Union Cards sent to UPS Flt Qual MGRs??

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Quote: Or the higher number of IPA ex-wives who are currently spending my upgrade money by keeping their ex's working longer...
That's totally a shame. I don't believe in alimony....what a joke. The ONLY exception I can even remotely see is if the kids are not in school yet. Once they are in school all day, get your butt to work!
Quote: That's totally a shame. I don't believe in alimony....what a joke. The ONLY exception I can even remotely see is if the kids are not in school yet. Once they are in school all day, get your butt to work!
Funny how many women say the same thing until a lawyer gets ahold of them and they find themselves in divorce court. After 22 years here my take home is that of a 10 year F/O after the alimony deduction. My last check was for 1/3 of the gross amount. Just wait 'till our president has his way.
Quote: FWIW, every pilot on the seniority list (especially the ones who are about to be furloughed) better hope this thing passes. Now that the hand has been played, if the IPA loses this one there will be hell to pay for all parties involved for decades to come. Just like after the Teamsters strike in '97, UPS was punitive to it's employees for years. You could expect to be furloughed longer if this doesn't pass.
So we should hope that a bunch of brown blood managers volunteer to join our union ... I won't be holding my breath.
Quote: Back to the issue at hand. Why doesn't the IPA petition the NMB for single carrier status to include the FQS without a card vote.
It's easier this way. If this fails, you still have that option. If the card drive fails you can easily try again. If the petittion fails, you are stuck with that ruling
Quote: as a matter of fact, he does. There is government help now in paying the cobra premium
Unfortunately, Those furloughed from UPS will NOT be eligible for this assistance, since eligibility will expire on March 31, 2010:

President Obama signed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) on February 17, 2009. Under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, certain individuals who are eligible for continued health insurance coverage under the federal COBRA law, or the Massachusetts mini-COBRA law, may receive a subsidy for 65% of the costs of their health care premium. On December 19, 2009, the President signed the Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 2010 extending the "stimulus" unemployment benefits through March 31, 2010 and increasing the COBRA coverage from 9 months to fifteen months. If eligible, instead of paying 100% of the premium, you will pay only 35%, for up to fifteen months, and the organization to which you pay the premium, usually your employer, will pay the remainder of the premium -- 65% -- and offset that expense with a tax credit.
Important requirements:
  • You must have been involuntarily terminated from employment between September 1, 2008 and March 31, 2010.
  • You must be eligible for COBRA benefits – if you were terminated for gross misconduct, for example, you are ineligible for COBRA.
  • Even if you were previously eligible for COBRA benefits but you rejected those benefits, you may still be eligible for the new benefit. You have 60 days from receipt of notice from your employer to elect COBRA coverage.
  • The benefit phases out for individuals whose gross income exceeds $125,000, and for those who file joint returns if their income exceeds $250,000.
I was under the impression that the act had been extended. I checked and it was, but it looks like the 3/31 deadline held. I guess when cobra expires they can rest on the tender mercies of Senator Bunning and the health care industry
Quote: I was under the impression that the act had been extended. I checked and it was, but it looks like the 3/31 deadline held. I guess when cobra expires they can rest on the tender mercies of Senator Bunning and the health care industry
The bill for the the unemployment and the cobra was just extended for another 99 weeks this week.
Quote: The bill for the the unemployment and the cobra was just extended for another 99 weeks this week.
It looks like you have to meet that March 31 deadline for the COBRA extension
Does the furlough notice with no date count or do I have to wait for the official date from UPS? Techically with 90 day notice I have now they could just say goodbye the day I land in Anchorage once the 90 days is up and in seniority order of course?
Quote: Funny how many women say the same thing until a lawyer gets ahold of them and they find themselves in divorce court. After 22 years here my take home is that of a 10 year F/O after the alimony deduction. My last check was for 1/3 of the gross amount. Just wait 'till our president has his way.
Yeah, except I mean it. If I was married to my fiance and we got divorced, I'd be the one paying alimony.
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