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mooney 06-11-2008 10:28 AM

Originally Posted by rickair7777 (Post 402316)
First off, there is no way he could let you in the cockpit, if that's what you were asking. Generally the captain has to follow company/FAA procedures unless there is an emergency.

Sure he could ride in the cockpit. He has CASS. Reciprocal agreements have nothing to do with that. Reciprocal simply means the pilot group has an agreement with the airline and is definitely authorized to jumpseat, not that they are the ONLY airlines that can jumpseat. Nothing in the FOM about reciprocal js, only in union material generally.

rickair7777 06-11-2008 10:37 AM

Originally Posted by mooney (Post 402336)
Sure he could ride in the cockpit. He has CASS. Reciprocal agreements have nothing to do with that. Reciprocal simply means the pilot group has an agreement with the airline and is definitely authorized to jumpseat, not that they are the ONLY airlines that can jumpseat. Nothing in the FOM about reciprocal js, only in union material generally.

You're going to get someone in a lot of trouble with this advice. The GOM/FOM is REGULATORY...that means it's just like FAR's.

I'm familiar with three airline manuals, and they all list who is authorized in the jumpseat, quite specifically. Not Listed = Not Authorized.

If you want to make your own decisions, feel free, but don't spread bad gouge that's going to get someone fired.

mooney 06-11-2008 10:53 AM

Originally Posted by rickair7777 (Post 402343)
You're going to get someone in a lot of trouble with this advice. The GOM/FOM is REGULATORY...that means it's just like FAR's.

I'm familiar with three airline manuals, and they all list who is authorized in the jumpseat, quite specifically. Not Listed = Not Authorized.

If you want to make your own decisions, feel free, but don't spread bad gouge that's going to get someone fired.

Rick I think we work at the same company, and my FOM says that he can.

it states:
" The Company requires the following of OAL flight deck jumpseaters:
1. Be an active employee of a CASS-authorized air carrer
2. Possess a valid (not expired) air carier ID badge."

In addition on the next page,
"Flight Deck Jumpseat -Eligibility
To be eligible for the flight deck jumpseat, the individual must be listed above (various company employees) or a:
1. Jumpseat-authorized employee from a TSA/FAA CASS approved airline. Pilots and Dispatchers from other CASS approved airlines (oal) can flight deck jumpseat domestically; intl OAL flight deck jumpseating is prohibited.

And Class 8 jumpseaters....per FOM...."Walk up jumpseaters for US domestic certified pilots, PFE's, and dispatchers employes by 14 CFR part 121 or 135 air carriers participating in the CASS program."

The poster met ALL these requirements, so i dont think I'll be getting anyone fired :cool: Check your facts on this one before you think i'm getting someone in trouble....

Nevets 06-11-2008 11:00 AM

Originally Posted by rickair7777 (Post 402343)
You're going to get someone in a lot of trouble with this advice. The GOM/FOM is REGULATORY...that means it's just like FAR's.

I'm familiar with three airline manuals, and they all list who is authorized in the jumpseat, quite specifically. Not Listed = Not Authorized.

If you want to make your own decisions, feel free, but don't spread bad gouge that's going to get someone fired.

Just so that everyone understands, that may be true at your airline or the three airlines you are talking about, but its not true of all airlines.

Any Amerifreighter is welcomed in my jumpseat whenever they want.;)

duvie 06-11-2008 11:02 AM

I agree with Rick. If the manual doesn't say someone can sit in the cockpit then there's no way I would let them up front. Like he said, that would be breaking an FAR and I imagine you could get your license suspended for that.

mooney 06-11-2008 11:03 AM

actually rick I'm not sure you are at my airline you have too many posts to figure out which one you are at :) and as neverts said all airlines are different.

mooney 06-11-2008 11:05 AM

I still dont see how with me posting it in black and white some people still think I'm breaking the regs...

rickair7777 06-11-2008 11:07 AM

Originally Posted by mooney (Post 402351)
Rick I think we work at the same company, and my FOM says that he can.

it states:
" The Company requires the following of OAL flight deck jumpseaters:
1. Be an active employee of a CASS-authorized air carrer
2. Possess a valid (not expired) air carier ID badge."

In addition on the next page,
"Flight Deck Jumpseat -Eligibility
To be eligible for the flight deck jumpseat, the individual must be listed above (various company employees) or a:
1. Jumpseat-authorized employee from a TSA/FAA CASS approved airline. Pilots and Dispatchers from other CASS approved airlines (oal) can flight deck jumpseat domestically; intl OAL flight deck jumpseating is prohibited.

And Class 8 jumpseaters....per FOM...."Walk up jumpseaters for US domestic certified pilots, PFE's, and dispatchers employes by 14 CFR part 121 or 135 air carriers participating in the CASS program."

The poster met ALL these requirements, so i dont think I'll be getting anyone fired :cool: Check your facts on this one before you think i'm getting someone in trouble....

I thought you were suggesting that people disregard their GOM. If the GOM says it's OK, then it is good from a reglatory point of view.

SKW company policy states that a reciprocating agreement is required, so the CA would have been violating company, if not FAA policy. It's his call in that case, but the gate agent would need to play can't board the airplane without the gate agent's approval.

My first 121 employer did have a recip with amflight. I had an amflight buddy who was going to take me for a ride on his trip once SAN-ONT-SAN), but the company would not allow it due to insurance. I'm guessing maybe SKW doesn't offer recip agreements to companies who are not permitted by their insurance to accept jumpseaters :rolleyes:

Nevets 06-11-2008 12:04 PM

Originally Posted by rickair7777 (Post 402361)
SKW company policy states that a reciprocating agreement is required, so the CA would have been violating company, if not FAA policy. It's his call in that case, but the gate agent would need to play can't board the airplane without the gate agent's approval.

My first 121 employer did have a recip with amflight. I had an amflight buddy who was going to take me for a ride on his trip once SAN-ONT-SAN), but the company would not allow it due to insurance. I'm guessing maybe SKW doesn't offer recip agreements to companies who are not permitted by their insurance to accept jumpseaters :rolleyes:

Things may have changed since I was there but there was a legal way at getting around jumpseating on AMF. Then again, if this is really an insurance company issue, all bets are off.

By the way, maybe you can ask SKW to allow jumpseaters from a non-reciprocating airline but at a lower priority. I know that a number of airlines do that.

flyerfly 06-11-2008 12:44 PM

What is the deal with Skywest weights?!?!? In 2 years and 2 companies I have never turned down a jumpseater due to w&b. Weight restrictions on PPWRK mean nothing either they are just a starting point you can always play with fuel and taxi fuel.

I understand that some gate agents wont allow more people than what is on the ppwrk but I've been turned down after passing the gate agent and introducing myself in the cockpit...

I've done some creative things to get people to/from work just because I don't want to leave them behind.

I've been denied the J/S on skywest 4 times in the approx. past 6 months. Even Mesa always tries to work the weights to get me on. I'm not saying every time I try to get on SKW it doesnt work but more SKW than PNCL, EAGLE, XJ, and MESA. Those are just the Regionals I fly on to get home.

I do enjoy the SKW crews when I do ride and they always treat me well but there are a few of your capts in ord that really could give a crap and its too bad. I know my company has it's share of jerks also.

I am curious though; why can't SKW play with its weights? We do ours on ACARS too just not the Collins software.

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