Alpha Flying

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Quote: Any idea how many FO candidates apply vs. get hired?
Why do they need a FO in a PC-12?
Quote: Why do they need a FO in a PC-12?
Part of the ops specs...
for you alpha flyers out there... what are the overnight schedule like? sure its a 7/7 schedule, but how many of those 7 are you away from home?

and for your days off, (other guys with similar schedules feel free to chime in), do you guys get another job? just bum around? go on vacations? what is all that off time useful for?
Quote: for you alpha flyers out there... what are the overnight schedule like? sure its a 7/7 schedule, but how many of those 7 are you away from home?

and for your days off, (other guys with similar schedules feel free to chime in), do you guys get another job? just bum around? go on vacations? what is all that off time useful for?
I can't imagine what two sets of 7 days off a month wouldn't be useful for! I for one would work part time in a non-flying position for extra cash and spend the rest of the time just plain not working.

Unfortunately, just got an email of my own from recruiting saying hiring has slowed for the summer months. Blah.. Back to the waiting game!
Quote: I can't imagine what two sets of 7 days off a month wouldn't be useful for! I for one would work part time in a non-flying position for extra cash and spend the rest of the time just plain not working.

Unfortunately, just got an email of my own from recruiting saying hiring has slowed for the summer months. Blah.. Back to the waiting game!
yeah I definatly feel ya.. I have wanted Alpha so bad for awhile now but didnt' have the mins. Now I have the mins and they are no longer hiring

and now I'm freakin out even more with all the airline furloughs.... all the higher time guys off furlough are gonna take up the lower time guy jobs... and even those jobs are getting fewer and further between with the oil prices shooting up. i've been debating lately to stop while i'm ahead with the flying game and get out before I get in over my head and not be able to find a job.
When do the Grobs start to arrive? How many Grobs will be on the line by the end of 08?
Just an update about hiring at AF:

I called the Human Resources number last week and was politely informed that they are not currently hiring. Although she couldn't be certain, she said they might start hiring in 3-4 months.

I'd like to hear from current AF pilots, how are things? Grob's still on schedule for early 09? Are there a lot of furloughed 121 guys knocking on the door? Will a 1500 TT, 60 MEL, 600 SE turbine guy be competitive this winter?

btw, I say it "grobe", with the O from "doh!!"
Those times would've gotten you and SIC slot a few months back. We'll just have to wait and see.
Quote: btw, I say it "grobe", with the O from "doh!!"
I'll roll with that, thanks
I'll do my best to answer some of the questions.

Alpha is currently not hiring and last I heard will not be hiring anytime in the near future. My guess would be next fall, but just a guess.

We just expanded our territory into Texas and Oklahoma and I would guess that when we do start hiring again, they will want to get some more crews in Atlanta.

The Grob - I have no clue. Grob filed for full insolvency a couple weeks ago and as far as whats gonna happen with them and our jets, your guess is as good as mine.

7/7 - expect to be gone all 7 days. I guess the PSM guys do get some day trips mixed in, but us PDK guys are typically called out for the majority of the 7 days.
On days off, a lot of people have part time flying jobs. I personally have not been able to find anything that would work with my schedule, so I get a lot of work done around the house and get to sleep in quite a bit.
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