notes of the meeting):

Revised Flow/Upgrade numbers - AA has 600 newhire slots planned for 2016. 1500 AA newhires over the next 2 years is the plan.

300 Envoy flows for next year. 750 Envoy flows over the next two years alone.

205 upgrades planned now. Those are yet to be awarded and will be in class before the year (2016) is out.

New hire upgrade/flow to AA now planned at 2.5/5.5 years.

Additional 175's - Options are on the table, along with acquiring other existing airframes.

iPads - iPads should be coming our way around March or April and will be individually mailed to the pilot's home address. We are currently fully EFB (ipad) approved but pilots have to provide their own ipads. Starting next year the company will be providing pilots with their own ipads for use.

Envoy shooting for 345 new hires next year. (PM current Envoy pilots for help getting an interview sooner rather than later)

Again, these notes are not mine but from others who attended the meeting. Whoever else was there please add to this information anything else you may have.

AdiosMikeFox 02-18-2016 06:03 AM

Conspiratorial management plant/envoy salesman cheerleader here!

Originally Posted by cr700 (Post 2070688)
I think it's pretty obvious that you've got an axe to grind with Envoy. Seriously, are you upset that it took you 20 years to flow? Most guys flowing now will be in their early 30's, some may even been in their late 20's with the 6 year flow, giving them a full career span at the premier major carrier in the U.S. Maybe that is what's giving you heartburn, I don't know.

What I do know is that AAG has recognized the need for reliable feed and believes that keeping it in house is the best way to give pilots what they want. A career path from Day One. Envoy management isn't "out to get the pilot group." They are in fact, trying to help facilitate a pilots career expectation by offering them a clear, and very brief path to AA.

Try to remember, this isn't AMR anymore. It's AAG and with that comes a whole different executive management team. One that literally does what they say they are going to do. If it weren't for AAG, Envoy wouldn't have the robust flow that we have today.

In addition, AAG is positioning Envoy to be the premier regional carrier in the U.S. We'll likely be operating all 175's within 5 years or less. Kind of beats those crappy, loud 19 seat turboprops you were probably flying back in the 80's.

Envoy guys just need to be patient and let AAG's plan start working. It already is in fact. 30 Envoy pilots recently just transferred to AA with no interview and no new hire process. Just a transfer. Being wholly owned, you are already part of American Airlines and it's just like moving from the CRJ over to the 175. Just a transfer.

What? Seriously, WHAT? Out of all the posts I see here this one completely seems like an ENY/AAG PR rep piece. "...reliable path...positioning envoy to be the premier regional..." All corporate-speak.

I cannot believe what I'm hearing from management, or the previous poster.

All last year, despite the negative Nancys, AAG looked to be holding true to what they said they were going to do in regards to ENY's flow and future.

  • They reduced the number of departing aircraft
  • Returned some flying with the promise of additional hours returning this spring
  • Had a small upgrade with the promise of more to come in rapid succession starting this year
  • 2.5 to CA and 6 to flow for the newhire hired TODAY (today being the late summer/fall of last year).
  • Despite the devastating effects of shutting down all but two domiciles we got small returns like hotel rooms and an extended commuter policy (still a sh*t deal, but better than nothing)
  • Bumped up the flow in accordance with the arrival of the 175
What they've actually done this year:

  • Failed to gain additional flying
  • Failed to upgrade
  • 2.5/6 is essentially impossible. They could hand out AA numbers to us and that still doesn't qualify as flowing - we are supposed to get 50% of EACH CLASS, not 100% into a pool. Unless there's some miracle in the works there's no way to cram the full required flow through the AA training center (Due to Letter T returnees, July slowdown and December shutdown of the AA training facility for newhires) much less our own training center to meet the upgrade target.
  • Metered the flow to less than 50% with the unfathomable excuse that the departure of the pilots would disrupt operations despite having zero time and part time lines, line values sub-70 hour average along with 35%+ of the pilot group on reserve. Bull ****
  • Returning Letter T pilots may/may not make "truing up" flows at the end of the year per our contract physically impossible

AAG/ENY has done an about-face and returned to their BS and failed promises. Last year I was willing to give them the benefit of the doubt. Wait and see. Things were looking OK, people could start moving up and out. They were holding up their end of the bargain. The actions of the company this year make liars of them. ENY is just another crappy regional at this point, arguably worse than others in some ways. But hey, it's just a transfer to AA, right?

OK Mr./Ms. AAG/ENY PR rep, tell us how AA/ENY are going to surmount these issues while remaining within the bounds of the contract and arbitrated awards? If it were possible, I think we would have been told by now, and it would benefit hiring because people would see that we were moving ahead - but this is not the reality that is presented by ENY. Do tell, cr700, how this will all be made right? I was one of your supporters last year and we've all been let down. Tell me why I'm wrong, point by point.

Aviatrx 02-18-2016 06:47 AM

Just received an email asking for iPads to be retrieved from the CPO. So much for being mailed to your house

adspilot 02-18-2016 06:58 AM

How many new hires were in the class on Monday?

cr700 02-18-2016 07:00 AM

Originally Posted by AdiosMikeFox (Post 2070733)
Conspiratorial management plant/envoy salesman cheerleader here!

What? Seriously, WHAT? Out of all the posts I see here this one completely seems like an ENY/AAG PR rep piece. "...reliable path...positioning envoy to be the premier regional..." All corporate-speak.

I cannot believe what I'm hearing from management, or the previous poster.

All last year, despite the negative Nancys, AAG looked to be holding true to what they said they were going to do in regards to ENY's flow and future.

  • They reduced the number of departing aircraft
  • Returned some flying with the promise of additional hours returning this spring
  • Had a small upgrade with the promise of more to come in rapid succession starting this year
  • 2.5 to CA and 6 to flow for the newhire hired TODAY (today being the late summer/fall of last year).
  • Despite the devastating effects of shutting down all but two domiciles we got small returns like hotel rooms and an extended commuter policy (still a sh*t deal, but better than nothing)
  • Bumped up the flow in accordance with the arrival of the 175
What they've actually done this year:

  • Failed to gain additional flying
    This will be changing in the future heavily slanted in Envoy's favor. AAG has to balance the system when it comes to regional feed and it all depends on the capacity available to them at that particular time.
  • Failed to upgrade
    Look for an upgrade bid very soon. As you know, as Envoy pilots flow, they have to be replaced. This requires upgrades.
  • 2.5/6 is essentially impossible. They could hand out AA numbers to us and that still doesn't qualify as flowing - we are supposed to get 50% of EACH CLASS, not 100% into a pool. Unless there's some miracle in the works there's no way to cram the full required flow through the AA training center (Due to Letter T returnees, July slowdown and December shutdown of the AA training facility for newhires) much less our own training center to meet the upgrade target.
    They are following the contract. The 2.5/6 is based on the MINIMUM flowing which in the most recent case is, 30.
  • Metered the flow to less than 50% with the unfathomable excuse that the departure of the pilots would disrupt operations despite having zero time and part time lines, line values sub-70 hour average along with 35%+ of the pilot group on reserve. Bull ****
    Metering is allowed by the contract even for forseeable future events. It's likely that when the 175 flying spools up, they are seeing a greater need for qualified pilots in those seats.
  • Returning Letter T pilots may/may not make "truing up" flows at the end of the year per our contract physically impossible
    Letter T pilots will be making their decision in April. Then we will know how many will be coming back. The company has to true up at the end of the year. It's contractual.

AAG/ENY has done an about-face and returned to their BS and failed promises. Last year I was willing to give them the benefit of the doubt. Wait and see. Things were looking OK, people could start moving up and out. They were holding up their end of the bargain. The actions of the company this year make liars of them. ENY is just another crappy regional at this point, arguably worse than others in some ways. But hey, it's just a transfer to AA, right?

OK Mr./Ms. AAG/ENY PR rep, tell us how AA/ENY are going to surmount these issues while remaining within the bounds of the contract and arbitrated awards? If it were possible, I think we would have been told by now, and it would benefit hiring because people would see that we were moving ahead - but this is not the reality that is presented by ENY. Do tell, cr700, how this will all be made right? I was one of your supporters last year and we've all been let down. Tell me why I'm wrong, point by point.

We are getting plenty of interest out there. It's just some of the candidates aren't AA material in the end. That's what happens when you have one interview for your career airline job. Corporate wants to ensure they are hiring an AA pilot from day one.

We have some of the best work rules in the industry. Envoy isn't a bad place to be while you wait for your move over to AA. Envoy is moving ahead and very soon it will be at lightning speed. Anyone considering Envoy will want to get their apps in now to be on the front end of the wave. Yes, it's still a great time to be an Envoy pilot.

AutoPirateOn 02-18-2016 07:01 AM

Originally Posted by Aviatrx (Post 2070767)
Just received an email asking for iPads to be retrieved from the CPO. So much for being mailed to your house

I'm pretty sure that is just for the inital test cadre of pilots. Cause we've never used EFB's before, so we better run a test program????The rest of us will have them mailed to our homes on March,...errr, beginning of April now. Typing up with the 1 page agreement that you will be required to sign with the Do's and Don't's has taken Ric longer than expected. Please cut him some slack, he's just now learning how to use the return/shift key to start a new line on text. His hi6's won't go on forever now!

N927EV 02-18-2016 07:08 AM

Originally Posted by Aviatrx (Post 2070767)
Just received an email asking for iPads to be retrieved from the CPO. So much for being mailed to your house

The email I read said in a few weeks we'll have to verify our mailing address and they'll be mailing them the first week of April.

N927EV 02-18-2016 07:10 AM

Originally Posted by eaglefly (Post 2070500)
I keep thinking they are kicking the can (one of their specialties) until later this year when they are freed up from constraints regarding the last of their synergy components like SLI, "rightsizing" hubs, pilots PBS, etc. at mainline. This will play directly into what they want/need to do with their regional network, which again IMO involves streamlining, consolidation or even possibly branching out into a different reality to some degree with larger aircraft (possible with the correct chess play).

Until then, it would seem to make little sense in big moves and instead simply a enabling process of band-aiding the operation until THEY are ready to make the moves I suspect are being finalized about several issues. I think some surprises are coming starting in mid Summer into the end of the year.

Just my .02 as always............

As in for AA mainline or the eagle carriers? Care to elaborate?

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