Sick Tracking System Changes

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So many things to say, but no manifesto tonight. I'll try to come up with a sound bite.

Arm injury and GI disorder are very specific, and private.

Ad hominem ... Not.

FedEx is the Land of Special deals.
And maybe, just maybe pushing back against a threatened action by Mgt would be a good thing. Mr FC, you seem to think I should've flown, I disagree--let's see what the Feds think about me flying sick.

(or, Mr Dispatcher, you seem to think FOD of 7.1 is acceptable--I want to add another 2k so that I'm not declaring Emergency Fuel if tower sends me around if the spacing collapses)

As a Fighter Pilot-I can assure you that Arm Injuries and GI Disorders can be anything but private.
In 20+ years I was never stationed anywhere there wasn't a Squirts, or a Chunks, or similar Tacticals....
Knew one guy who dislocated his shoulder stretching just prior to take off...had to get a lift truck to get him out of the jet.

Simply say it's None of your business when Mgt calls. I will tell you that my Union told me 15 years ago that the decision was mine. And it still is.

And to another commenter, Yes if I call in well prior to actually using any SL-for all I know the system will still give me a 1. Don't know. Don't care. If nothing else, my not waiting until the last minute allows my Fellow pilots the opportunity to improve their QOL during the 7 AM chaos.

In 31 years of flying there's yet to be a time where I've been on the ground regretting a decision to not fly, but there's been a time or two when I was flying and wishing I was on the ground.
Sick note FDX
Anyone been asked for a note under the new system? I was requested for a note, provided one, but the company said it was insufficient. Called doctor back to get a more detailed note. Nurse said it may violate HIPPA laws and was looking into it. Now what?
Quote: Anyone been asked for a note under the new system? I was requested for a note, provided one, but the company said it was insufficient. Called doctor back to get a more detailed note. Nurse said it may violate HIPPA laws and was looking into it. Now what?


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Quote: Anyone been asked for a note under the new system? I was requested for a note, provided one, but the company said it was insufficient. Called doctor back to get a more detailed note. Nurse said it may violate HIPPA laws and was looking into it. Now what?
Would you mind quoting your note that was insufficient? Personal info redacted of course.
... the company said it was insufficient.

You mean a member of management with no medical training presumes to make a judgment about your fitness to fly?

Never saw that one coming.

Called contract enforcement. Left message. Who else???????????????

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Called contract enforcement. Left message. Who else???????????????

Block Rep and other 2 Local Council Reps. They work for you.

Have the doctor add a note asking if perhaps the manager should handle the sick calls tomorrow and the doctor should fly the plane? I would be very challenged to not keep sending in sarcastic yet relevant note updates until they either accept one or just give up.
Quote: Anyone been asked for a note under the new system? I was requested for a note, provided one, but the company said it was insufficient. Called doctor back to get a more detailed note. Nurse said it may violate HIPPA laws and was looking into it. Now what?
If this is the new future then it deserves a class action law suit if the union does not stand for us
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