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RyanP 04-13-2016 08:38 AM

Originally Posted by FlameNSky (Post 2108748)
I feel as entitled to the flow as you feel entitled to your paycheck on payday. Do you expect to get your check on payday? Do you expect the amount to be correct? Yes. Its your contractual "right" to be paid for the time you put in. You held up your half of the deal and now you would expect the company to uphold their half. But just because you expect your contract to be abided by, you don't run around holding your check in the faces of Rampers, Gate Agents and FAs yelling "check it out biiittcccchhhaaaasss, I just got paid and I'll rrrrriiiiiiicccchhhhh!"

Being entitled to something that you have earned* and feeling entitled for something for just showing up are to different things. If you really do work for Mesa though, I could see how you get the two confused.

*by the time I flow, I will have acquired over 11,000 hrs TT, 5,000 hrs PIC and 12 accident free years with Eagle/envoy. This is different than expecting a mainline to hire me because I got a quick 1,000 PIC and have a total of 3 years experience at a regional airline.


People flowing have already worked for AA for a long time, well over a decade. This is where our paychecks came from. It's not like people are just showing up and getting a free handout to AA. They have been busting their a ss for this company for years. Now they have an arbitrated agreement due to letter 3 grievance resolutions so of course they expect to go. The next group has a negotiated agreement on their behalf that gave up certain things to get that flow contractually. So yeah, they expect to get their end of the contract when the time comes.

We are "entitled" to those slots if that is how you want to say it.
1.give (someone) a legal right or a just claim to receive or do something.


iFlyRC 04-13-2016 09:56 AM

I thought it was a running joke you guys think of yourself as mainline, but I'll be damned, you really do think it!

eaglefly 04-13-2016 09:57 AM

Originally Posted by FlameNSky (Post 2108827)
Had it been any one else, I would have. You have "earned" the way you are treated here. You might say, you're entitled to it.

Right back at 'ya smokey. ;)

aviator493 04-13-2016 01:39 PM

You jet guys are so damn bitter... Come fly a prop and chill! Hahaha

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