Furloughs and paycuts coming

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Check your company email for an update. Just sent out from Oscar and Scott.
That email is no bueno...
Quote: That email is no bueno...

Delta’s CEO memo from Friday ended up on APC. Mind paraphrasing yours?
Quote: Delta’s CEO memo from Friday ended up on APC. Mind paraphrasing yours?

50% cut.
“if demand temporarily plummets to zero”. Insane to think about.
Quote: That email is no bueno...
Again--rigorously reexamine your assumptions here. NOTHING is off the table going forward--to include the going concern of ALL of these companies.
Quote: Delta’s CEO memo from Friday ended up on APC. Mind paraphrasing yours?
Message from Oscar Munoz and Scott Kirby
The feces is officially hitting the fan. UAL whacking 50%.

3500 new cases of the virus in Italy TODAY, alone. Almost 25,000 total cases with 1809 deaths. That's over 7%.

So, those who were telling us three weeks ago that this is just the common flu can KMA. Hold on to your jockstrap.
89pistons......you win brother this is bad. We will all make it through this but it’s not going to be a lot of fun. Let’s take care of each other out there.
"United said it decided over the weekend to cut salaries of corporate officers by 50%, have held discussions with union leadership about how to cut payroll expenses"


Just to be clear, I am NOT on board with paycuts for the pilot group...we've seen that show and I've got the t-shirt.
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