Whats the funniest thing you have ever heard over the radio??

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Not sure if anyone posted this one, but I read it somewhere a long time ago. An F-16 was having engine problems behind a B-52 coming in without an engine.

F-16: Approach, viper 123 requesting priority, having engine problems.

Approach: Unable, B-52 5 miles ahead with one engine out.

F-16: Ahhh yes, that dreaded seven engine approach.
skywest was interested in purchasing eagle at one point but did not agree with AMR.....
In SLC, a female ground controller pipes up to SKYW aircraft taxiing:

ATC: SKYW, hurry, I've only got 5 minutes to get you off. (flow to SFO)

Many aircraft respond: I don't need the whole five minutes...I'm next...etc...

ATC: You guys are nasty...then a male controller takes over...

I had to stop taxiing since I was laughing so hard.
You "professionals" crack me up!
Quote: Flew into Green Bay today, on my time building journey in a seminole as we were leaving we decided to take a picture of a skywest CRJ. We kind of awkwardly slowed our taxi and paused on the tarmack and snapped a shot of the plane. IT was real dead, so without delay the captain/FO responded

"We smiled for that one."

followed by

"Calling ground say again."

Not saying it was hilarious because I know you had to be there but, thanks to that skywest crew we dodged thunderstorms with a smile on our face the whole way home.


To that crew, PM me if you guys want a copy of that picture, ha
Hey I'm famous!! Actually the captain was the one that said it. We had to do something to keep us entertained for the two hours we were waiting to get released!
Small world...
LGA the day after the NW/DL merger was announced we where told to follow the Delta Airbu I mean follow the Northwest Airbus. Needless to say everyone but the NW crew was laughing like crazy.
Quote: this one was an fa announcement......
As a pax on a Mesa 1900, this is what I heard from the FA during her safety announcement: "In the event of an emergency ejaculation, we will be exiting this cabin door...."
Mesa has FA's on they're 1900's?
Quote: Mesa has FA's on they're 1900's?

No...but nice try.
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