A word on Uniform appearance

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Quote: And asking people to 'spruce up' on a public message board will accomplish... nothing. This has nothing to do with looking pro. This is just a haven-thread for those folks that like to wear hats and blazers in 100 degree weather. Even on their drive home. It makes them feel better about doing it when a few others chime in.

Pointless douchebagery.
The point of this thread, I think, was to point out the fact that some of our group think that it is OK to look like slobs. Be it an old Cappy or new FO.

The customer sees a uniform first. Then they make a judgement of that crew member based on their appearence. They, then, transfer that judgement to the flight that they are about to take and the company that the pilot works for.

There is nothing negative that could arise by looking neat. There is alot that could happen by looking like a slob.

If you show up for a jumpseat with me looking like you just rolled out of bed after a binge, I'll send you packing even if your on your way to work.

Grow up and play the game. If you don't get it, try Burger King. It's not that hard of a game to play. (especially if you're looking for a free ride)!
Quote: I've noticed a lot of people with clip on & zip-up ties. I'm no stickler on appearance, but give me a break! You're a big boy flying a real airplane- learn how to tie a tie. And if you are too lazy, then maybe you should get a job with the post office.
I'll bet you couldn't even tell the difference if I were weaing my zipper tie or a real one. Who cares what kind of tie it is, as long as it looks normal? I guess I'm not a "big boy". Oh, wait, I fly a barbie-jet, so that's not a real airplane, so I guess I'm ok. If I ever graduate to a real airplane then I guess I'll have to start looking for work at the post office
Quote: Here is my opinion on the matter, wear your uniform! Tuck in your shirt. Try not to have huge whitehead zits on your face, brush your teeth and carry some mints, wear some deodorant and forget about what others are doing.

Here, here!

Nobody at the end of 8 legs looks spit and polished. But we can show up to work looking good, tuck in our shirts every leg, button our collar and straighten our ties.

If you think wearing a UNIFORM is beneath you, go tow banners (and yes, I have).
I'm still working my way up the pilot ladder, so I may be in above my head here, so excuse me for saying that I agree that it is important to look professional. I understand that you're not going to look your very best after that 7th leg, but please, don't just throw your arms up in despair; try and represent the profession well.

Here's something to think about- People always say that foreign airlines always treat pilots with a lot more respect than US airlines. I can say that it's pretty hard for me to spot a poorly dressed foreign crew. That goes for long and short haul- Virgin, Air Jamaica, Alitalia, Mexicana, TAP, Caribbean Airlines, Emirates...
B1900 pilots and Tprop pilots in general should be immune from the requirements of this thread, it's not the same jetway flying. I agree though if you have any dignity you should look as good as you can in uniform. My pet-peve are guys who bring their construction site approved lunch box, with them come on. Or the guys with the wrong hat size that makes em look like toddlers wearing their dads hat. Just a tip for guys who are getting into the industry, you go with the size where if you shake your head the hat doesn't move. Make sure the spiky hair is out the way though so you can get an accurate measurment...

2)If you're on the skinny side, don't have the belt so damn tight around your waist! It makes your shirt look oversized and it makes you look like starvin marvin with a job-and the girl's don't find it attractive.You may only make 19 an hour but thats no excuse for not eating,we've all been there

I'm on the skinny side. Maybe I'm one of the ones that look so skinny because some of the others look so fat...
Quote: I'm on the skinny side. Maybe I'm one of the ones that look so skinny because some of the others look so fat...
The worst i have seen was in DTW. A pilot working for some regional NWA operation. He was FAT with his shirt hanging out, his tie on the outside of the collar, morning hair and a pair of ipod earplugs hanging from his eupalettes.

1: Be proud of who you are, and treat yourself accordingly. Exercise, dress, eat well and be on time and in control.

2: Dress according to the guidelines of your employer.

3: Treat people with respect and grace.

I can't think of anything that the public (and girls) likes better than a person who has his sh**t toghether.
Yep....thats respect and grace... calling people fat...... take your own advice.

I do agree, pressed pants, pressed shirt, neatly groomed..... I will take exception with the above tie comment.... personally I think the tie is overrated, but if a guy chooses to wear either a zip or clip on... at least he is wearing one.
Quote: I've noticed a lot of people with clip on & zip-up ties. I'm no stickler on appearance, but give me a break! You're a big boy flying a real airplane- learn how to tie a tie. And if you are too lazy, then maybe you should get a job with the post office.
I wear a zip tie. It's mostly for safety as I don't want anyone or anything to be able to snag or grab it for any reason. Some police depts require ties as part of the uniform and do the same thing. It's also a reason many don't wear rings on the flight line in the military or airlines...
I always try to look sharp first thing in the morning, but after 5 legs and 12 hours of duty, I am going to look haggared.

I don't pack a travel iron for wrinkle emergencies.
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