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Happyflyer 12-09-2016 04:22 AM

Originally Posted by jgdeleon09 (Post 2258991)
Yeah 200% to pick up and if you don't then they going to cancel vacations and interrupt upgrade training ... yeah. NO. what a slap in the face!

Did you read that little bit about meeting to discuss neutering the SAP?
Sounds like the union is about to give away SAPing holidays for something "everyone" can enjoy. They can bid off holidays or take vaca, so it's small potatoes to throw the more junior guys under the bus who SAPed it off.

buddies8 12-09-2016 04:32 AM

But, but the junior guys only care about flow. Kinda like the rest of the pilot group.

Dubz 12-09-2016 05:36 AM

Makes one wonder about the thought process... same work, same critical day, 50% difference in pay.

Happyflyer 12-09-2016 08:16 AM

Originally Posted by Dubz (Post 2259284)
Makes one wonder about the thought process... same work, same critical day, 50% difference in pay.

Also trip splitting

Aviatormar 12-09-2016 06:39 PM

Does anyone have a snap shot as to what the latest time it takes to hold different seats in different bases? Has it changed much lately?

Dubz 12-09-2016 07:31 PM

Originally Posted by Aviatormar (Post 2259812)
Does anyone have a snap shot as to what the latest time it takes to hold different seats in different bases? Has it changed much lately?

The last few months it has been posted after the bid process is complete, which is in about 2 weeks... or you can look backward 2 weeks. The CA dates can be a tad misleading because of the DEC hiring that occurred last year.

Aviatormar 12-09-2016 07:50 PM

Do you (or anyone) have an idea how many people where hired each year? And that is the projection going forward?

JoPilot 12-09-2016 08:05 PM

Piedmont or PSA or Envoy

Would have to commute no matter the domicile.

I want the possibility of "the flow", don't want to sit reserve long, want to upgrade quickly, and fly jets.

I'm transitioning from the helicopter world. This 121 stuff is all new to me. Trying to gauge what I really want at a regional.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

Dubz 12-09-2016 08:29 PM

Originally Posted by Aviatormar (Post 2259863)
Do you (or anyone) have an idea how many people where hired each year? And that is the projection going forward?

Not sure what the exact numbers are for the past; but I think I can give you some conceptual direction that might answer the intent of your question. I'm sure someone will correct my numbers to be more precise but PSA rapidly hired and grew from a group of about 500-600 pilots to 1200. That massive hiring wave occurred from around 2013/14 through last summer when things slowed down. Last year around this time PSA announced the desire to hire 1000 pilots over the next two years. While I don't know the exact numbers of how many were hired in 2016; what I can tell you is that hiring approximately kept up with attrition maintaining us close to the 1200 number until the recent explosion which has us over the 1200 number and growing. That being said we are a year into the "we want 1000" and it would not be a stretch to say that we need to maintain current class sizes for quite some time to get there from here. Depending on who you listen to the desired endstate is anywhere between 1600 and 2000. No matter how you slice it there is quite a bit of successful hiring and training required to get to where we want to be.

Does that help?

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