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Nevets 06-13-2008 05:31 AM

Originally Posted by Flyer2000 (Post 403398)
I guarantee you someone at your company is taking the list sent from ARINC and inputting each new code (airline). So even if your company does not have an "agreement" if your "policy" is to take all CASS carriers then they are input in the system. Not sure who you work for, but if it is a regional, you are probably "piggy backing" on your mainline carriers CASS, so it is possible that your carrier does not have an agreement with an airline, but the mainline company does......thus you see the CASS query come back approved even if you do not have an agreement. I know each carrier is required to have their own software system to operate CASS. These systems are not linked to automatically update when another carrier becomes CASS. This is why ARINC sends out a list whenever there is a change. The list I posted above was sento out because one airline had become CASS (Aviation Services Ltd dba Freedom Air (FP).

The point was that the original complaint stated that Ameriflight was CASS (they are not) and therefore this pilot should be allowed to speak with the captain.....................both statements were flawed.

You may be right. I work for XJT. Maybe there is some sort of manual input to be able to make it so its the way our union negotiated it with the company. As you know, we are a regional but also do flying under our own name and take jumpseaters from any CASS airline from gates that are not affiliated with any other mainline partner.

As for AMF, I will defer to you. If I remember, I try to go up to the gate and see if there are any jumpseaters that are being denied a courtesy meeting with me just in case there is a gate agent that is not being cooperative.

Utah 06-13-2008 08:28 AM

Years ago, pre 9/11 I believe, SkyWest did have a jumpseat agreement with AMF.

TwinTurboPilot 01-07-2009 10:49 AM

Originally Posted by Nevets (Post 403405)
You may be right. I work for XJT. Maybe there is some sort of manual input to be able to make it so its the way our union negotiated it with the company. As you know, we are a regional but also do flying under our own name and take jumpseaters from any CASS airline from gates that are not affiliated with any other mainline partner.

As for AMF, I will defer to you. If I remember, I try to go up to the gate and see if there are any jumpseaters that are being denied a courtesy meeting with me just in case there is a gate agent that is not being cooperative.

Wish you would have been the Capt when i tried to jumpseat on XJT my airline is on the CASS list, and has a jumpseat agreement with XJT but the agent couldnt find me on the list. I was able to talk to the Capt she said no as well. I had to fork out the dough for a last minuite ticket really dissapointing when there was only 20 people on the flight. Oh well though thats just the way it goes i dont take it personally nor hold the Capt at fault, she was just following protocol.

flyandive 01-07-2009 11:03 AM

Originally Posted by TwinTurboPilot (Post 532740)
Wish you would have been the Capt when i tried to jumpseat on XJT my airline is on the CASS list, and has a jumpseat agreement with XJT but the agent couldnt find me on the list. I was able to talk to the Capt she said no as well. I had to fork out the dough for a last minuite ticket really dissapointing when there was only 20 people on the flight. Oh well though thats just the way it goes i dont take it personally nor hold the Capt at fault, she was just following protocol.

Going over old posts I see.

I'll add that some airlines require CASS to produce a picture ID to allow you to jumpseat (i.e. Fedex and UPS). I'm not sure but I had heard that XJT does not put your picture in CASS.

TwinTurboPilot 01-07-2009 11:24 AM

Yea what else are you gonna do when you live in a hotel for a month at a time.

flynwmn 01-08-2009 06:34 PM

deleted p.e.

Flyer2000 01-09-2009 05:19 AM

Originally Posted by flyandive (Post 532760)
Going over old posts I see.

I'll add that some airlines require CASS to produce a picture ID to allow you to jumpseat (i.e. Fedex and UPS). I'm not sure but I had heard that XJT does not put your picture in CASS.

Pictures are a CASS requirement sent down from TSA (passport requirements have been deleted by TSA). If an airline is a CASS carrier....they have pictures available. Some stations computers cannot accommodate pictures (Delta in OAK for example), so that may be what you are seeing, but XJT, and every other CASS carrier has a picture in their respective CASS data base.

fjetter 01-09-2009 05:38 AM

Originally Posted by Flyer2000 (Post 534220)
Pictures are a CASS requirement sent down from TSA (passport requirements have been deleted by TSA). If an airline is a CASS carrier....they have pictures available. Some stations computers cannot accommodate pictures (Delta in OAK for example), so that may be what you are seeing, but XJT, and every other CASS carrier has a picture in their respective CASS data base.

Dude I didn't catch a word you said. I was too distracted by your avatar very nice!!:p

j3cub 01-10-2009 12:01 AM

How can you say AMF is NOT in CASS? Does the FAA/TSA allow pilots to sit in the cockpit who are not?

I am former AMF and have watched Southwest agents input the Ameriflight CASS code, seen my picture appear on the screen and get legal cockpit approval.

I've also seen the list that Southwest pilots have in their Jepp Sized Ops Manual that lists all airlines approved for the cabin and those specifically in CASS with recip. agreements. Ameriflight is under the CASS section there as well.

Flyer2000 01-10-2009 07:42 AM

Ameriflight is not an ARINC CASS carrier. ARINC publishes a list of CASS carriers that have signed contracts with ARINC and Ameriflight is not on that list. However, I spoke with ARINC on this, and the Director there told me Ameriflight had developed some sort of program that their POI, and TSA bought off on, thus allowing them cockpit access. I don't know if it is routed the same way or not, and I don't know the details as it is really none of my business. My understanding though is Ameriflight does have the ability to gain access to cockpit jumpseats.....I do not know if that is only with certain types of computer systems (i.e SWA has a very unique system when it comes to the software they use for gate agents for Revenue, non revenue and CASS) or if it available to all....I guess I could ask ARINC this question, but SkyWest does not have an agreement with Ameriflight so I am not that motivated to do so.

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