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Learflyer 01-16-2017 09:16 AM


Originally Posted by Imapilot2 (Post 2282440)
Let me guess its "no big deal" because you are not a girl? Several have already said how petty and demeaning this new change is. As a guy it doesn't affect me BUT that doesn't mean i don't care about it. With a mother, a wife, and three daughters I tend to be more aware of these things than single males or guys without older daughters.
Am I loosing sleep? no. Just brought it up with 5 seconds of typing.
When you iron your shirt, shower and shave you don't think of this. But many women at that point are now told they have to put their hair up in a pony tail or they are out of compliance and not professional. Is it too much to ask? TBD but it isn't necessary in my opinion. What goes through their mind at that point in the morning is this is BS. The CHANGE is uncalled for and more petty crap from an old man down in ATL towards women. As if the PROVE yourself BS they get daily in the cockpit isn't enough.

Also NEWS FLASH this isn't the military.

Wow. You're well trained to tow the PC line.

gloopy 01-16-2017 09:19 AM

Dumbest thread ever. :rolleyes:

tunes 01-16-2017 09:23 AM


Originally Posted by Imapilot2 (Post 2282440)
Let me guess its "no big deal" because you are not a girl? Several have already said how petty and demeaning this new change is. As a guy it doesn't affect me BUT that doesn't mean i don't care about it. With a mother, a wife, and three daughters I tend to be more aware of these things than single males or guys without older daughters.
Am I loosing sleep? no. Just brought it up with 5 seconds of typing.
When you iron your shirt, shower and shave you don't think of this. But many women at that point are now told they have to put their hair up in a pony tail they are out of compliance and not professional. Is it too much to ask? TBD but it isn't necessary in my opinion. What goes through their mind at that point in the morning is this is BS. The CHANGE is uncalled for and more petty crap from an old man down in ATL towards women. As if the PROVE yourself BS they get daily in the cockpit isn't enough.

Also NEWS FLASH this isn't the military.

I think the word you were looking for is losing not loosing. Your fake outrage is laughable. Go find a safe space.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

dawgdriver 01-16-2017 09:32 AM


Originally Posted by busdriver12 (Post 2282422)
Approximately 5% of airline pilots are female. Do you really think these numbers are affecting hiring rates for men in any remotely significant number?

Of approximately 130,000 major airline pilots in the world, only 450 of them are female captains. They aren't sitting in your seat.:cool:

So as long as unethical and illegal practices are being done it's OK so long as it's in small numbers?

But that was not the point. This discussion revolved around hiring the most qualified, regardless of race, gender, etc.
Otherwise in the eyes of the Supreme Court, not to mention those affected, it's reverse discrimination.

Why isn't the NFL or NBA being told they need to hire more Asian, female or Hispanic players? They hire the most qualified because they have to. Given the critical nature of what we do, shouldn't the airlines do the same? That's not to say that minorities and females aren't good pilots, only that Airlines should be expected to hire the most qualified-- regardless of gender/ethnicity. Would you rather put your family on a plane with pilots hired due to quotas or qualifications? Would you rather have the best qualified brain surgeon operating on you or someone chosen to meet an agenda?

This thread started with a pilot being forced to wear a ponytail while making comparisons to male pilots that were overweight and/or disheveled. As if to say there were no overweight female pilots and men were held to a different standard. Poor women being mistreated in aviation. Had she left gender out of her argument, this would've been a much shorter thread.

Perhaps she was as qualified as her peer class, and was hired due to her qualifications. Given United's admission of preferential hiring, we will never know.

What many failed to recognize is the impact on the younger generation. Much like what infuriated the minorities and females that preceded them, they are being discriminated against due to their race/sex. Whether the numbers are 5% or 50%, it doesn't matter when companies and government agencies openly admit to preferential hiring.

As opposed to the typically failed governments attempts to address inequality and racism, these illegal practices and policies do nothing but perpetuate anger, and racism.

Poverty and opportunity are blind to color and gender. The need for favoritism and preferential treatment of selected classes has been struck down by the Supreme Court for good reason.

dawgdriver 01-16-2017 09:38 AM


Originally Posted by tunes (Post 2282453)
i think the word you were looking for is losing not loosing. Your fake outrage is laughable. Go find a safe space.

Sent from my iphone using tapatalk


😂 😂😂

Imapilot2 01-16-2017 09:39 AM


Originally Posted by tunes (Post 2282453)
I think the word you were looking for is losing not loosing. Your fake outrage is laughable. Go find a safe space.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Using the word "outrage" after reading my post is laughable. Good on you finding my misspelling.:rolleyes:

busdriver12 01-16-2017 09:43 AM


Originally Posted by NMuir (Post 2282426)

You see the problem with that picture, right?

She's sitting in the wrong seat, and she has no ponytail. Let's get professional, here!:eek:

Broncos 01-16-2017 09:45 AM


Originally Posted by Imapilot2 (Post 2282440)
Let me guess its "no big deal" because you are not a girl? Several have already said how petty and demeaning this new change is. As a guy it doesn't affect me BUT that doesn't mean i don't care about it. With a mother, a wife, and three daughters I tend to be more aware of these things than single males or guys without older daughters.
Am I loosing sleep? no. Just brought it up with 5 seconds of typing.
When you iron your shirt, shower and shave you don't think of this. But many women at that point are now told they have to put their hair up in a pony tail they are out of compliance and not professional. Is it too much to ask? TBD but it isn't necessary in my opinion. What goes through their mind at that point in the morning is this is BS. The CHANGE is uncalled for and more petty crap from an old man down in ATL towards women. As if the PROVE yourself BS they get daily in the cockpit isn't enough.

Also NEWS FLASH this isn't the military.

Your argument that men just don't get it because we're men is BS. I'd argue men have stricter standards than women.

busdriver12 01-16-2017 09:49 AM


Originally Posted by Imapilot2 (Post 2282440)
Let me guess its "no big deal" because you are not a girl? Several have already said how petty and demeaning this new change is. As a guy it doesn't affect me BUT that doesn't mean i don't care about it. With a mother, a wife, and three daughters I tend to be more aware of these things than single males or guys without older daughters.
Am I loosing sleep? no. Just brought it up with 5 seconds of typing.
When you iron your shirt, shower and shave you don't think of this. But many women at that point are now told they have to put their hair up in a pony tail they are out of compliance and not professional. Is it too much to ask? TBD but it isn't necessary in my opinion. What goes through their mind at that point in the morning is this is BS. The CHANGE is uncalled for and more petty crap from an old man down in ATL towards women. As if the PROVE yourself BS they get daily in the cockpit isn't enough.

Also NEWS FLASH this isn't the military.

That is the thing. People who aren't affected by it say you're just whining, it's trivial, what's the big deal? However, if it was a BS policy that actually affected them (like all guys must get crew cuts), there would be holy hell breaking out (except from the guys who wear crew cuts).

Sure, it's not the end of the world, but for many it is a silly inconvenience to have to change the way one looks because some dumba$$ in management likes the look of ladies in ponytails. Give me a break, though some women like it, others think it makes them look like they're trying to be a teenage girl.

busdriver12 01-16-2017 09:58 AM

Look around you, dawgdriver. There are very few female/minority pilots. Do you assume that they are all unqualified? I'd bet that if you talked to them, you'd find many of them are just as qualified or more so than you. You might find some less qualified, though no doubt you would find a number of white males less qualified. There is no shortage of extremely qualified pilots out there, and no airline is waiving the minimums just to get an extra female/minority pilot, are there?

How many men do you think got the inside track because they knew people at the company? Their squadron mates recommended them, their family member worked there. Is that an illegal and unethical practice? Nowadays if you have one silly block checked (like volunteer work done, what organization you belong to), that now makes you "more qualified".

Resenting women and minorities because they might have a tiny in that you don't is a waste of time. Assuming that they must be unqualified and got the job because of their sex/skin doesn't do anyone any favors. Look at the newhire classes coming in, and they are almost all white and male. You're wasting your time being resentful.

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