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hvydvr 07-26-2022 12:19 PM

I bet the majors can’t wait to pay two more years of disability at the top seniority rate. Hell, extend it to 70.

Beech Dude 07-26-2022 12:29 PM


Originally Posted by Margaritaville (Post 3467200)
I'm as conservative as they come, (the Reagan brand, not this "new" Republican/Q-anon crap) but Lauren BoBo signing onto this doesn't give it much credibility. Hell why not get Marjorie Taylor Green to start talking about how Q says age 65 is a conspiracy and guns should be allowed on planes while you're at it.

Haha. Yup. Those two are clowns and make any R they're with immediately look as if they're wearing a dunce cap.

chuck416 07-26-2022 12:31 PM

It seems to be completely lost on the “against” crowd that, for those affected and on a seniority list, nobody now working is gaining anything over anyone. All pilots on a seniority list (might) have the opportunity to work for two more years (IF this passes), IF they choose to do so. On another note, the guys yelling the loudest are completely myopic to the fact that, dividing a pilot group is management’s wet dream….. lest we forget, unity is THE ONLY tool we can wield in a fight against management over reach.

CBreezy 07-26-2022 12:39 PM


Originally Posted by chuck416 (Post 3467252)
It seems to be completely lost on the “against” crowd that, for those affected and on a seniority list, nobody now working is gaining anything over anyone. All pilots on a seniority list (might) have the opportunity to work for two more years (IF this passes), IF they choose to do so. On another note, the guys yelling the loudest are completely myopic to the fact that, dividing a pilot group is management’s wet dream….. lest we forget, unity is THE ONLY tool we can wield in a fight against management over reach.

Extending the retirement age only benefits those imminently about to retire. For everyone else, it stagnates seniority advancement which has a direct impact on pay and quality of life. It reduces hiring which keeps people at the regionals or military on the street longer. And it assumes working to 67 is everyone's goal. For those who didn't even want to work until 65, all the previous mentioned factors might delay an early retirement.

Bottlen0se 07-26-2022 12:45 PM

Even if this bill passes it would likely not even go into effect for a few years is my guess. This administration has already said they’re not interested in raising the retirement age. That puts this at least 2 years away IMO.

EagleVol 07-26-2022 01:06 PM


Originally Posted by Bottlen0se (Post 3467267)
Even if this bill passes it would likely not even go into effect for a few years is my guess. This administration has already said they’re not interested in raising the retirement age. That puts this at least 2 years away IMO.

If the house and the senate pass it, Biden will sign it.

Duffman 07-26-2022 01:16 PM


Originally Posted by EagleVol (Post 3467277)
If the house and the senate pass it, Biden will sign it.

I wouldn't be so sure. It's a GOP bill, every sponsor is GOP, and the unions don't want it. ALPA has made it clear their goal is to kill off the regionals once and for all, and this is their chance. Dems listen to the unions. That's why they pushed back on the CARES Act to get legislation that ensured the airlines couldn't furlough employees in exchange for the bailout, whereas GOP tried to gut airline Payroll Support Program during the pandemic.
GOP is NOT union or labor friendly and this is a GOP bill. I think politics might help us for a change.

CBreezy 07-26-2022 01:19 PM


Originally Posted by Duffman (Post 3467282)
I wouldn't be so sure. It's a GOP bill, every sponsor is GOP, and the unions don't want it. ALPA has made it clear their goal is to kill off the regionals once and for all, and this is their chance. Dems listen to the unions. That's why they pushed back on the CARES Act to get legislation that ensured the airlines couldn't furlough employees in exchange for the bailout, whereas GOP tried to gut airline Payroll Support Program during the pandemic.
GOP is NOT union or labor friendly and this is a GOP bill. I think politics might help us for a change.

Dems are only pro-union when it benefits them. Right now, they are looking for anything to keep their heads above water going into the midterms. If they shoot this down and the staffing crisis gets worse, they are going to get bludgeoned for it. I think it has a reasonably good chance of being passed as much as I don't want it to. Of course, I love what the TransSec said in his interview about it which means the Administration likely opposes it.

Hobbit64 07-26-2022 01:34 PM


Originally Posted by chuck416 (Post 3467252)
It seems to be completely lost on the “against” crowd that, for those affected and on a seniority list, nobody now working is gaining anything over anyone. All pilots on a seniority list (might) have the opportunity to work for two more years (IF this passes), IF they choose to do so. On another note, the guys yelling the loudest are completely myopic to the fact that, dividing a pilot group is management’s wet dream….. lest we forget, unity is THE ONLY tool we can wield in a fight against management over reach.

The people 64.5 years old salivating because they know they’ll get 2 more years of max pay/vacation/bidding power at the expense of everyone below them, while not giving a d@mn about the second and third order effects are managements wet dream.

Why should the 64.5 year old care anyway… the divided union they leave behind isn’t their problem anymore anyways, am-I-right?!

PilotBases 07-26-2022 01:38 PM


Originally Posted by chuck416 (Post 3467285)
There was a time on this forum when fellow aviators, our peer group, used to have on-line conversations. There was a respectful demeanor to the differing opinions that were as wide and open as our society. I do not participate here as often as I have in the past. I find this change in demeanor and lack of respect for other’s opinions more than a little unsettling. To refer to others as “idiots” because one’s opinion does not dovetail with theirs only inhibits the free exchange of ideas. Is this vitriol common to the way some of you guys speak to others in f2f conversations? I’m thinking perhaps this is just “the keyboard warrior / everybody-gets-a-trophy” generation finally come of age.


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