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LNL76 10-01-2012 06:13 AM

Originally Posted by USMCFLYR (Post 1269242)
Sorry to hear about your furlough LNL, but you haven't exactly been spotless in your own throwing of stones in the past either. Careful about throwing out that hypocrite word. You're welcome to repost any post of mine where I have ever attacked another airline employee group in the same manner.


First, thanks for the furlough concern.

I don't generalize about pilots and have stated numerous times how much I admire and respect them. I've also never accused you of generalizing about FAs. There are several on this thread, however, who have every chance they get. IIRC, I was told to get a thicker skin as it wasn't a personal insult. Tom Goodman has eloquently pointed out that an attack on one group IS an attack on an individual in that group, and there is NO place for that here or anywhere else. My education, psychological state, pet ownership, lack of any skill, etc. has been thrown out there by way of me admitting I'm a FA.

The groupthink on this and every other web board is amazing. Just as some of you are highly insulted (and rightly so) when SkyHigh questions their parenting and other things, I am highly insulted when I get piled on by a bunch of males who don't know me and should know better, especially since we all work together for a common cause. It's very sad and pathetic, if you ask me.

USMCFLYR 10-01-2012 06:37 AM

Originally Posted by LNL76 (Post 1269249)
First, thanks for the furlough concern.

I don't generalize about pilots and have stated numerous times how much I admire and respect them. I've also never accused you of generalizing about FAs. There are several on this thread, however, who have every chance they get. IIRC, I was told to get a thicker skin as it wasn't a personal insult. Tom Goodman has eloquently pointed out that an attack on one group IS an attack on an individual in that group, and there is NO place for that here or anywhere else. My education, psychological state, pet ownership, lack of any skill, etc. has been thrown out there by way of me admitting I'm a FA.

The groupthink on this and every other web board is amazing. Just as some of you are highly insulted (and rightly so) when SkyHigh questions their parenting and other things, I am highly insulted when I get piled on by a bunch of males who don't know me and should know better, especially since we all work together for a common cause. It's very sad and pathetic, if you ask me.

And you and I have had discussions about this very subject off-line. Review the aforementioned 'Sociopath' thread and tell me if you consider it a 'personal' attack. If you feel that these generalizations do fit into the category of personalized attacks (as Tom Goodman puts forth), then I encourage you, and any others who feel the same way, to bring this to the attention of the admins (FreightDawg/HSLD) or the IB rep (CleeIB) and encourage a TOS rewrite.


northwestdc10 10-01-2012 08:30 AM

Originally Posted by robthree (Post 1188914)
Gee brian, you act like every person who has won Lotto, has a loaded spouse. You just can't grasp the fact that a lot of the folks who have made it in Powerball, worked their ass off and didn't give up. That is a fact. The lack of moral character in this country has driven us to the bottom when it comes to winning the lottery.

Dude, we can't all work at a major; they keep downsizing. The odds of getting to a major are slim, much less having a career uninterrupted by furlough or bankruptcy. Sky tells it like it is for a majority of us. Nobody at a flight school is going to tell you your chances of getting a decent job are between slim and none. Aviation is like crack. It makes us feel good, but it slowly kills us. And before its done it usually destroys our friendships and families.

There are lots of lottery winners out there, sure. But most of us aren't and won't ever be.

Yeah, what he said.

Red Forman 10-01-2012 09:41 AM

Originally Posted by Red Forman (Post 1269161)
Then what career are you pursuing? No matter what it is, it's a huge risk and you could fail miserably.

Oh, and you are still avoiding how what Sky said is some how not an insult to me when he said I put my career before my family. Does Sky know that for a fact about my personal life? Do you?

One more time for northwestdc10 who keeps on avoiding the easy questions.

northwestdc10 10-01-2012 11:13 AM

Originally Posted by USMCFLYR (Post 1269259)
And you and I have had discussions about this very subject off-line. Review the aforementioned 'Sociopath' thread and tell me if you consider it a 'personal' attack. If you feel that these generalizations do fit into the category of personalized attacks (as Tom Goodman puts forth), then I encourage you, and any others who feel the same way, to bring this to the attention of the admins (FreightDawg/HSLD) or the IB rep (CleeIB) and encourage a TOS rewrite.


You seem awfully certain that Sky is wrong about sociopaths. What if Sky is correct?

USMCFLYR 10-01-2012 11:23 AM

Originally Posted by northwestdc10 (Post 1269380)
You seem awfully certain that Sky is wrong about sociopaths. What if Sky is correct?

If you believe that then there is nothing else to say about the subject.

You're right Tom. Why oh why.


SkyHigh 10-01-2012 12:56 PM


Originally Posted by Red Forman (Post 1268999)
So when Sky told me that I put my career before my family and it being reckless behavior, that wasn't a personal insult? Even though I only work a couple days a week and am home all the time and he doesn't know me, but somehow feels he can tell me how my life is. Did you happen to miss that or do you just like to pick and choose what you read and then post about it as being fact?


If you took my general statements as such then perhaps that says more about you than me?


SkyHigh 10-01-2012 01:10 PM

Have ye no room to explore other opinions here? Is this a propaganda machine or forum?

If you don't like what is on the channel then turn off the TV. If you are personally insulted by what I write then perhaps you should not read it.

Plenty of others here identify with my positions. I do however find it deeply interesting at the cast of characters who are in constant opposition to my posts. It makes me very curious as to what their situation is.

You guys love to hide behind a void of information. I bet if we had a full accounting some of you would prove to be very interesting indeed.


Red Forman 10-01-2012 01:10 PM

Originally Posted by SkyHigh (Post 1262826)
I get it. Most of you guys here are addicted. You really don't care about the financial logic of the whole thing. Friends, family and spouse take a back seat to your obsession and that is alright. Someone has to do it after all.Skyhigh

So when you said this during the conversation you were talking about everyone else but me?

Red Forman 10-01-2012 01:19 PM

Originally Posted by SkyHigh (Post 1269436)
Have ye no room to explore other opinions here? Is this a propaganda machine or forum?

If you don't like what is on the channel then turn off the TV. If you are personally insulted by what I write then perhaps you should not read it.

Plenty of others here identify with my positions. I do however find it deeply interesting at the cast of characters who are in constant opposition to my posts. It makes me very curious as to what their situation is.

You guys love to hide behind a void of information. I bet if we had a full accounting some of you would prove to be very interesting indeed.


Again, tell me why it's propaganda when people like myself talk about our successes in aviation but it's somehow not when you talk about your failures in aviation? You said it yourself, this is an open forum where people are free to discuss their opinions with other people. I guess you have forgotten that and believe only those opinions that are negative towards aviation are allowed.

If you don't like what I have to say maybe you should look elsewhere because there are others here that are in agreement with me. What void of information am I hiding behind? If you want to know something just ask and I will be happy to give you an answer.

On another note, I don't see how people think they can love and take care of six kids at once. It's just not fair to the children that their parents don't get to spend much one on one time with each parent when someone has so many kids. Oh, and this isn't directed towards anyone in particular, just an observation I have had being around people that have big families.

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