Mesa 4.0 what’s the latest

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Quote: Agreed, but I’m not counting on things staying this way. The majors are hiring a ton in ‘22 but things will quickly go the other way as staffing needs are met. By ‘23 I believe 1000 PIC will again be the standard. Plan for the worst but hope for the best. In this industry things change quickly. If you always make plans based on the way things are you will always be surprised when things change.
Weren't you XJT's biggest cheerleader in 2019? Get in and fly a lot, upgrade times are dropping, etc? Doesn't that sound similar to what you're selling at Mesa now?
Quote: Pretty sure you can’t be a check airman with 0 hours in the platform.
true.. but it won’t take long for him to get the necessary experience to then be a check airman.
Quote: Pretty sure you can’t be a check airman with 0 hours in the platform.
On some level you can .. airlines introduce new types and somebody has to be a check pilot. Yeah, they go to school, but presumably with enough background you can quickly become a check pilot on a new type
FO’s please do not pick any of that flying up. The company has made this mess through their own incompetence and it’s on them to fix it. Not you. The company needs to learn the consequences of its own actions.
Quote: no one is “trying” to sell Mesa. It’s an amazing product that sells itself. We don’t need advertisements.
Lol. It’s so great that everyone is leaving. I didn’t even think a company like Mesa could have such cheerleaders.
Quote: “everyone” is not leaving. Several are making lateral moves. They will regret their decision
considering I moved up like 100 spots just this month, I’d say everyone is leaving. I’m leaving as well. Please tell me I’ll regret my decision, cause you sound like a child who’s upset that no one wanted to come to your birthday party. “They’ll rue the day!!!!”
Quote: “everyone” is not leaving. Several are making lateral moves. They will regret their decision
I haven’t heard of a single person making a lateral move. I’ve heard cargo, lcc, and legacy, that’s it. Certainly no regional to regional moves at all.
Wow, that’s an ops meltdown email if I’ve ever seen one. Good, management has earned this disaster.
open duty periods at 300% tomorrow in that email.
DFW FO- 16!!!!!
I’m happy for everyone moving on. Weirdly enough it’s mostly FO’s. Me measly 3,100 TT isn’t getting any serious bites yet so put in a good word for us fellow Mesa folk.
Quote: I’m happy for everyone moving on. Weirdly enough it’s mostly FO’s. Me measly 3,100 TT isn’t getting any serious bites yet so put in a good word for us fellow Mesa folk.
Its really luck of the draw. I’m nothing special, with around the same TT, no TPIC, and I got the call. Keep plugging away.
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