Mesa Job Fair

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Quote: my friend got hired at mesa with less than the min (290 60) and he's flying already.
No he's not. He is sitting in the right seat with his hair on fire an dirty shorts yelling holy cr@p!
The once the Ca. lands, he'll say "that was awesome dude," put his shades on and greet passengers pretending he knows just what happened.

If there's one thing I've learned about aviation, it's that 99% of the people out there are very happy to lend a hand to those that are coming from where they used to be, whether it's simply giving advice or even walking a resume, etc. in. With that said, realize that the people on this board are honestly trying to help you from making the same mistakes that they have made/friends of theirs have made. While I don't work for Mesa and never have, I can honestly say it is as bad as everyone says it is. I know it can be tempting to be able to fly a jet right out of the gate, but as a previous poster alluded to, the excitement of it all will gradually wear off and what you're left with (QOL, pay/workrules, the pi==ed off people around you) will become most important. Please think long and hard about what you are going to do when you accept a potential job offer at Mesa. If you're still soliciting advice from this board, please do your homework and hold out for any place but Mesa (throw GoJets in there too, I guess). Best of luck with everything and keep up the hard work.

Sim Dates
I have a friend who started ground school on September 20th. He is starting his simulator training today. I'll do the math for you. He sat around for five months after ground school was done. Then they called him up and said it was time to do his oral after fives months off. I'm sure the information was still fresh in his mind from five months earlier in ground school. (Sarcasm) It would be a great deal if you could get another job for five months while you wait on Mesa. When I went through they told me it would be 3-4 weeks till I got a sim date after ground school. They continued to extend it until I finally got my spot 3 months later. They left me hanging thinking I couldn't get another job because I would be starting soon.
Quote: I actually attended the Women in Aviation Conference in San Diego yesterday. While walking around talking to various regionals I did see the Mesa booth. Don't worry, I did'nt stop.
A little while later as I was continuing to walk around, I noticed that their booth was empty. I mean...nothing there. Just an interesting observation.

how much did that cost and was it worth it?
It's true...
"people on this board are honestly trying to help you " As quoted from COMAIRFO

Myself, among many others on this forum, are former Mesa Pilots and we truly feel we can help you by making evident our knowledge of how this Company treats their own. To my knowledge, I have not heard of anyone who feels Mesa is a good company regarding it's treatment of it's Pilots.

If you are determined to take a test drive with Mesa, then I can give you a few tips. Take them or leave them.

Don't commute. The contract has a commuter clause that is unusable.

Make sure you have a very understanding family. If you are young and single and "live to work" then this is a plus.

Be ready to work when you expect to be off. Jr assignments are rampid at Mesa. Releases continue to be with-held until the officer being junior assigned has called Crew Tracking. Every base and system flown have differences. I'm referring mostly to ORD.

Be ready to fight for every dollar earned. Always check your paystubs with hours awarded in bid. I had on many accounts had my bid guarantee changed after my bid was awarded. Also had trips deleted from schdule after award. In other-words, my 95 hours month award was reduced to the 70 hour min at least four times over 3 years.

Be ready to have your vacation cancelled every year. In leui of that just be smart when you call in sick to actually go on vacation.

Be ready to try and fight a company that upgrades out of seniority.
"Oh sorry, we're short on the CRJ so anyway...". I was withheld to the CRJ while junior crewmembers were awarded ERJ.

Be ready to get calls in the middle of the night at hotels during your legally required rest time on a regular basis.

I heard of guys being denied time off for life events that will floor you.

If you try and help crew tracking out, it only serves to screw you later.
Very short memories in crew tracking.

The Contract is one of the industries worst.

I could go on but I'm trying to keep the list real and constructive.

Good luck in your decision but remember, everything I have mentioned here is true and happened to many if not all of my fellow crew members at Mesa.

These things I have listed go on at other regionals, but to a much lesser degree. It's part of paying your dues, but there are so many better places to go.

Skywest is tops

You guys that continue to work at Mesa as crew members, Fly Safe and good luck. You other Mesa mgt. employees, try and be proactive in fixing these conditions.
So are you saying all the low time pilots that you have flown with sucked?
Quote: You will get hired since you have the paper and are breathing. Once hired I will get the great honor of flying with you....or I guess I should say flying by myself with you in the right seat as we shoot approaches, go missed and divert all with your thumb in your mouth..........It'll be a great time!

Nothing against you but it's the truth...250 hour pilots can't do much that's why they call it experience.... Mesa does not care, it's not safe, but your 98 degress warm...With all that being said........See ya on line!!!
So are you saying all the low time pilots you have flown with have sucked?

I've recently started huffing paint recently.

Where are you gonna be based for YV?
#11. The way you get paid: NO BLOCK OR BETTER. Only scheduled block. You get stuck in a groundstop somewhere? Ya aint gettin paid fer it.
#12. I will bet dollars to donuts we lose a contract here soon. We are already losing flying to what, Expressjet or something?

Good luck.
Ran into some mesa guys in upgrade at flight safety at CVG.... he was trying to defend the pay. "its historical block, it is not block" I said "what about those guys operating in and out of jfk with the BS that happens there so often" he said it wasnt a big deal...... the pay is fine... plus they are getting a new contract he said... haha
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