Dickson and ALPA

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Quote: Capt Dickson confirmed by Senate. Excellent news. As a Democrat, it's shameful my party couldn't focus on the facts and keep politics out of the decision.

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Fantastic. Kudos to SD; I think he's a good man who's about to be working for a tough boss. More power to him.

That said, I'm always disappointed whenever I hear anyone ever admit to anyone in this profession even voting. We're (major airline pilots) supposedly smarter than that.

Voting in national elections is about as influential as calling into the midnight AM radio sports talk show to armchair quarterback the local sportsball coaches decision about last night's game (that no one will remember 3 days from now). You've neither true insight, nor influence.

Statically speaking, it's an irrational act. Your vote, beyond the local dog-catcher position, will not make a difference, ever. The reasons are legion; debating them point by point is useless. It is inherently self-evident.

Voting in state and federal elections is beyond pointless. Being passionate about any candidate is borderline lunacy.

Influence, however...funding PAC's, marshaling other voters, etc, backing the PAC with real $$$..MIGHT make a difference. But it's a very, VERY long shot.

Save your vote for what matters to you. LEC elections. Letter writing to LEC members. Backing the PAC (of whatever floats your boat). Money for the big causes, votes for the up close and personal. (LEC reps, perhaps)

(I'll just enjoy my time in "time out" now).
Quote: Fantastic. Kudos to SD; I think he's a good man who's about to be working for a tough boss. More power to him.

That said, I'm always disappointed whenever I hear anyone ever admit to anyone in this profession even voting. We're (major airline pilots) supposedly smarter than that.

Voting in national elections is about as influential as calling into the midnight AM radio sports talk show to armchair quarterback the local sportsball coaches decision about last night's game (that no one will remember 3 days from now). You've neither true insight, nor influence.

Statically speaking, it's an irrational act. Your vote, beyond the local dog-catcher position, will not make a difference, ever. The reasons are legion; debating them point by point is useless. It is inherently self-evident.

Voting in state and federal elections is beyond pointless. Being passionate about any candidate is borderline lunacy.

Influence, however...funding PAC's, marshaling other voters, etc, backing the PAC with real $$$..MIGHT make a difference. But it's a very, VERY long shot.

Save your vote for what matters to you. LEC elections. Letter writing to LEC members. Backing the PAC (of whatever floats your boat). Money for the big causes, votes for the up close and personal. (LEC reps, perhaps)

(I'll just enjoy my time in "time out" now).
Let me guess...you were still a kid in 2000?

Here's a refresher. A presidential election, ultimately decided by one state of nearly 6 million voters, with the victor winning the presidency by 537 votes. Yeah, keep believing your vote doesn't matter.

Quote: Let me guess...you were still a kid in 2000?

Here's a refresher. A presidential election, ultimately decided by one state of nearly 6 million voters, with the victor winning the presidency by 537 votes. Yeah, keep believing your vote doesn't matter.

Cant blame folks for the apathy when both choices were buffoons.
Quote: Cant blame folks for the apathy when both choices were buffoons.
That's unfortunately the norm rather than the exception.
Quote: Let me guess...you were still a kid in 2000?

Here's a refresher. A presidential election, ultimately decided by one state of nearly 6 million voters, with the victor winning the presidency by 537 votes. Yeah, keep believing your vote doesn't matter.

Well, the fla votes mattered that time, still not sure about the individual votes in the states solidly in one camp.
Quote: Well, the fla votes mattered that time, still not sure about the individual votes in the states solidly in one camp.
Every “solid camp” is made up of millions (err...thousands in some states) of individual votes. The fact that your vote alone can’t determine the will of your state’s populace doesn’t mean it’s a worthless vote.
Voting gives you the right to beyotch, moan and complain....

Not voting is a copout and you have no moral right to do the above.

Quote: Cant blame folks for the apathy when both choices were buffoons.
You have to be a complete buffoon to even want to endure the onslaught from every angle when going for that job. I wouldn't even want to work anywhere near that office, especially the Trump administration. You know Dickson is a good guy, because the media certainly looked for any angle to attack him.
That said, I'm always disappointed whenever I hear anyone ever admit to anyone in this profession even voting. We're (major airline pilots) supposedly smarter than that.

Voting in national elections is about as influential as calling into the midnight AM radio sports talk show to armchair quarterback the local sportsball coaches decision about last night's game (that no one will remember 3 days from now). You've neither true insight, nor influence.

Statically speaking, it's an irrational act. Your vote, beyond the local dog-catcher position, will not make a difference, ever. The reasons are legion; debating them point by point is useless. It is inherently self-evident.

Voting in state and federal elections is beyond pointless. Being passionate about any candidate is borderline lunacy.
People: America is the greatest democracy ever

People: Military! Stars and Stripes! yeah!

People: Our democratic system is the envy of the rest of the world

People: Patriots! July 4th! Constitutional Republic! Boo-yah!

This post: Don't vote, that's just dumb, you dummies.
Quote: People: America is the greatest democracy ever

People: Military! Stars and Stripes! yeah!

People: Our democratic system is the envy of the rest of the world

People: Patriots! July 4th! Constitutional Republic! Boo-yah!

This post: Don't vote, that's just dumb, you dummies.
People: america the beautiful! Democracy forever!

Anyone with Slight understanding of math: well ya know... ... And also...

Of course theres been a recent election where a supposedly locked down state became a battleground state and every vote was very important. So if everyone suddenly got the impression not to vote, or if the half the country that doesnt vote suddenly did... Either way smarmy mcsmarmy-pants might find himself being a bit intellectually dishonest because he wanted to be edgy.
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