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GrUpGrDn 06-04-2010 09:12 AM

i believe you would have to wait for the next vacancy bid. Pls correct me if i am wrong

4runner 06-04-2010 10:13 AM

Yeahhhhh......Junior guys wishing those eligible for recall get the boot. I brought this up a few months ago and had a couple of guys say they wished we got canned so they'd move up a number. One guy in particular was real hot to trot for us to lose our jobs so he can move up a number and said if we don't want the job, we should go away. What don't you rocket surgeons and brain scientists get? If those of us getting recalled bypassed, you'd probably move up a number anyways as we wouldn't be accruing longevity. I've said it here before and I'll say it again, we're our own worst enemy.

Ohiocrjfo 06-04-2010 10:30 AM

Originally Posted by irrelevant (Post 821414)
If you're on the fence about returning, it might be worthwhile to log on to epic and check the monthly line awards. The majority of pilots are seeing T.A.F.B. of well over 300 hours...and a very large percentage are "on the road" 350 hours/mo. or more...and this is if they live in domicile.

It may not be the same job it was when you left.

P.S. I have no vested interest in any furloughed pilot resigning their seniority number.

We are going back to reserve. Not going backto holding a line! There are no illusions.

mumu 06-04-2010 10:44 AM

Originally Posted by Ohiocrjfo (Post 821545)
We are going back to reserve. Not going backto holding a line! There are no illusions.

Being paid on rig and being on reserve are not mutually exclusive. Irrelevant is right on target. I'm on reserve and have been lucky enough to credit at LEAST 85 hrs per month and that's not on rig. It's plenty easy to be paid on TAFB on reserve if you're being used every day. The not-so-secret dirty little secret these days is to bid reserve if you want to increase your chances of being home at night.

Spoilers 06-04-2010 11:14 AM

Originally Posted by blackbox (Post 821493)
Question. Say I go back August 1st, which I am, none of that "I'm gonna weight my options thing", I picked that date because of prior family vacations and to stay away from JFK. But, lets say someone junior to me goes back at one of the earlier dates and the bid for DTW goes very senior (which may or may not happen because of commuting). If there are pilots below me who get CVG because of DTW going senior, what happens to me when I come back and want CVG and now can't get it? Also, does it matter that I was CVG based when furloughed? I know I could possibly go hunt for the answer but if there's someone out there who knows off the top of their heads that'd be grrrreeeaaat.

Let's clear this up...

You have a seniority number just like everyone else, you are just a number to the company like everyone else.

Everyone getting recalled (except VOLUNTARY furloughs) will be recalled to JFK.

If someone junior to you decides to go back in June, that does not make him senior to you! He will still be below you.

Now, the vacancy bid that is suppose to come out around June 14th, which apparently will include DTW and a few CVG slots will be open to ALL PILOTS and everyone will be able to bid! So, if you really want CVG, update your standing bid to reflect your preferences.

If you cannot hold CVG you'll obviously go to DTW for the time being, until a vacancy bid will be published again for CVG.

If you have specific questions you should probably contact RP at Crew Forecasting and Planning!

ReadyToQuit 06-04-2010 11:15 AM

Sadly going back to Comair will be an improve in QOL for a lot of people. I know it will be for me. I will get paid more, work less, and get benefits. I could care less about TAFB at this point because I have been pretty much homeless since Comair too scared to get settled anywhere.

cessna157 06-04-2010 11:34 AM

Originally Posted by ReadyToQuit (Post 821572)
Sadly going back to Comair will be an improve in QOL for a lot of people. I know it will be for me. I will get paid more, work less, and get benefits. I could care less about TAFB at this point because I have been pretty much homeless since Comair too scared to get settled anywhere.

That's kind of ironic, with your screen name and all.

But I agree. I've been working in the medical field for the past year. After seeing the way things are run in that industry, I can't wait to get back to the more regulated/stable life of an airline pilot. I'll get more sleep and make more money.

outofwork 06-04-2010 12:54 PM

Originally Posted by ReadyToQuit (Post 821572)
Sadly going back to Comair will be an improve in QOL for a lot of people. I know it will be for me. I will get paid more, work less, and get benefits. I could care less about TAFB at this point because I have been pretty much homeless since Comair too scared to get settled anywhere.

Lol if you were/are/prior to the furlough wanted to quit "ReadyToQuit" then why go back?

mosquito 06-04-2010 01:25 PM

Just listened to JB new message, and I also want to thank all the crew that is picking up open time. Thanks to you I will still be at home for the summer.

Spoilers 06-04-2010 01:28 PM

Originally Posted by outofwork (Post 821619)
Lol if you were/are/prior to the furlough wanted to quit "ReadyToQuit" then why go back?

I think all of us on here were complaining and ready to quit before the furlough, and the same will happen once we hit the line again. As pilots, we b!tch and complain and say things we don't mean. How many times have I heard pilots say they are never going back to Comair/Airlines/Aviation/Quitting/<fill in blank>. I know guys that have been furloughed 3 or more times already and said they were done with aviation, but guess what? They are all still out there flying, most of them are on their 3rd or 4th airline already. How many Captains have you flown with that are fed up with Comair and said they are quitting? You'll be flying with those same CAs again shortly:D

mosquito 06-04-2010 01:41 PM

Originally Posted by outofwork (Post 821619)
Lol if you were/are/prior to the furlough wanted to quit "ReadyToQuit" then why go back?

Pilot 101: Never be happy.
I bet pilots back in the golden age days complained about something. "Why do I have to fly with a first officer that talks too much. They should invent something that let them spike up their hair because they are punks; and put some music listening device in their ears so they can leave me alone.” J

hopefulharry 06-04-2010 01:43 PM

What happens if you don't respond within the 10 day window of receiving the recall letter?

I received the call but just let it go to voicemail and Comair still has an old address for me.

I'm not planning on taking the recall, just wondering what happens if I don't respond.

Also is there anyway of getting a refund on the Travelnet access ($50) or keeping my flight benefits if I don't take the recall? I just paid it 2 months ago... Thanks.

Spoilers 06-04-2010 01:49 PM

Vacancy Bid #2010-04 is out!

233 CA Slots DTW
242 FO Slots DTW

There are also 5x F/O CR2 slots and 11x CR7/9 FO slots for CVG.

This is a voluntary bid! If you want DTW, let yourself get displaced to collect the moving days!

Make sure your standing bids are updated. I am assuming this is the vacancy bid us furloughs can participate in.

Spoilers 06-04-2010 01:51 PM

Originally Posted by hopefulharry (Post 821647)
What happens if you don't respond within the 10 day window of receiving the recall letter?

You will be removed from the seniority list.

Also is there anyway of getting a refund on the Travelnet access ($50) or keeping my flight benefits if I don't take the recall? I just paid it 2 months ago... Thanks.
I recommend calling the Pass Bureau about that.

tjflyboy 06-04-2010 02:43 PM

Originally Posted by 4runner (Post 821535)
Yeahhhhh......Junior guys wishing those eligible for recall get the boot. I brought this up a few months ago and had a couple of guys say they wished we got canned so they'd move up a number. One guy in particular was real hot to trot for us to lose our jobs so he can move up a number and said if we don't want the job, we should go away. What don't you rocket surgeons and brain scientists get? If those of us getting recalled bypassed, you'd probably move up a number anyways as we wouldn't be accruing longevity. I've said it here before and I'll say it again, we're our own worst enemy.

4Runner, I'm sure you're in the same boat as me, here is the thing, if we bypass, some junior guys will be able to come back that otherwise wouldn't. I take the risk of never getting called again, if I happen to get recalled after I bypass I will have been able to honor my current commitment, and because I didn't burn any bridges, I'll make damn sure a Comair Furlough still out on furlough gets my seat. Period end of story. The company will get guys back who want to come back NOW. Win win to me for everyone, but now some of us are faced with burning that bridge and coming back now, and that seat will not be filled by a Comair guy cause that trust will have been lost.

SuperPilotJesse 06-04-2010 02:58 PM

Originally Posted by 4runner (Post 821535)
Yeahhhhh......Junior guys wishing those eligible for recall get the boot. I brought this up a few months ago and had a couple of guys say they wished we got canned so they'd move up a number. One guy in particular was real hot to trot for us to lose our jobs so he can move up a number and said if we don't want the job, we should go away. What don't you rocket surgeons and brain scientists get? If those of us getting recalled bypassed, you'd probably move up a number anyways as we wouldn't be accruing longevity. I've said it here before and I'll say it again, we're our own worst enemy.

While I will stay out of the debate on bypass... I just would like to point out that these gentlemen you are speaking of would not "move up" a number. While you wouldn't be accruing longevity you would still be accruing seniority. Therefore, when you come back you will still get to upgrade first and you will get your choice of schedule first. You will still be senior. The catch is the guys below you on the list might be getting paid more than you.

So, not sure if you misspoke or just don't know what the situation is.

captainv 06-04-2010 03:42 PM

Originally Posted by mosquito (Post 821637)
Just listened to JB new message, and I also want to thank all the crew that is picking up open time. Thanks to you I will still be at home for the summer.

Not true. CMR could call every one of you back today, and you wouldn't be online in time to cover 200 extra hours of flying in June.

That said, I refuse to pick up OT and wish others would do the same. Let them get so desperate that the chiefs have to get out of the office to cover it.

Spoilers 06-04-2010 03:56 PM

Where is this 200 extra hours coming from? Is this mostly out of JFK? CVG?

SuperPilotJesse 06-04-2010 04:02 PM

It is just stupid. 200 hours is nothing. They should have the staffing so that they can pick up that slack and not even think about it.

Terantious 06-04-2010 04:03 PM

I hope this is not a short term recall...then back on the street next year :(

Av8tion 06-04-2010 04:08 PM

Originally Posted by SuperPilotJesse (Post 821723)
It is just stupid. 200 hours is nothing. They should have the staffing so that they can pick up that slack and not even think about it.

yeah... but they're so understaffed they cant even deal with what they have now let alone anything more... one of these days maybe management will realize that each CA and FO can only fly ONE plane at a time...

mmaviator 06-04-2010 04:12 PM

Originally Posted by Terantious (Post 821724)
I hope this is not a short term recall...then back on the street next year :(

I hope not but with that statement you are feeding the troll around here.

Cue the flamer....

5............4.................3................2. ...............1

SuperPilotJesse 06-04-2010 04:23 PM

Originally Posted by mmaviator (Post 821736)
I hope not but with that statement you are feeding the troll around here.

Cue the flamer....

5............4.................3................2. ...............1

I bet his super flamer beeper is going off now.

He's a flamer... definition 1 and 2. Too bad he wasn't on fire... that'd be 3 for 3!

hemaybedid 06-04-2010 04:37 PM

Originally Posted by hopefulharry (Post 821647)
What happens if you don't respond within the 10 day window of receiving the recall letter?

I received the call but just let it go to voicemail and Comair still has an old address for me.

I'm not planning on taking the recall, just wondering what happens if I don't respond.

Also is there anyway of getting a refund on the Travelnet access ($50) or keeping my flight benefits if I don't take the recall? I just paid it 2 months ago... Thanks.

At ASA for the first round of furloughs that kept out travel benefits for six months we had to pay (for us it was over $200) with no reimbursement for the period after benefits were cancelled.

trailblazer 06-04-2010 06:16 PM

All right guys/girls, just wanted to wish all of you the best of luck. This will be my last post on this subject. I have given you all the information that I could. All I can say is keep an eye on the industry and watch for the trends that I have been posting about when it comes to Comair. This is for my fans, Flame out....

mmaviator 06-04-2010 06:55 PM

Nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

BitterOHFO 06-04-2010 07:47 PM

Originally Posted by Spoilers (Post 821718)
Where is this 200 extra hours coming from? Is this mostly out of JFK? CVG?

It's just the usual extra day in the month hours.

H46Bubba 06-04-2010 08:12 PM

Originally Posted by Spoilers (Post 821718)
Where is this 200 extra hours coming from? Is this mostly out of JFK? CVG?

Spread out between MEM, DTW, CVG, and MSP. JFK and LGA start to reduce in hours. MEM and MSP see the most increase, especially in July.

TurboDog 06-04-2010 08:28 PM

Getting rid of more behind the scenes staff. Payroll dept positions not being filled. A few of them. Hmmmmm. You recall parts of your workforce, but you decrease the amount of staff that's required to manage their pay. Keep an eye on your paychecks fellas.

4runner 06-04-2010 09:57 PM

Seniority, longevity, whatever. The point is, you get back to work and we keep our current jobs and we come back at a later date while you're building flight time and getting a paycheck. As a matter of fact, superpilotjesse, you were the one wishing guys that are senior to you lose our seniority numbers and get booted to the curb if we want to bypass. But it's all about you right??? You're what is referred to as a S.N.A.P., a sensitive, new aged pilot. I know you have to pay off your Riddle loans and you're nervous about flying with the big bad Cincy captain who yells at you for missing radio calls and tells you to remove your ipod but you'd be getting back to work sooner cause at least 10 of us getting recalled would like to bypass. And not because we don't want the job as you have expressed in your previous posts but because we have other obligations and don't want to burn bridges. But on behalf of all the recall guys, we'd like to thank you for wishing us the best. You keep your head up and your student's on the centerline and we'll see you soon SuperpilotSNAP. Oh, and fellas, Natties for all, china buffet, a replacement for Big Red, $1 beers courtesy of my man skills, bigger and better 16oz Mt. Dew, we'll pour some natty out for B and stockpiled $.25 wings. See you on the 1st Big!

SuperPilotJesse 06-04-2010 10:19 PM

Originally Posted by 4runner (Post 821886)
Seniority, longevity, whatever. The point is, you get back to work and we keep our current jobs and we come back at a later date while you're building flight time and getting a paycheck. As a matter of fact, superpilotjesse, you were the one wishing guys that are senior to you lose our seniority numbers and get booted to the curb if we want to bypass. But it's all about you right??? You're what is referred to as a S.N.A.P., a sensitive, new aged pilot. I know you have to pay off your Riddle loans and you're nervous about flying with the big bad Cincy captain who yells at you for missing radio calls and tells you to remove your ipod but you'd be getting back to work sooner cause at least 10 of us getting recalled would like to bypass. And not because we don't want the job as you have expressed in your previous posts but because we have other obligations and don't want to burn bridges. But on behalf of all the recall guys, we'd like to thank you for wishing us the best. You keep your head up and your student's on the centerline and we'll see you soon SuperpilotSNAP. Oh, and fellas, Natties for all, china buffet, a replacement for Big Red, $1 beers courtesy of my man skills, bigger and better 16oz Mt. Dew, we'll pour some natty out for B and stockpiled $.25 wings. See you on the 1st Big!

I don't want to get into an argument with you. Of course I don't want to see any pilot on the street. But you signed the contract and you knew what it said. You went and committed to something else. Not me. Don't be mad at me for your decisions.

I don't have any student loans, thanks. Didn't go to Riddle, thanks. I got my hours 135, never instructed, thanks.

Sounds like you have some anger issues about some recent life choices. Please don't be mad at me for what YOUR MEC signed you up for.

I hope that I could get along with everyone on this board... even failblazer. We'll just have to agree to disagree. Not like my opinion matters to anyone who matters.

4runner 06-05-2010 12:48 AM

Not mad at you for my decisions. Like my decisions actually. I have a good chunk o' change in my bank account and two jobs lined up for me. I'm irritated that we don't have recall rights like just about every other airline. If we had recall rights, I would bypass, you would get back to work faster and we'd all be happy. We don't have recall rights so I'm exercising my rights as an American and *****ing. However, you don't hold our collective interest in mind. You are obviously part of the ME generation. You have said on this forum that you want the older guys to quit and all of us wanting bypass rights to get fired. Nice. There's nothing wrong with looking after your own best interests, I'm doing that now as I ponder what job to hold onto. However, at no point have a wished a furlough or a termination on any pilot. You have. I want recall rights so that we as a group can benefit which in turn, benefits me and you. You want your job back at my expense because that is what benefits YOU.

captainv 06-05-2010 04:25 AM

The 200 extra hours in June are in CVG. 7-hour 1-day trips, mostly.

For the furloughs who are upset about OT, I understand. The union won't discourage it because it's allowed in the contract. But even if no one picks it up, they'll tag reserves or JM or DS lineholders. I was tagged with extra flying twice in May because every reserve systemwide was flying. But they could only tag me because my trips were so ridiculously unproductive.

Yes, they should be able to cover a couple hundred hours no problem. But this is Comair, that's not how they run things....

tjflyboy 06-05-2010 04:44 AM

Originally Posted by 4runner (Post 821886)
Oh, and fellas, Natties for all, china buffet, a replacement for Big Red, $1 beers courtesy of my man skills, bigger and better 16oz Mt. Dew, we'll pour some natty out for B and stockpiled $.25 wings. See you on the 1st Big!

Big, I have to say, natties will definitely have to be poured for B, see you on the first bro.

20kDoLlOrPilot 06-05-2010 06:13 AM

Originally Posted by 4runner (Post 821886)
I know you have to pay off your Riddle loans and you're nervous about flying with the big bad Cincy captain who yells at you for missing radio calls and tells you to remove your ipod but you'd be getting back to work sooner cause at least 10 of us getting recalled would like to bypass.

Haha....Jesse going to Riddle....that's funny!

Ohiocrjfo 06-05-2010 02:27 PM

To those thinking about getting moving days... I believe they are unpaid. Just keep that in mind.

Spoilers 06-05-2010 02:36 PM

Originally Posted by Ohiocrjfo (Post 822054)
To those thinking about getting moving days... I believe they are unpaid. Just keep that in mind.

Again, like I said before in a previous post, people need to learn THEIR contract!:rolleyes:

cessna157 06-05-2010 02:37 PM

Originally Posted by Ohiocrjfo (Post 822054)
To those thinking about getting moving days... I believe they are unpaid. Just keep that in mind.

6.E.4. - "...entitled to three consecutive additional paid days off related to the move."

Ohiocrjfo 06-05-2010 08:47 PM

Originally Posted by Spoilers (Post 822059)
Again, like I said before in a previous post, people need to learn THEIR contract!:rolleyes:

I have a life. Sorry

theaviator 06-05-2010 10:09 PM

Originally Posted by Spoilers (Post 822059)
Again, like I said before in a previous post, people need to learn THEIR contract!:rolleyes:

Is this the same contract that was written to confuse lawyers? I tried reading that once.

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