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sulkair 10-23-2016 06:58 AM

The potential for something like this to end very badly is almost certain. Measures like this might be warranted if we were losing our fingers, hands, and eyeballs on the unsafe factory floor while stepping over dead bodies - worked to death.

Right now we're on the right track - we need to play it smart, and be patient.

Bolo 10-23-2016 10:04 AM

Originally Posted by sulkair (Post 2229482)
The potential for something like this to end very badly is almost certain. Measures like this might be warranted if we were losing our fingers, hands, and eyeballs on the unsafe factory floor while stepping over dead bodies - worked to death.

Right now we're on the right track - we need to play it smart, and be patient.

Sulkair is 100% right on this. Let the process play out like it should.

motorboatin 10-23-2016 10:49 AM

Originally Posted by SewerPipeDvr (Post 2229475)
Typing for my Dad. The parent company is about one thing and one thing only. Money. You are handicapped by the RLA. The game is rigged against you. The only way you can win against this company and the RLA is-- don't play the game. You are restricted as what you can do to make the company play nice. But one thing the RLA does not/cannot do is force you to work for the company. You can quit. The company is happy if a few disgruntled types quit. Less headaches for them. But if you guys are really unified you can make them crap their trousers. As I said the company is about money. If suddenly 50-60% or more of the pilots sign resignation letters, make a big stack and tell your NC if the company does not come to terms four weeks before the Christmas rush begins, turn in the stack. The company would lose everything. They won't let that happen. Anything that brings negative attention to the company they fear. It would also trigger fed attention as they don't like organized unrest on that scale The company can drag this out for years just like BBradford did. Don't play the game. Force their hand. They either want the cash cow or they don't. I know they don't want to lose a butt load of money to save a little. They cannot replace you quickly. It would kill their business. Those trying to organize this need to be careful and let the union know they will be toast is they do not protect the organizers (easy to do think forth gen warfare- have a lot of organizers- too many to fire) You just have to be unified and let them know you mean it. I really don't think the company will call you out. If you want better, its yours. You just have to be unified and willing to destroy their business.

This might be the single worst recommendation I've ever read on this or any other forum. The problem with your theory is when they decide to call your bluff. They are billionaires today and will be tomorrow, even IF we all quit and they close the doors.

This has nothing to do with unification or a willingness to destroy their business...this strategy would be akin to a roll of the dice in Vegas with a significant amount of your life savings. Plus, they aren't just handing out job offers to any Tom, Dick, or "Barry" that shows up wanting to work for D, U, or AA. Take a sip of reality man!!

madmax757 10-23-2016 10:53 AM

Originally Posted by Aero1900 (Post 2229409)
The most likely new pilot domicile has to be Las Vegas. Just based on the number of daily departures, Vegas has more than Chicago.

I do not think Philly will be a pilot domicile. Frontier is going to add 16 airplanes in the next 14 months, and no one knows where that growth will occur. As has been discussed here, Denver and Chicago don't have the gates to grow. I suspect we will see new routes announced soon and that will likely point to the new domicile. If I were a gambling man, I'd bet on Vegas

So when is the new base going to be announced / opening?

shreddykreuger 10-23-2016 11:18 AM

Originally Posted by madmax757 (Post 2229650)
So when is the new base going to be announced / opening?

Rumor is it will be late next year/maybe early 2018. Pilots will be the last to know when/where. The former CEO stood in my ground school and said "THE NEW BASE WILL DEFINITELY NOT BE ORLANDO" a few years ago...a few months later, MCO was a crew base.

ULLI 10-23-2016 11:21 AM

Originally Posted by shreddykreuger (Post 2229666)
Rumor is it will be late next year/maybe early 2018. Pilots will be the last to know when/where. The former CEO stood in my ground school and said "THE NEW BASE WILL DEFINITELY NOT BE ORLANDO" a few years ago...a few months later, MCO was a crew base.

i dont think it will be that long. On the side note BF personally said to me that MCO base is very unlikely, this was two years ago

AUbuspilot 10-23-2016 12:15 PM


It looks like the new base will be philly!!! I was taking a look at open time and this popped up. I was able to grab a screen shot, the page auto-refreshed and it was gone. If I had to guess, it was a Sabre computer programmer checking his work and I just happened to be in the right place at the right time!

Sorry, I can't get the image to embed. You'll have to click on the link.

kb8018 10-23-2016 12:27 PM

BTW, just to be clear, upgrade is 2 years and 7 months and growing, not shortening. So don't drink the kool-aid you are hearing at job fairs from JP.

Arty13 10-23-2016 04:43 PM

Originally Posted by AUbuspilot (Post 2229698)

It looks like the new base will be philly!!! I was taking a look at open time and this popped up. I was able to grab a screen shot, the page auto-refreshed and it was gone. If I had to guess, it was a Sabre computer programmer checking his work and I just happened to be in the right place at the right time!

Sorry, I can't get the image to embed. You'll have to click on the link.

Good work! We'll see if this is actually what's going on.

Arty13 10-23-2016 04:49 PM

Originally Posted by motorboatin (Post 2229648)
This might be the single worst recommendation I've ever read on this or any other forum.

Yep. The worst. This would derail every bit of work our NC has done up to now. Please don't screw us all with a half baked idea like a mass resignation.

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