American Eagle to hire

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Quote: I went to the training center today and found out that 2 folks were in new hire ATR class, no idea what base. they were in class with some recalls. indoc began today for them. word is next class with new hires in a mid march class
I don't think they are in a class with recalls they are just in their own class. My buddy is one of those two guys and he said its just him and another fellow no recalls.FWIW
Quote: Why are you telling people 28 pilots a month will be required?
He's doing a mathematical projection. Sounds about right too given things work out as he says.
Quote: I don't think they are in a class with recalls they are just in their own class. My buddy is one of those two guys and he said its just him and another fellow no recalls.FWIW
This makes no sense. Why are they running classes with 2 or 3 or 5 guys in them. It seems like they should just do bigger classes and get people moving. Why teach the same ground school 5 times in the next 6 months when you can do it 2 times? They're either trying to make work for the school house guys or they do not have enough guys at the school house to keep up with recurrent and new hire/recall training.
Quote: Just curious to see how many guys out there interviewed in January did not get a class date phone call but ALSO did not yet receive a rejection letter. It's sounding like there are more and more of you out there. reply with your interview date ...
Interviewed in January, no rejection letter, no class date, no email, no call.
From what I hear the initial small classes are for the ATR attrition and to take care of those openings. The bigger classes will be in May and June for the CR7 attrition and openings, or how ever things shuffle about for that fleet.
If I can offer one bit of advice. (I wished someone offered it to me 7 years ago) Come to Eagle, get some twin time, and get out ASAP. If you want a career in aviation, Eagle is not it. I am surrounded by 40 and 50 something Captains who had numerous chances to leave and did not. They are content flying an airplane they can't stand up in, for 5 legs a day for the rest of their career. Most flowthrough captains are very vocal about not leaving AE. The arbitrator stated that he does not intend to force people out of eagle against their will. I highly doubt you will see 20 pilots a month transfer to AA, they fed me that line of BS when I was hired 7 years ago, and I'm still in the right seat, with no hope of upgrade. Republic can do what we do cheaper and with the dream size aircraft. AA has every reason to tell Eagle to take a hike in 2013 when the contract is up. I have been trying to leave this seniority black hole for years now, and if I get my chance, I will not look back. After you get hired, keep looking for a way out, and when the time is right, make the move.
Quote: If I can offer one bit of advice. (I wished someone offered it to me 7 years ago) Come to Eagle, get some twin time, and get out ASAP. If you want a career in aviation, Eagle is not it. I am surrounded by 40 and 50 something Captains who had numerous chances to leave and did not. They are content flying an airplane they can't stand up in, for 5 legs a day for the rest of their career. Most flowthrough captains are very vocal about not leaving AE. The arbitrator stated that he does not intend to force people out of eagle against their will. I highly doubt you will see 20 pilots a month transfer to AA, they fed me that line of BS when I was hired 7 years ago, and I'm still in the right seat, with no hope of upgrade. Republic can do what we do cheaper and with the dream size aircraft. AA has every reason to tell Eagle to take a hike in 2013 when the contract is up. I have been trying to leave this seniority black hole for years now, and if I get my chance, I will not look back. After you get hired, keep looking for a way out, and when the time is right, make the move.
Agreed 100%... I've been here coming up on three yrs, can't wait to leave. I didn't have the time when everybody was hiring, just got up the requirments when the oil spiked and everything shut down. Now, i'm playing the waiting game, hopefully I get my chance to jump later this yr and next yr. I won't look back....
Quote: If I can offer one bit of advice. (I wished someone offered it to me 7 years ago) Come to Eagle, get some twin time, and get out ASAP. If you want a career in aviation, Eagle is not it. I am surrounded by 40 and 50 something Captains who had numerous chances to leave and did not. They are content flying an airplane they can't stand up in, for 5 legs a day for the rest of their career. Most flowthrough captains are very vocal about not leaving AE. The arbitrator stated that he does not intend to force people out of eagle against their will. I highly doubt you will see 20 pilots a month transfer to AA, they fed me that line of BS when I was hired 7 years ago, and I'm still in the right seat, with no hope of upgrade. Republic can do what we do cheaper and with the dream size aircraft. AA has every reason to tell Eagle to take a hike in 2013 when the contract is up. I have been trying to leave this seniority black hole for years now, and if I get my chance, I will not look back. After you get hired, keep looking for a way out, and when the time is right, make the move.
I'm sorry you got suckered, but all this was known 7 years ago. Proper due dilligence would have saved you a lot of pain. Eagle will be Mesa in 3-4 years and then you'll have your captains seat if you're still here. That's the good part.

The bad part is major airline berths will be few and far between and the odds are against you by a very large margin. It most likely will mean you'll get to spend the rest of your career at a company you helped make into what you wanted...........and upgrade mill.

Unfortunately, I think it will be something you end up being mad you wished for it and made it so.
Sounds about right, Eaglefly, except the Mesa part. I don't see all the doom and gloom others are predicting for Eagle. I do see more of the same. As the P2P conference call mentioned, while our cost margin is a bit higher due to a more senior employee group compared to other regionals, that margin is shrinking as more and more pilots remain at their airline for lack of other employment opportunities. While this will improve with the economy, I doubt it will ever be the career path it was pre-9/11.

The regionals are getting bigger and taking over more and more domestic flying. The legacies are shrinking back from their money-losing domestic operations by ceding them to their contract carriers and the LCCs.
Quote: I am surrounded by 40 and 50 something Captains who had numerous chances to leave and did not. They are content flying an airplane they can't stand up in, for 5 legs a day for the rest of their career.
They had the same chances you had. Why are you still here *****ing and complaining seven years later? Do you think it might be because those numerous chances weren't as easy as you want to believe? Do you think you really have it tougher than they did?

The Captains who every FO hates the most, the ones who are bitter and whine how the world is against them, all started out as First Officers who whined about how it wasn't their fault, that the world was against them. Some people never grow up. Fortunately, while those particular captains are the most memorable, they are also in the minority.
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