Russian Professor predicts breakup of U.S.

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More information warfare.
Quote: We've done it once, we can do it again!
I'm just worried I might have to cross a fair bit of unfriendly territory to get to the Texas Republic. Might be worth it for the good food and senoritas though!
I'll buy the first round of Pearl, (or Corona?) if I make it.

Found this, for "Alaska Pride" perspective. Ain't gonna vouch for it though. In other words, don't blame me if it's silly.
Alaska Pride: Russian Professor Igor Panarin Claims US Will Collapse And Break Up Due To Economic Crisis; Russia Could Seize Alaska
Pearl? PEARL? Come down and try some Rahr Red.
Surf's Up !
Check out this wave action
YouTube - 2012 trailer
Prof. Panarin, 50 years old, is not a fringe figure. A former KGB analyst, he is dean of the Russian Foreign Ministry's academy for future diplomats. He is invited to Kremlin receptions, lectures students, publishes books, and appears in the media as an expert on U.S.-Russia relations.

Let the Cold War begin....again.

Kathmandu, here I come!!!

Sounds like this guy is looking for some academic welfare.

This just in!! Russian Professor nails a bottle of Stoly!!
Quote: This just in!! Russian Professor nails a bottle of Stoly!!

I have a good hunch that the US will collapse right about the time the Russians stop drinking vodka.

Not going to happen anytime soon.
Quote: Late 17th century Sweden was about three times its current size and militarily was Europe's "500 pound gorilla". Nobody could touch it, until Charles chased a fledgling Peter the Great's army doing a tactical retreat into a Russian winter. Peter took what are now the Baltic states, and the collapse started.
Correct. Also, that's when Sweden lost Finland to Russia.
"Russian Professor predicts breakup of U.S" - well it doesn't take a genius to realize this professor is just another KGB apparatchik and I think his predictions are way off.

Having said that, I do believe that 25-50 years from now we will be seeing "independence" referendums in certain parts of our country similar to the ones we see every 5 years or so in the Quebec province of Canada.

America of the past has always been a melting pot where different cultures assimilated, learned the English language and became Americans.

That’s all gone now; there’s no melting pot anymore as almost all of the new "ingredients" of our nation nowadays come from one source only; I guess you could call it a huge chimichanga maybe, but melting pot it is not.

The ACLU mentality is slowly changing our former “melting pot” integration policy into what Europeans call “multiculturalism” and Canadians refer to as “cultural mosaic.”

Basically, the immigrants, but especially the Hispanics due to their huge numbers, are encouraged to be proud of "where they came from" and hold on to their traditions. Sounds very noble but in reality they end up maintaining their heritage by living in their own exclusive areas (which more often than not turn into ghettos), keep speaking their native language (no 'need' for English since everyone around them speaks Spanish anyways) and basically create small enclaves or mini-countries within a country.

That's what Europeans have done and now are paying a very heavy price for. Just look at London, or as some call it Londonistan where some people have lived in the UK for generations but have never fully integrated into the society. Todays some of them are even demanding Sharia laws in the UK!

I think the Russian professor is a mild-mannered version of the nutcase Zhirinovsky.

However, unless we ensure all “new” Americans become fully integrated into the American society and unless we make the English language the common bond of this nation, we might very well be seeing some kind of separatist tendencies in our nation in the future.

Just my ½ €.
"California will form the nucleus of what he calls "The Californian Republic," and will be part of China or under Chinese influence. Texas will be the heart of "The Texas Republic," a cluster of states that will go to Mexico or fall under Mexican influence. Washington, D.C., and New York will be part of an "Atlantic America" that may join the European Union. Canada will grab a group of Northern states Prof. Panarin calls "The Central North American Republic." Hawaii, he suggests, will be a protectorate of Japan or China, and Alaska will be subsumed into Russia."

This was the best paragraph, I thought. China in CA. LOL. Mexico taking over Texas. Does this guy even know anyone from Texas. Most Texans are so anti-Mexico, that haveing one move into there neighborhood causes the locals all to go out and clean there guns on the porch. Fall we may, but his perdiction os completely wrong.
I'm all for a breakup of the US. The blue states have been carrying the red states financially for forever it seems--e.g., South Carolina, which gets back more federal dollars than its populace kicks in. Heck, it'd probably be the quickest way out of the recession! Let the South secede this time, they can elect Dubya their king and take over responsibility (fiscal and otherwise) for Iraq.

(Said only partly in jest!)
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