FDX - App site opens 15 JAN - Happy New Year

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I have my FE TURBOPROP, but I need to take the 25 question add on for FE turboJet
Quote: And the most Junior F/O is about 600-700 from the bottom of the list of roughly 4500 total.. So I would think it will take a few years (3-5) for a new hire to be able to hold that seat... . Like many other people have said.. concentrate on getting on the list and go from there.

The MD-11 guys from LA could tell you more about the flying.. I'm not senior enough to comment on the schedule first hand. ... And honestly, the flying 3-5 years from now could change... so it's not that important what those guys are doing now.. I have heard to never make the system form (Type of airplanes on certain route/cities) be the primary factor in your decision.. because the company can change that as their needs dictate... It sounds trite now but bid the airplane you want to fly in the domicile you want to live near/commute to.. and take the rest as it comes.

I hope this helps.

I can't hold it and I've been here 5.5 years. But if I could hold it, I might bid it, and then you could count on it closing as a base almost immediately the next day.
Quote: After reviewing 63.35, could one pass the FEX written in 2000, remain employed continuously by 121 carriers until January 15, 2011, and still remain current for the FEX rating without having to retake the test?
You are right, the FAR does say this but alot of guys with questions on this board are missing the point on the Flight Engineer written and/or rating.

Page 3 of this this thread pretty much sums up this question but I'll summarize.... it doesn't matter. Either show up with an FE written valid w/i two years or show up with a FE turbojet rating. FedEx Standards wants you to have the written or the rating. End of discussion. It doesn't matter what the FAR's say for the purposes of processing your application. We don't look at the FAR's when we examine your application, we look to see if you've met the minimum requirements set forth by Federal Express. The requirements state a FE written with a passing score valid w/i the last 24 months or a FE Turbojet rating.

That's what you need among the other requirements. If you don't have it, the other 20,000 guys/gals are going to have it. If you drag your feet and try to quote some FAR that says you don't have to have it then you'll be behind 30,000 applicants.
It absolutely amazes me that we have people thinking in terms of "What's the minimum I can do to get by?" instead of "What's the max I can do to break out of the pack?"
Quote: It absolutely amazes me that we have people thinking in terms of "What's the minimum I can do to get by?" instead of "What's the max I can do to break out of the pack?"
I think that it is more a question of trying to move up in the world than a question of minimums. If the mins weren't good enough, then they'd be changed. That being said, however, I agree that you better have some outstanding references or phenomenal experience to get selected with only the mins in this day and age.
Quote: It absolutely amazes me that we have people thinking in terms of "What's the minimum I can do to get by?" instead of "What's the max I can do to break out of the pack?"
I think in some cases there's a little more to it than that. I understand the answer to the FE Written issue, so we don't need to rehash that. But you should consider that there are some out here who are working internationally and will be doing so until late in the month - no opportunity to get the written until late January at best.

Also, in my case I have only been able to locate two internal contacts. A few years ago I paid $150 (I think it was) for the privilege of even applying to FedEx, only to have said application go nowhere because I only had two contacts. If I actually have a shot, I wouldn't be opposed to laying out the cash to re-take the FEX written - but if it's going to be the same deal as before why even bother?

Don't get so wrapped up in yourselves - there's no doubt it's a great place to work and I think most people are looking to put their best foot forward, but given the short notice on the window it's a little hard to do in some circumstances.
Good grief, this whole FE written thing has gotten way too deep, probably because it's something fresh for the board ravens to muse over. Bottom line is that the FAR thing is correct and works/worked for pretty much every other airline on the planet, but FedEx's POI for some reason is hung up on the written being within in two years for the company to certify people as F/E's. Anybody who's worked at an airline for any length of time can probably tell a story or two about POI's and the fiefdom's they create. Hey I'm pretty sure we're the only U.S. airline at least that has type ratings that are airline specific. Personally I don't think Standards or anyone else is nearly as deep about this F/E written thing as some of the posters here, they just know that duck has to line up to legally train per their POI so that's why it's written that way. I understand where the questions are coming from with a sudden deadline on what appears to be a relatively short window opening time as I've been there before applying to various airlines over the years. Depending on what you're doing in this industry, 30 days isn't nearly as long as of a time as it might seem, even for the diligent. Good luck to all the applicants!
Quote: I think in some cases there's a little more to it than that. I understand the answer to the FE Written issue, so we don't need to rehash that. But you should consider that there are some out here who are working internationally and will be doing so until late in the month - no opportunity to get the written until late January at best.

Don't get so wrapped up in yourselves - there's no doubt it's a great place to work and I think most people are looking to put their best foot forward, but given the short notice on the window it's a little hard to do in some circumstances.
A true story, different company, same requirement. Exactly what you are talking about ...

I applied at UPS with a valid FEX written by regulation. Actually I think 4 of them. The most recent was beyond the UPS requirement of less than 2 years old.

When called for an interview I was completely honest about my FEX written. The HR guy was understanding and asked me to call back when I had a current FEX. I promised to call on Monday, it was only Thursday at the time. Studied the weekend away and had a new result on Monday morning.

Interview scheduled in less than 2 weeks from 1st contact.

I guess the point, is to be honest to yourself and to any FedEx contacts !!!

the CC

Oh yeah, never did need that FEX written ... anyone want an old out of date result ? I think I have 5 of them now !

To the suggestion that the app window opening was a surprise, it has been said on this site for the last six months that hiring was more than likely going to happen. To say this was sprang upon those wanting to get on with fedex with short notice are a bit short sighted and haven't been doing their homework. Realistically, the first few hundred external hires are more than likely going to be those who are pretty well connected and have been getting constant updates from current fedex pilots, thus will probably have the FEX already taken care of. So, one could say when it comes down to it, it is not going to matter for those who are not within the two year time frame right now.

In other words, unless O changes the process dramatically, it is unlikely that those outside the loop will be here in 2011.
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