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tsquare 09-24-2010 11:56 PM


Originally Posted by cactusmike (Post 875862)
Sorry for jumping in at the tail end of the thread but...

You are nowhere near the end of this thread....

tsquare 09-24-2010 11:58 PM


Originally Posted by forgot to bid (Post 875880)
All I am saying is I want less corruption, or more opportunity to participate in it.

"You'll get nothing, and like it" - Judge Smails

acl65pilot 09-25-2010 04:22 AM

I will try to respond to the rest of your "retorts" later, but I am out the door right now.

On the lawyers. Lawyers do what their clients tell them, even in house attorneys. It is very easy to say, Have a small firm known for .....," there is a problem with that logic. First, there are no small firms that are good enough, and two it will not be cheaper, by a long shot.
ALPA has an outside law firm on top of the in house counsel as well. You just do not like who they use.

I wanted to have more of a say, and I made it my point to get my reps to listen to me, and thus far I am happy with the level of engagement. Actually very happy.

Carl Spackler 09-25-2010 04:31 AM


Originally Posted by forgot to bid (Post 875874)
Carl, you need to hold a class... on how to multi quote.

Holy cow. That takes me a long time to pull that off.

Parting quote of the night:

"Politics is supposed to be the second-oldest profession. I have come to realize that it bears a very close resemblance to the first." -Ronald Regan

Sorry man. I've begged ACL to keep his manifestos under 50,000 words, but he just won't do it.

Here's my quote of the day:

"Brevity is the soul of wit" - William Shakespeare


Carl Spackler 09-25-2010 04:35 AM


Originally Posted by forgot to bid (Post 875880)
All I am saying is I want less corruption, or more opportunity to participate in it.

Now that right there is some funny stuff right there...I don't care who ya are.


Carl Spackler 09-25-2010 04:39 AM


Originally Posted by tsquare (Post 875898)
"You'll get nothing, and like it" - Judge Smails

"Well you know Danny...the world needs ditch diggers too." - Judge Smails


forgot to bid 09-25-2010 04:39 AM

ACL, when 80 went all multi quote on me I had to respond and fast so I used a demotivational poster quote, it wasn't directed at anyone. I needed something and it was the only one that'd fit with max absurdity without a picture and I hate posting pictures. :D

forgot to bid 09-25-2010 05:12 AM

Sometimes late at night a roving band of marauders goes from thread to thread tipping over trash cans. Problem is, if they continue unchecked it'll only get worse and they might bring their act to daylight.

Damn 2007-2008 new hire(s).

Superdad 09-25-2010 05:49 AM


Originally Posted by acl65pilot (Post 875919)

ALPA has an outside law firm on top of the in house counsel as well. You just do not like who they use.

Ahh yes, Cohen, Weiss and Surrender!

FlyingSig 09-25-2010 06:29 AM


Originally Posted by cactusmike (Post 875862)
Sorry for jumping in at the tail end of the thread but...

Look At USAPA for a prime example of how not to set up a union. They are looking to the Teamsters now as a "strategic alliance" because USAPA itself is pretty ineffectual. 400 plus grievances outstanding, the same shills that sucked at the FPL teat under the old US Airways have reinvented themselves at USAPA.

Dues at USAPA are higher than in ALPA if you count all the assessments for all the lawsuits and investigations going around. Legal fees for USAPA are most of the budget, legal fees run up suing fellow pilots. There is no adult supervision, you cannot recall the president or other executive members without going through a very convoluted process. Thousands of dollars are spent on frivolous things without anyone being held accountable.

You want problems? Just let the hardliners seize control of your union and see how effective your negotiations become. ALPA isn't pretty but going it alone is not the answer.

The real solution for ALPA is to go back to being an association for the big guys and split the regionals off to a RALPA. You can share the backoffice functions but the organizational chart would be separate.

People need to read this post a few times. Spot on. The posts I've seen in favor of DPA are not based in fact (show me the costs... the only mention of money they have on their website is they'll have a warchest after one year of dues... really, how much are dues going to be if you also have to run the day to day operations of the union?) but based on some myopic quest of idealism.

Carl, you say things like lawyers and aeromed will be the same or cheaper? Really? How much do we pay now and what's the cost going to be? Answer: You have no clue so how can you say that?

There's a big reason CAL went back to ALPA after IACP (I was an IACP dues payer and volunteer at one point in my life). The politics of how they came back aside, bottom line is they needed ALPA much more than ALPA needed them. It's the same reason FedEx joined ALPA. (Side note, once the IACP came to ALPA, Mainline and Express split off from one group....hmmm precedent? Compass/Delta? See catusmike's post above and see if a lightbulb goes off)

The solution is done through voting, not going it alone.

Of course if our largest pilot base, Council 44 can only muster up 35% of people to vote for their own reps I think DPA's proclamation of being "well on their way" by spring of getting their 6500 cards is a real stretch. I know I won't be sending one in.

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