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SkyHigh 01-11-2006 03:31 PM


Originally Posted by preludespeeder
No wonder you guys have problems with women, you are looking to impress them with money. I am sorry but to me that is not a wife or life partner. Someone should be with you for you not the money you make at your job. My wife and I started from nothing. We were able to buy a house and two new cars on 40k a year. Some people need to learn how to budget around here, didn't somebody teach you that. 40k may not buy a huge mansion or fancy car but it will buy a simple 3 bed 2 bath house in my neighborhood.

Budgeting and finances largely depends upon where and how you live. Some of you guys are still living in your quaint little home towns and forget that the big city is vastly different on the cost to live a safe and reasonable life. I am told that a two bedroom apartment in a safe suburb of LA is going for around $1650 per month. In Las Vegas a two bedroom went for $900 five years ago. 40K would disappear like water down the drain in most cities. Working as an airline pilot means a different schedule every 30 days so if your wife needs to work as well then you had better budget for some daycare if your kids are young.


SkyHigh 01-11-2006 03:54 PM

Shocking !!

Originally Posted by dckozak
When I first read this, I thought you said work for. I think when your competing on the same (personal) level, ie: boss, and you find your self underbid by 30% because they don't have the legacy expectations of (you) American's, than we'll see what song you sing:D

Man, You are funny !! Imagine you telling me about undercutting threats? I can't even believe that you hold that opinion. My last real flying job was as a 757-200 FO for National Airlines. After three years of faithful service my base pay was $35,000 per year. Allegiant pays around the same for a MD80 FO. I am told that a Gemini MD-11 FO earns about 60K and no one expects any real benefits. We, those on the outside are the ones who have endured the undercutting. Why do you think many get offended by some of the arrogant things that you cargo guys write? So far you haven't lost a cent. Therefore, I think I know a thing or two about being undercut and sold short.

Originally Posted by dckozak
If lowering ones expectations is your idea of the great American dream (reality?) than I for one will,. to the best of my ability, will resist. Just because you've thrown in the towel doesn't mean we all will march willingly to the land of the Red light special:p

Lowering expectations isn't my idea. It seems to be the path to salvation for most airline careers right now. As I previously mentioned there are hungry masses eager to take your job at a %75 discount. The enemy is at the gates and it is us.


dckozak 01-11-2006 07:18 PM

Sad sack

Originally Posted by SkyHigh

Lowering expectations isn't my idea. It seems to be the path to salvation for most airline careers right now. As I previously mentioned there are hungry masses eager to take your job at a %75 discount. The enemy is at the gates and it is us.


It might not be your idea but you sure are singing its song. Half the battle in getting what your worth is believing your worth it. Self defeating garbage like your spreading, in an industry you've given up on, is just sour grapes. And its not just me, most reading your tripe think so. The worst enemy one has is his (lack of) belief in ones self. If you don't believe your worth it, surly some bean-counter will prove you correct!:mad:

dckozak 01-11-2006 07:31 PM

Originally Posted by preludespeeder
No wonder you guys have problems with women, you are looking to impress them with money. I am sorry but to me that is not a wife or life partner. .

Its sounds great, that money is meaningless in love or marriage, right up to the time you want to start and raise a family. We're not talking living in fast lane either, 40k doesn't even impress, sourpuss SkyHigh.:eek: We all start out poor, its the not getting any richer part that will create problems.

Originally Posted by preludespeeder
Someone should be with you for you not the money you make at your job. My wife and I started from nothing. We were able to buy a house and two new cars on 40k a year. Some people need to learn how to budget around here, didn't somebody teach you that. 40k may not buy a huge mansion or fancy car but it will buy a simple 3 bed 2 bath house in my neighborhood.

Where my friend?? Tell me where you can buy a 3 bed, 2 bath house and still have anything left to eat, let alone enjoy life. BTW, the old rule of thumb (no doubt dated, but still valid in MHO) is three times your salary for a mortgage. $40k X 3 = 120k, go find your 3 bed 2 bath house!:p

preludespeeder 01-11-2006 07:52 PM

i bought my house for 115k three years ago and sold it in october for 273k. Timing is everthing is this world today. When, not if, houses go back down i will be in the market to buy one again.

SkyHigh 01-11-2006 08:10 PM


Originally Posted by dckozak
It might not be your idea but you sure are singing its song. Half the battle in getting what your worth is believing your worth it. Self defeating garbage like your spreading, in an industry you've given up on, is just sour grapes. And its not just me, most reading your tripe think so. The worst enemy one has is his (lack of) belief in ones self. If you don't believe your worth it, surly some bean-counter will prove you correct!:mad:

What a beautifully well developed state of denial you are living in. Your world must be a magical land where things work out your way and airline captains are consulted by the president. Perhaps I can get a pair of ruby slippers and learn to believe too.

I know that my ideas are not popular. You are growing quite a fan club as well. Should I be worried?


SkyHigh 01-11-2006 08:30 PM


Originally Posted by preludespeeder
i bought my house for 115k three years ago and sold it in october for 273k. Timing is everthing is this world today. When, not if, houses go back down i will be in the market to buy one again.

Oh My !! Speeder please don't tell me that you cashed in your family home to finance a hollow dream? At those prices it is highly unlikely that you will ever be able to buy another home again. It will take you most of a decade to reach a pilot pay scale to afford a home at current prices. By then most likely home prices will have doubled. My guess is that you intend to supplement your income with whatever is left till it's gone. Now you have gotten me really worried.


I feel bad. Please tell me it isn't true.

Vito 01-12-2006 04:24 AM


I congratulate you for your thriftyness, but where can you buy a house for $115,000? even 3 years ago? that wouldn't buy a 2 car garage in Jersey! I may want to move there!

CruiseFL310 01-12-2006 08:59 AM

i never said 40k a year was a huge or great salary. for someone young and single like myself however i have no problems living a comfortable life on it. i could actually afford to buy a home on my 40k if i desired to do so. mortgage rates on a home would not be much more than what i pay in rent at least where i live. i just have no desire or reason to buy a home right now. i live in a nice apartment in a nice part of town right now. and i know numerous couples who live in apartments and are perfectly happy.

i will not be making 40k a year for the rest of my life. in another year or two i will be making anywhere between 60k and 70k a year. again not great salaries but i have friends who are married and have kids who live good lives on salaries no more than that. keep in mind that this will be my first year as a captain and i will continue to make more as i have more time with the company.

i have a good friend who majored in computer engineering in college. he is not a computer engineer however. he actually teaches physics and various maths at a private high school. his makes 30k to 35k and the school does not cover him in health insurance thus he pays that himself. he had a nice home built and has two nice vehicles. it can be done if you are responsible with your money.

ask anybody if they think they are underpaid and i guarantee they will all say yes. if you want to talk about people being underpaid for the jobs they do look at soldiers and marines as well as police officers. they do a dangerous and risky job for very little money. someone mentioned that not all doctors are like brain surgeons and many you only see for five minutes in a check up and the nurses do the most of it. the nurse who is doing all of the work is getting paid far less than the doctor. nurses are lucky if they make more than 50k a year.

if you want to take a look at jobs similiar to airline pilots but more to the extreme and involving a ton more risk --- take a look at astronauts. they are required to have degrees in physics and engineering. many have masters and doctorates. pilot candidates are required to have extensive flight experience. many were former fighter pilots. they strap themselves to a space shuttle which is strapped to tons of fuel and rockets that blast them through the earths atmosphere and into space. on landing they only have one shot at it. they cant just go around. one who has kept up with the shace shuttle program these last few years does not have to be told the risks involved with going into space. astronauts make from about 56k a year up to about 105k a year. this means a regional captain makes more than a new astronaut and a major first officer at places like swa fedex and ups make more than even the higher end of the astronaut pay.

dckozak 01-12-2006 12:21 PM

Originally Posted by CruiseFL310
.............i could actually afford to buy a home on my 40k if i desired to do so. mortgage rates on a home would not be much more than what i pay in rent at least where i live.

i will not be making 40k a year for the rest of my life. in another year or two i will be making anywhere between 60k and 70k a year. again not great salaries but i have friends who are married and have kids who live good lives on salaries no more than that.

Cruise, We still have no idea where you live, but based on the information provided (40k, could afford a house it you wanted too), I'm guessing far from any city of size, away from coasts, mountains, lakes or any other desirable features:p probably in the deep south, but possibly the northern mid west or far west, away from national, state, or local parks/forests.
While 60 to 70k is nothing to sneeze at, if you intend to raise a family and do more than pay your mortgage, your wife will probably have to work. Look at your schedule?? Is it consistent?? If not, her job will need to be very flexible to accommodate yours. You'll be amazed how much kids cost (and wives):eek:

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