The Many Negative Effects of Student Lines

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Quote: I agree that student lines are a bit of a concession. But can you see how getting paid 100% for not working can bother the company a bit. One of managements main focuses in this negotiation is to not pay guys for not working. Maybe not working contributes to your screen name MediocrePilot.
Of course they'd like to not pay us 100% for not working. They'd also like to pay us RJ rates and have us all on 24/7 reserve if they could. I have ZERO sympathy for their position after the shenanigans they've been playing recently. And we tried to give them student lines for what??? Pay rates well behind the rest of the industry? A retirement that was going to be the only one recently negotiated that was still bound by IRS limits? Company takes advantage of every contractual opportunity they can. I have no problem with pilots doing the same. Oh FYI I've never had a line with a check airman so take your work ethic BS elsewhere.
Quote: Gentleman -

The solution has always been, and will always be - sustained, steadfast unity.

Their approach will always be to divide, and market their desires as micro-changes .

Let's refocus our collective efforts on management.

The NC has always told us they look past the the pilots. That hasn't changed!

Read today's update from the MEC - "Company Comprehensive Supposal"
They want us to turn against each other.
Their tactics haven't changed.
The clock ticks for both sides.
The most anxious lose.
Quote: MediocrePilot said he doesn't have to fly and still makes 100%. Just seems a little greedy and unrealistic to me. That's not the work ethic my parents taught me.
You are a SPINELESS company hack. Unbelievable. Go back to whatever O-6 office you crawled out of.
I will forever be shocked that the pay rates and bonus weren’t eye watering with the amount of concessions they tried to include in ta1.

Unfortunately I see this playing out for a very long time. They aren’t going to offer industry standard and we will and should continue to say no until they do however long that takes. My blood boils to think about guys retiring every month without an improved pension but that was the risk accepted with not addressing it in the last contract. But please direct your anger at the cheap a$$ company that many of you are so loyal to for not acknowledging your career and sacrifice with an improved pension AND an industry standard contract not at your fellow pilot for refusing to work for less with major concessions and some unknown pancake retirement plan to fund a pension increase.
Quote: You are a SPINELESS company hack. Unbelievable. Go back to whatever O-6 office you crawled out of.
How incensed are you at people getting something for free? Its great when YOU benefit but when its other people getting paid for free its wrong. If we were to look at any job outside of the airline industry and saw people getting paid to not work we would be amazed. If the company wants the student lines so bad, make them pay. But don't be whining about how guys should be paid to do nothing.
Quote: How incensed are you at people getting something for free? Its great when YOU benefit but when its other people getting paid for free its wrong. If we were to look at any job outside of the airline industry and saw people getting paid to not work we would be amazed. If the company wants the student lines so bad, make them pay. But don't be whining about how guys should be paid to do nothing.
Stan - I'll assume you read all the posts in this thread, but just in case I'll ask the same questions to you...

Do you think we should apply those same rules when BOTH pilots are bumped from training?

….or when a change of gauge occurs?

…or when a trip is revised to return to a pilots home domicile early?

I’m confident you know pilots are paid 100% for “not working” in all those instances.

When any pilot bids any line they are responsible for flying that line - if the company chooses to remove them for any reason, that’s a choice the company makes willingly. The pilot has zero control and zero choice.

The “this is only a bit of a concession” mentality is a very slippery slope — and exactly how you boil the whole frog slowly.

Additionally, you are ignoring the second and third order effects of those FOs not being awarded any line at all, and being forced to rebuild their whole month in the View/Add Window.

The effects will be far greater. Please understand the whole process and ripple affect upon all FOs below.

Surveys have been taken. Focus Groups have been held. Student Lines made the list of major concessions this pilot group doesn’t want to see.

Will our NC & Union Leadership stand fast?

It’s a fair question we need to ask prior to TA1.1/2.0….not afterwards.

In Transparency, Integrity and Unity (for Everyone),

Quote: I will forever be shocked that the pay rates and bonus weren’t eye watering with the amount of concessions they tried to include in ta1.

Unfortunately I see this playing out for a very long time. They aren’t going to offer industry standard and we will and should continue to say no until they do however long that takes. My blood boils to think about guys retiring every month without an improved pension but that was the risk accepted with not addressing it in the last contract. But please direct your anger at the cheap a$$ company that many of you are so loyal to for not acknowledging your career and sacrifice with an improved pension AND an industry standard contract not at your fellow pilot for refusing to work for less with major concessions and some unknown pancake retirement plan to fund a pension increase.
Some of my anger rightfully goes towards my fellow pilots that still support the dishonest NC chair and his entourage. The NC chair that gave concession after concession after concession when times were good, then told us that opening up scope again wasn't risking the concessions that were TAed. How can we trust him to negotiate for us again? how can we trust those that still support him and his shenanigans? He may be a valuable asset to our team with his knowledge, but he definitely should not be anywhere near the controls. He was supposed to be the number one gatekeeper, the MEC being the number two. Both neglected their duties and forcefully drove the company's wedge through this pilot group in a manner that will take a full generation to repair. In the meantime, what will the company now be able to get away with while we try to fix the damage caused by that MEC and NC?
Quote: Read today's update from the MEC - "Company Comprehensive Supposal"
They want us to turn against each other.
Their tactics haven't changed.
The clock ticks for both sides.
The most anxious lose.
OK, I looked for an update today, Feb 6, but did not see one that addressed the Comprehensive Supposal.

Was this a NC update? I looked on the website and just saw the generic one from last week. It just said the company gave us one, with no details.

Also, are we going to get a 100% retirement survey to fill out?
Quote: OK, I looked for an update today, Feb 6, but did not see one that addressed the Comprehensive Supposal.

Was this a NC update? I looked on the website and just saw the generic one from last week. It just said the company gave us one, with no details.

Also, are we going to get a 100% retirement survey to fill out?
My mistake. The email is from "FDXMEC-007Fastread" - so more precisely, its from only the Block 7 Reps.

The most important parts:

"...What we can share with you is that the overall value contained in the Company's Term Sheet Supposal was cost-neutral when compared against the value of the rejected TA. In other words, it added no money for our pilots. Needless to say, the details within the Supposal were not acceptable to your Council 7 representatives or the rest of the MEC. This almost predictable attempt at undermining the value of our pilots is nothing more than a first pass from the Company, which is in line with how they have approached contract negotiations in the past....We ask you to continue to stay informed and engaged and to know your worth!"

Quote: Read today's update from the MEC - "Company Comprehensive Supposal"
They want us to turn against each other.
Their tactics haven't changed.
The clock ticks for both sides.
The most anxious lose.
So what if it takes 4 years? We're only getting leverage when something changes - something that we don't control - need of pilots, lot more of Fedex freight. Just wondering if we are in the same position in 2 years from now would you still say "the anxious lose"? How do you define the anxious? You're tactics are like generic kindergarten stuff - "all we have is unity" - what does that mean now? I know you are a big believer that we will be released by the NMB (not sure why you believe that but whatever) but outside of that, what else do we have?
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