Capacity Reduction / Hiring Freeze

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Quote: We all know that they have tons of money. We also know they don't like to loose money.
Nothing is stopping them from walking away and starting a new airline once everything is settled with 200+Airbus orders they have.
I would have to imagine it would be cheaper from a infrastructure standpoint to try and preserve your current investment rather than let it go chapter 7, have to buy a new airline, buy a new certificate, etc.

I’m just saying... Indigo may be flush with cash, but as of today our airline is worth about $500m if you can rationalize that with Spirit being worth $800m (market cap). AA is valued at about ~$7b. There is no way in hell you’re selling a merger/hostile takeover to AA without billions. It’s a pipe dream.
This is complete speculation but I would be surprised if f9 could not secure some of the total bailout dollar amount. That’s based on last time. I have no idea what the fact we’re not publicly traded will mean if anything? Loans at this point are for later in the recovery cycle (for f9 anyhow). IF some of the same metrics are used for determining viability that we’re used last time we have one of the strongest argument of any carrier. We have 700 plus million now with an additional 200 in some sort of negotiable savings/equity. Today it doesn’t seem as if domestic is going to shut down so if we can right size to meet whatever demand does exist as quickly as possible that will stop some bleeding. In the end it really depends on how long it takes to get to the downside of the virus curve.
Quote: This is complete speculation but I would be surprised if f9 could not secure some of the total bailout dollar amount. That’s based on last time. I have no idea what the fact we’re not publicly traded will mean if anything? Loans at this point are for later in the recovery cycle. IF some of the same metrics are used for determining viability that we’re used last time we have one of the strongest argument of any carrier. We have 700 plus million now with an additional 200 in some sort of negotiable savings/equity. Today it doesn’t seem as if domestic is going to shut down so if we can right size to meet whatever demand does exist as quickly as possible that will stop some bleeding. In the end it really depends on how long it takes to get to the downside of the virus curve.
To be honest, maybe not taking a bailout will put F9 in a competitive position depending on the terms of a bailout. Indigo Partners may have the cash to float the airline till demand comes back versus taking a bailout.
Quote: AA is valued at about ~$7b. There is no way in hell you’re selling a merger/hostile takeover to AA without billions. It’s a pipe dream.
I don't really understand what you mean by this.
Quote: To be honest, maybe not taking a bailout will put F9 in a competitive position depending on the terms of a bailout. Indigo Partners may have the cash to float the airline till demand comes back versus taking a bailout.
You could be right depending on the terms of any potential bailout and how long this drags out. Last time f9 received a grant. Normally that means free.
Quote: I don't really understand what you mean by this.
A previous comment was stated that maybe we will merge with AA.

I am saying, If Frontier is valued at $500m and AA $7b how does that provide any sort of grounds for a merger since typically mergers are by firms of equal size. If there was to be an acquisition, Indigo Partners would have to come up with billions in cash to facilitate that.
Quote: I was just researching this... kind of curious where bailout money goes... from what I read, it goes to companies whose demise would adversely affect the the infrastructure or economy of the US... probably not going to be frontier, especially since they are a privately held company... im failing to see how frontier makes it through this... what am I missing??
Think of this as an INDUSTRIES demise would adversely affect the economy. Because that’s what it is and that’s what happened last time.
Quote: A previous comment was stated that maybe we will merge with AA.

I am saying, If Frontier is valued at $500m and AA $7b how does that provide any sort of grounds for a merger since typically mergers are by firms of equal size. If there was to be an acquisition, Indigo Partners would have to come up with billions in cash to facilitate that.
Ahh, gotcha. Doubt If BF wants anything to do w AA (even though he has some tight connections there).
Definitely interesting times
Instead of speculation on who is merging who or buying what, let us get back to things that matter.

Schools across country are closing for the remainder of the year. Do we have any pilot support committee's in the union? I know we got the email saying the company isnt working with us, but are we still trying? Any updates on schedules? Etc...let's make this a place to share current info to help others. Not speculation and nonsense (yes I know it's APC).
Quote: Instead of speculation on who is merging who or buying what, let us get back to things that matter.

Schools across country are closing for the remainder of the year. Do we have any pilot support committee's in the union? I know we got the email saying the company isnt working with us, but are we still trying? Any updates on schedules? Etc...let's make this a place to share current info to help others. Not speculation and nonsense (yes I know it's APC).
First question. Yes. Check the Alpa website for that. I’ve been getting multiple emails from national regarding support committees that are available so I’m sure there on there. As far as negotiating with the company for colas, pay and sick protections I’m sure that’s still happening. IMO the company needs to offer more than current cola language because it’s just not good enough. There needs to be an mou like everyone else has been able to secure. I’m not sure the company realizes we have the leverage on this as otherwise thier paying 75 credit to everyone and canceling 35% flying. I would need 100% medical 100% dc and 50ish credit. Something similar to what amr negotiated. That’s just me. Seems like their trying to see how many takers there are for May first. Can’t blame them I guess.
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