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dckozak 01-11-2006 05:49 AM

Originally Posted by SkyHigh
These lame excuses have been handed down for decades and they don't hold water. Sooner or later the equalizer of capitalism will come to cargo. Perhaps a foreign competitor will arrive with cheaper planes and crews and undercut UPS's and FedEx's bloated union bottom line. Whatever it is this imbalance will not last long.


What I think will be great is when a Mexican contractor comes into SkyHigh's neighborhood offering to do the complete job, not just working for "da man" and under bids Skyhigh and his over priced contract cronies, than we can all have a laugh and enjoy the benefits of cheap global labor:D

SkyHigh 01-11-2006 06:30 AM

Mexican contractors

Originally Posted by dckozak
What I think will be great is when a Mexican contractor comes into SkyHigh's neighborhood offering to do the complete job, not just working for "da man" and under bids Skyhigh and his over priced contract cronies, than we can all have a laugh and enjoy the benefits of cheap global labor:D

I work with those fine people everyday. I am in fact learning Spanish for the future. My hopes are that they will be able to produce the same product for less. You are right about change. In life one either has to adjust to changes or be destroyed by them. Just ask UAL DAL and NWA. Thanks to my aviation career I have had to deal with a lot of changes in my life. Maybe you guys will be able to save yourselves before it is too late.


Eric Stratton 01-11-2006 06:51 AM

Originally Posted by CruiseFL310
as a third year first officer i make a salary that allows me to live a decent life and i dont live in a one bedroom apartment with six other roommates.

3rd yr fo what do you make 32K? I would hardly call that a decent salary. I'm curious what kind of home do you own?

Eric Stratton 01-11-2006 07:00 AM

Originally Posted by CruiseFL310
face it regional pay will always be where it is but is not less at captain pay than i would make in other jobs.

sad but true. most regionals will be whipsawed against each other and will take cuts for new airplanes.

Eric Stratton 01-11-2006 07:11 AM

Originally Posted by dtwxjgirl
Aviation...its in the blood...and i love it..And for Realestate,i thought i could make extra money for all those damn bills from my first love...and it did,but Houses are not selling well at this time,but i heard 900 sex operators is the place to go now....LOL

Isn't it sad that you have to work a part time job to pay the bills from you primary career.

A friend of mine said that flying would have to become his hobby and that he would have to get another full time career. I asked when he was going to quit and he said he wasn't that he was just going to get another full time job and flying for flight options would be his hobby. :eek:

When did it become acceptable to have another full time job because being a pilot didn't cover the bills?

By the way is that you KD?

CruiseFL310 01-11-2006 07:53 AM

Originally Posted by Eric Stratton
3rd yr fo what do you make 32K? I would hardly call that a decent salary. I'm curious what kind of home do you own?

actually i make closer to 40k. although regional pay is not the greatest many of you downplay it worse than it is. once you move past your first year it really isnt too bad for a single guy like me. as a single guy 40k is a decent salary for me to live. i dont own a home but i live in an apt.

when i upgrade to captain in another year or two (fingers crossed) i will make between 60k and 70k my first year as a captain. this is as much as my friends make in jobs outside of aviation.

truth is many of you like to put down pilot pay like we are making no more than the kid flipping burgers at some fast good restaurant when that is not true at all. just because pay is not as high as you all want it doesnt mean pilots dont and cant make good money even at a regional. trust me i would love to make more money but i am paid what i am paid and i can live on it fine personally. until every single pilot in the industry agrees to do something about the pay i am not going to single handedly do anything or i will just hurt myself. until then i accept my salary enjoy my job and continue to work toward my goal of flying for a major one day.

when everyone of you and your pilot friends and the rest of the pilots in the industry decide to take a stance call me and i will join you. until then well....

KiloAlpha 01-11-2006 08:12 AM


What airline do you work for?

dckozak 01-11-2006 08:35 AM

Originally Posted by CruiseFL310
when everyone of you and your pilot friends and the rest of the pilots in the industry decide to take a stance call me and i will join you. until then well....

No problem, When you are called by your union to stand firm, I'm sure you'll be ready to risk that 40k pay check and possible eviction from your apartment in support of improving the lot for all regional pilots:rolleyes:

dckozak 01-11-2006 08:55 AM

Originally Posted by SkyHigh
I work with those fine people everyday. I am in fact learning Spanish for the future. My hopes are that they will be able to produce the same product for less.

When I first read this, I thought you said work for. I think when your competing on the same (personal) level, ie: boss, and you find your self underbid by 30% because they don't have the legacy expectations of (you) American's, than we'll see what song you sing:D

Originally Posted by SkyHigh
Thanks to my aviation career I have had to deal with a lot of changes in my life. Maybe you guys will be able to save yourselves before it is too late.


If lowering ones expectations is your idea of the great American dream (reality?) than I for one will,. to the best of my ability, will resist. Just because you've thrown in the towel doesn't mean we all will march willingly to the land of the Red light special:p
Maybe your right about it all, maybe the future is pilots like CruiseFL310, happy as a pig in sh**, making 40k and renting. When he finally stops grinning about how great he has it and looks beyond the cockpit, I think he'll find the fairer sex is unimpressed with his W-2 and what kind of life living in a apartment will provide. Hopefully, (for her sake) she'll have a job out of aviation.:D

preludespeeder 01-11-2006 03:10 PM

No wonder you guys have problems with women, you are looking to impress them with money. I am sorry but to me that is not a wife or life partner. Someone should be with you for you not the money you make at your job. My wife and I started from nothing. We were able to buy a house and two new cars on 40k a year. Some people need to learn how to budget around here, didn't somebody teach you that. 40k may not buy a huge mansion or fancy car but it will buy a simple 3 bed 2 bath house in my neighborhood.

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