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PittsDriver 03-14-2009 09:45 PM

I can't remember the numbers, but the AFPC brief I got last week the briefer didn't have all the numbers, but it did not seem like there was a lot of folks who actually took one of the jobs that they offered them. Can't say that I blame them. I have 18 months left until I go my own way from AD, and can't wait. I love to fly, but I absolutely hate that the AFs priority is reflective belts and PT gear and everything else that has no relevance to the actual mission. Hopefully I will land in a guard or reserve unit where the focus is on the flying and the mission but will probably be hard with a ton of folks like myself about to pull chocks looking for part time options instead of AD.

hindsight2020 03-15-2009 12:38 PM

Originally Posted by PittsDriver (Post 578478)
I can't remember the numbers, but the AFPC brief I got last week the briefer didn't have all the numbers, but it did not seem like there was a lot of folks who actually took one of the jobs that they offered them. Can't say that I blame them. I have 18 months left until I go my own way from AD, and can't wait. I love to fly, but I absolutely hate that the AFs priority is reflective belts and PT gear and everything else that has no relevance to the actual mission. Hopefully I will land in a guard or reserve unit where the focus is on the flying and the mission but will probably be hard with a ton of folks like myself about to pull chocks looking for part time options instead of AD.

As it pertains to the Guard/Reserves, be careful, with all the TFI stuff going on, that Reserve lifestyle is going away in short order, lots and lots of AD-like shenanigns without the pay. The grass isn't getting watered over this side of the fence as of late and people are peeling off on it and pulling chocks, maybe with the crappy economy as the only tempering criteria to delay the ejection a bit. There's mobility, gas masks, shots and ORIs in the Reserves too and it's just as painful. Yeah we get away with murder in the eyes of AD, but the more and more associate units become prevalent, that discretion is getting nixed by the ultimate desire of leadership to preserve their ability to make rank and not rock the boat. If you love to fly, making money and buying your own bird might be the last remaining bastion of freedom.

130drvr 03-15-2009 01:28 PM

In your search, I would advise to also include the non-flying jobs, like IMAs, that are out there(check reserve vacancies on VMPF look for Generalist Pilot), sure you're not flying, but if you couldn't land a flying gig or didn't want to commute to one(me), then they can be VERY sweet. I landed a great IMA job, very flexible and from what I can tell, noone deploys, unless you volunteer. Knock on wood. huh huh I said wood.

Box Office 03-15-2009 03:18 PM

Agreed. Unless you are dead set on continuing to fly in the reserves, IMA is the way to go.

PittsDriver 03-15-2009 04:14 PM

hindsight, I agree there is a degree of BS in the reserve/guard as well, but I am ok with that as long as it is part time and not every single day of the week like it is right now. I think if I can't find a flying gig in the guard/reserve I will probably just part ways completely but will definitely look at the IMA options out there. I am supposed to go fly MC-12s for a 179 then back here, and then go to white jets but that will extend me past my 18 months I have left for the extra 36 month ASDC. I am trying to get them to switch it to just AETC right now and not do the MC-12 TDY at all which I will have no problem extending for that, but if its going to be MC-12s first I think I will just get out next summer when my time is up. My first choice is to try to get one of the reserve IP jobs at an AETC base and if not that start looking elsewhere. If I end up doing the MC-12 deployment and then get out I may see if I can sneak in the MC-12 school house at Meridian. I know I don't even want to apply to the Buff reserve squadron here, my wife and I want far away from Shreveport. 130, what kind of IMA gig do you have now?

SoPinesHeel 03-16-2009 05:31 AM

The only problem is that if you don't already have the airline gig in hand, you will lose your currency if you get out and go to a non-flying reserve job. That is if you ever want the airline job, but I am assuming you do since you are on this site.

PittsDriver 03-16-2009 09:56 AM

I do wish to find flying employment in the civil sector when I get out, pretty open to about anything really, but not the regionals. I love to fly but not when I can work at McDonalds and make more money than flying RJs, no offense to those guys, but its hard going from $100K a year now to $20K. I don't mind a pay cut, but not that big. Back on track, I would like to know the real numbers of whom is coming back in.

130drvr 03-16-2009 03:25 PM

Pitts-check your PMs

Humboldt 03-16-2009 05:34 PM

Is there anyone applying to the Temp Recall? I'd think that everyone would want to be a little more vocal about where they are applying and what's being offered.

Instead of acting independently, figure out what kinda clout you have. A little sharing of ideas could go a long way.

ACP isn't being offered, but how many are applying, will that change?


PittsDriver 03-16-2009 06:37 PM

I have not met anyone this way who was applying for it. I know a couple people who took about $100K to get out about 2 years ago via VSP and one was interested in coming back in if they would not ask to pay back the VSP, but not sure how that worked out as I haven't spoke to him in a while. Maybe I am off base, but isn't the recall for people to go to UAVs, 11Rs, 179 day TDYs and some staff jobs? I haven't heard if they are offering any fighter guys back in for that same deal. It must not be very good deals IMO to get people to come back in, but thats my .02. Now, if they were offering no deployment AETC instructor gigs or FTU instructor slots with no deployments, I imagine there would be a good line around the corner of those willing to do those jobs. So, if we haven't heard much from between here and, I can only imagine these are less than desirable positions, but could be wrong!

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